Commentary: After assault by inaugural protesters, a call to redefine nation's character


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
These are Gold Star families.

I have a deep love for my country. I also have a profound respect for our civic duties, including public service, voting, and peaceful demonstration. I appreciate all of those who left their warm houses this weekend to voice their opinion either celebrating our new president or peacefully voicing their dissent.

But what happened to me and one of my best friends and co-worker, Amy Looney, under the false notion of "protesting" showed an ugly side of America that needs to be known.

On Friday, Amy and I were assaulted by angry "protesters" outside the Renaissance Washington DC Hotel, where the American Legion hosted a tribute to Medal of Honor recipients at their Veterans Inaugural Ball. We were pushed by a man in a mask hiding his face. Our clothes were drawn on with permanent marker by other "protesters." And we were called the most vile names I have ever heard as we entered and exited the venue.

What the individuals who assaulted us did not know is that I am the sister of Marine First Lt. Travis Manion, and Amy is the wife of Navy SEAL Lt. Brendan Looney, who gave their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan. Travis was killed in 2007, and Brendan in 2010.

We understand more than most how fortunate we are to live in a country where we can demonstrate and share our different beliefs. But my question for those who chose to take this route Friday is this: Are you truly accomplishing anything by inciting hate?
Commentary: After assault by inaugural protesters, a call to redefine nation's character
Trump has shown as much respect for Gold Star families as he has for POWs. Why did you spit on Gold Star families and POWs on November 8th?
Redefine the nation's character? Sounds “transformational”. Just remember, every time you saw Obama and Don together? The guy with a slew of kids from three different baby momma’s was the white guy.

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