Commericials you love to hate


Senior Member
May 9, 2004
Post your least favorite commercials here!

I picked this up from another thread....

Said1 said:
How about "zoom, zoom, zoom"? :(
You mean the one with the kid who whispers "Zoom Zoom"?

That kid drives me nuts! I wish he'd find a nice milk carton to put his face on.

There was a commercial that ran for a local car dealership (located in beautiful downtown Owego) that had a jingle

"Gotta go! Gotta Go! To O-we-go"

Not only was the jingle bad, but they picked someone who sang like he was totally deaf.

Other commercials that I hate.... --- the guy that started it looks like Mr Roger's evil twin. You know, the one with the Cheshire cat grin who looks like he just stole your credit card information? He's just creepy. He probably was an undertaker at one time or served time in prison for stealing women's underwear.

Hair restoration commercials - they pick the nerdiest looking guys to do those (or maybe it's a side effect of hair restoration?) and how many women REALLY have a hair fetish?

Any commercial with that Oxy-clean guy, Billy Mays. His voice can break glass and has probably caused many a dog to take cover under the nearest bed.

Commercials for "E.D." medication --- you know, the ones with the guys whose so-called "wives" can't wait to get into their pants? The truth is each of those guys' wives look like Medusa and the women they're with are actually their daughters' best friends. Those commercials are enough to make anyone consider taking an oath of celibacy
That weird little buff dude with long hair on that swinging ski machine thingy

He yells at the end- You can do iiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt...
Speaking of Gotta go.

The one for bladder control.

Gotta go gotta go, gotta go right now.....:puke:
Stephanie said:
That weird little buff dude with long hair on that swinging ski machine thingy

He yells at the end- You can do iiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt...
Wasn't he on a Geico commercial, too?
Oh!!! What about that commercial where the guy kisses his wife as he leaves the house to go to work, then parachutes off a cliff?

Is that lame, or what?

Do they get their mail courtesy of the 1st Airborne Division?

or the other, equally lame one, one where the girl changes in the elevator then meets her girlfriend in a Jeep Cherokee and says "Let's go!".

Where? I can't decide! Are they off to rescue hostages or simply going to the movies?
I'm not sure if it's a bank or credit card commercial, but the jingle goes "hands in my pocket, hands in my pocket, hands in my pocket". My daughter sings it constantly.

And the hair dye commercial where actresses such as Eva Longoria and Heather Locklear make that rediculous (as in deserving of ridicule) comment at the end "because I'm worth it". As if they USE THAT PRODUCT. Yeah, then right after they wash and condition with Panten ProV. :talk2:


Do you mean the Viagra commercial where men and women are dancing and the song "good morning, good morining" is playing in the background?
Any commercial that shows some actor/actress asking for "just 25 cents a day" to feed the starving children of Lower Slobovia.

Any commercial about ED, constipation, bladder control (or lack thereof), feminine hygiene (not talking about hair care know what I mean) or any other bodily function normally done in the bathroom, in the outhouse or behind a tree.

Just about any political add from either side.
What I really hate are the commercials showing the at least halfway hot chick running around in some sort of active lifestyle, and just as you're starting to think, "Hey, she's kinda hot," she says something like " when I found out I had genital herpes..." ICK!!! Then, of course, it basically markets how you can go ahead and have sex, even though you have an STD, and ends by showing her hugging her boyfriend. Way to go, slick. You nailed a skank with herpes.

And I really hate drug commercials where they don't tell you what the drug does.
There are really only a few commercials that I can't stand to the point I will mute or change the channel when I see them.

#1 is that phone commercial where some ugly blonde chick is complaining about some guy putting her cell number into his phone after she gives him her number at a bar. Acting like her number is sacred or some shit. Its like what the fuck do you expect someone to do with a phone number, keep it written on a napkin? Why wouldn't you put someone's number into your cell phone? Its like do you want the guy to have your number and call you or not you dumb bimbo! I've never heard of any rule that its rude to put people's numbers directly into your cell before, in fact I've had girls take my phone and put it in there for me. Its by far the most retarded commercial I've ever seen and whats worse is they play it over and over during the freakin NBA playoffs.

