Columbine Killer's Mother Sue Klebold on Relationship with Her Son, Warning Signs She Missed


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
On April 20, 1999, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris walked into Columbine High School, carrying weapons and homemade bombs, and began slaughtering their classmates. They killed 12 of their fellow students and a teacher, and wounded 24 more people before turning the guns on themselves.

The Columbine massacre not only shocked the community of Littleton, Colorado, but stunned the nation and forever changed how school administrations and law enforcement handle school shootings.

Sue Klebold, Dylan Klebold's mother, believed that like many parents, she was sure she would have known if something were wrong with her son -- but all that changed after the tragedy.

“Before Columbine happened, I would have been one of those parents,” Klebold told Diane Sawyer in an exclusive interview for a special edition of "20/20." “I think we like to believe that our love and our understanding is protective, and that ‘if anything were wrong with my kids, I would know,’ but I didn’t know, and I wasn’t able to stop him from hurting other people. I wasn’t able to stop his hurting himself and it’s very hard to live with that.”
On April 20, 1999, Klebold was working at an office where she helped disabled college students when she received a call from her husband Tom, a geophysicist who worked from home. He had called to say there was an emergency.

“His voice sounded horrible, jagged and breathless… ‘something terrible is going on at the school,’” Klebold said.

Her husband told her two killers wearing trench coats were shooting students at Columbine High School, and that one of Dylan’s friends had called because he was worried that Dylan might be involved.

"You always think somebody's making a mistake," Klebold said. “My first thought was Dylan may be in danger, you know, ‘who are these people that are hurting people?’”

She raced home, and after she got there, she learned her son was believed to be one of the shooters.
Columbine Killer's Mother Reflects on Her Son, What She Missed

The only thing worse than your child dying at the hands of someone else is your child killing. I think that both scenarios are horrific but coming to grips with your child as a killer is an added dimension.
No monitoring of his friends? How did he get access to guns? Where did he acquire the money to buy ammo? Never looked at his internet history? I call BS
What a horrible life her son signed her up for
No monitoring of his friends? How did he get access to guns? Where did he acquire the money to buy ammo? Never looked at his internet history? I call BS

I would have to read the book to see if any of that is in there. I doubt she even considered looking for that before hand. She does admit that her perception was radically different from what was occurring at the time.
"Klebold was working at an office where she helped disabled college students ..."

and the mother whale abandons her calf to the sharks.

As if they did this because of mtv. How badly must one be bullied to get to the point these two did?
We were pretty active with our three. Lots of planed activities and sports along with academics where we maintained regular contact with staff and teachers.
"Why Sue Klebold Said They Spoke to a Lawyer the Day Columbine Happened

The Klebolds were hit with intense public scrutiny and suspicion after Columbine. One of the things people wondered was why Klebold’s husband called a lawyer when the shooting happened, but she said there was a reason for that."

Because Judge Dread is just a comic book.
What a horrible life her son signed her up for
Could be the other way round.
There is zero proof that either parents instilled this hate in their kids

Actually, there is evidence to the contrary
We'll never know, but her public distancing of him and blaming him shows her character. As if she didn't know he was being bullied at school.


As always, you are free to blame the parents

They were not alcoholics, not NAZIs, didn't beat their kids

Beyond's all.......You should have known
What a horrible life her son signed her up for
Could be the other way round.
There is zero proof that either parents instilled this hate in their kids

Actually, there is evidence to the contrary
We'll never know, but her public distancing of him and blaming him shows her character. As if she didn't know he was being bullied at school.

She may not have. When your kids get to an age they may not want their parents to intervene because of the belief it will make things worse. Secondly, there was no real acknowledgement of bullying being considered a "real" issue at the time.
Help your kids develop self esteem and respect, bullies run from that. Not manufactured participation trophies or social promotion or whatever.
What a horrible life her son signed her up for
Could be the other way round.
There is zero proof that either parents instilled this hate in their kids

Actually, there is evidence to the contrary
We'll never know, but her public distancing of him and blaming him shows her character. As if she didn't know he was being bullied at school.


As always, you are free to blame the parents

They were not alcoholics, not NAZIs, didn't beat their kids

Beyond's all.......You should have known

Yep. And this really was the first major event. It was a starting point so to speak. So, it's not like there was a plethora of information out there to use as a handy guide for parents.
It had to be incredibly hard for her to go to that place, and to do so in order to hopefully prevent another kid from taking that path is commendable, in my book. Thanks for the post, Disir.

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