Other than that the only other commercials I don't like are TNT ones like "The Closer". They keep playing them over and over during NBA games and it annoys the hell out of me. NO, I do NOT want to watch the stupid show, playing the commercial 100 times isn't going to change my mind!

Hobbit said:
What I really hate are the commercials showing the at least halfway hot chick running around in some sort of active lifestyle, and just as you're starting to think, "Hey, she's kinda hot," she says something like " when I found out I had genital herpes..." ICK!!! Then, of course, it basically markets how you can go ahead and have sex, even though you have an STD, and ends by showing her hugging her boyfriend. Way to go, slick. You nailed a skank with herpes.

And I really hate drug commercials where they don't tell you what the drug does.

I just saw a commercial last night that made me sick. It was a bunch of people saying how they can live with genital herpes. It gave some general information like it can be transmitted when there are no signs of it. Then they turn around and push this drug and the have people saying now they feel better about "reducing their chances of spreading it"! They don't even tell you if you have a disease you should let your partner know about it. The whole jist of it was you can hide your disease and freely have sex with other people without them ever knowing you have a disease. It was so fucking sick I couldn't believe they are advertising this garbage.
Said1 said:
Do you mean the Viagra commercial where men and women are dancing and the song "good morning, good morining" is playing in the background?

just about any one of them will do... and what's with the couple in the his and hers bathtubs overlooking Los Angeles? Is that supposed to be some kind of subliminal, sexual, psychological thing? Like... next time, go to a hotel that has running water! We don't wanna see your naked buttocks on the screen!
theHawk said:
I just saw a commercial last night that made me sick. It was a bunch of people saying how they can live with genital herpes. It gave some general information like it can be transmitted when there are no signs of it. Then they turn around and push this drug and the have people saying now they feel better about "reducing their chances of spreading it"! They don't even tell you if you have a disease you should let your partner know about it. The whole jist of it was you can hide your disease and freely have sex with other people without them ever knowing you have a disease. It was so fucking sick I couldn't believe they are advertising this garbage.

I know... like next time don't sleep with half of the people in the phone book before you're 18 and maybe you won't have the rest of your life all f---ed up...
Hobbit said:
What I really hate are the commercials showing the at least halfway hot chick running around in some sort of active lifestyle, and just as you're starting to think, "Hey, she's kinda hot," she says something like " when I found out I had genital herpes..." ICK!!! Then, of course, it basically markets how you can go ahead and have sex, even though you have an STD, and ends by showing her hugging her boyfriend. Way to go, slick. You nailed a skank with herpes.

And I really hate drug commercials where they don't tell you what the drug does.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Hobbit again.

Hobbit said:
What I really hate are the commercials showing the at least halfway hot chick running around in some sort of active lifestyle, and just as you're starting to think, "Hey, she's kinda hot," she says something like " when I found out I had genital herpes..." ICK!!! Then, of course, it basically markets how you can go ahead and have sex, even though you have an STD, and ends by showing her hugging her boyfriend. Way to go, slick. You nailed a skank with herpes.

And I really hate drug commercials where they don't tell you what the drug does.
what the commercials SHOULD say is this is what you get when you sleep around and don't believe in abstinence before marriage.
I hate the Viagra know, the guy with the stupid grin and the wife with the even stupider "knowing" grin...and all the double entendres.

They seem like they were written by a bunch of snickering teenagers.

Just sayin'....
As for the e.d. commercials:

Does anyone really want to take adjoining baths on a cliff?

Doesn't the water get cold?

Why use separate tubs if you are so hot for each other?

Do the neigbors really want to see you both washing your privates?
the commercial i love to hate is one they just brought back after something like 15 years. Its a Subway commercial with a chick in a late 80's/early 90's style black dress and hairdo singing:
"I don't want no burger
I say down with the clown today
I want a fresh delicious sandwich like
The submarines that they serve at Subway"

this commercial was originally aired sometime in the 90's, likely earlier 90's.

the song gets stuck in my head when i hear it and drives me nuts all day.
Two “groups” of commercials I really hate.

Any Auto dealership commercial screaming at you (they always seem to be American car dealerships that are gonna give me the deal of a life time, yeah right!).

Any feminine hygiene commercial (I know yer fresh as a daisy, and stay free etc, I don't need to hear it on TV). I REALLY hate this group the most!

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