"Collusion" (Trump Aide Makes Repeated Russian Contacts, Explicitly Endorsed!)

Why did Trump send his coffee boy, who did nothing on the campaign, to meet with the Russians?

Kishner busy?

Who says Trump "sent him" to meet with the Russians?
they don't shit unless trumps says so
Trump didn't no such thing, in other words.
Trump is so vain he probably thinks this country is about him
We know it isn't about you, retard.
Tactic for the trump defense today, Nov. 2, trivialize the already exposed evidence mounting evidence of collusion and criminal behavior of the members of trump's staff and associates. A guilty plea to lying to Federal Agents will be noted as no more serious than a parking ticket. Top aides laundering money and lying about Russian connections will be displayed as nothing more than janitors getting minor citations.

The janitor at a Trump campaign office calls his aunt in Minsk.

Oh no! It's collusion with Russians!!!
Tactic for the trump defense today, Nov. 2, trivialize the already exposed evidence mounting evidence of collusion and criminal behavior of the members of trump's staff and associates. A guilty plea to lying to Federal Agents will be noted as no more serious than a parking ticket. Top aides laundering money and lying about Russian connections will be displayed as nothing more than janitors getting minor citations.

The janitor at a Trump campaign office calls his aunt in Minsk.

Oh no! It's collusion with Russians!!!
Minsk is not in Russia.
It was reported that Trump had a 3% chance of winning the election also, considering the accuracy of many reports, I'll wait for concrete facts.
No less a Right-wing authority than the DailyCaller reports it!!!

Trump Adviser Proposed Meeting With Russians During Campaign, But Was Shot Down By Sessions

Two attendees at the meeting say that George Papadopoulos, a 30-something-year-old energy consultant, offered up the idea. But as with a half-dozen email inquires Papadopoulos sent to campaign officials pressing the same issue, the idea was rebuffed.

One attendee told TheDC that, as they recalled, then-Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the chairman of the campaign’s national security advisory council, quashed Papadopoulos’ suggestion. A second attendee confirmed that it was Sessions who shut down Papadopoulos

The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government
Now suddenly the Washington Post is more accurate than the Daily Caller to the Right!!!

Again from the Right-wing bastion of honesty, the Daily Caller:
The Trump campaign adviser who was revealed this week to have made numerous email requests seeking meetings between campaign and Russian government officials broached a similar idea in a March 31, 2016, meeting between Trump and his newly-formed foreign policy advisory team, The Daily Caller is told.
It was reported that Trump had a 3% chance of winning the election also, considering the accuracy of many reports, I'll wait for concrete facts.
No less a Right-wing authority than the DailyCaller reports it!!!

Trump Adviser Proposed Meeting With Russians During Campaign, But Was Shot Down By Sessions

Two attendees at the meeting say that George Papadopoulos, a 30-something-year-old energy consultant, offered up the idea. But as with a half-dozen email inquires Papadopoulos sent to campaign officials pressing the same issue, the idea was rebuffed.

One attendee told TheDC that, as they recalled, then-Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the chairman of the campaign’s national security advisory council, quashed Papadopoulos’ suggestion. A second attendee confirmed that it was Sessions who shut down Papadopoulos

The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government
Now suddenly the Washington Post is more accurate than the Daily Caller to the Right!!!

Again from the Right-wing bastion of honesty, the Daily Caller:
The Trump campaign adviser who was revealed this week to have made numerous email requests seeking meetings between campaign and Russian government officials broached a similar idea in a March 31, 2016, meeting between Trump and his newly-formed foreign policy advisory team, The Daily Caller is told.

Nice deflection, you got any answers to my questions?

BTW some professor in London is not a Russian official.
Putin's niece is quite Russian!
If indeed it was Putin's niece, what is her official capacity in the Russian government?
She is officially Putin's niece.

She represented herself as such, the greek didn't really believe her from what I've read. Even if she was, that doesn't make her a government official.

Tactic for the trump defense today, Nov. 2, trivialize the already exposed evidence mounting evidence of collusion and criminal behavior of the members of trump's staff and associates. A guilty plea to lying to Federal Agents will be noted as no more serious than a parking ticket. Top aides laundering money and lying about Russian connections will be displayed as nothing more than janitors getting minor citations.

The janitor at a Trump campaign office calls his aunt in Minsk.

Oh no! It's collusion with Russians!!!
Minsk is not in Russia.
I knew some anal retentive asshole snowflake would make an issue of that.
It was reported that Trump had a 3% chance of winning the election also, considering the accuracy of many reports, I'll wait for concrete facts.
No less a Right-wing authority than the DailyCaller reports it!!!

Trump Adviser Proposed Meeting With Russians During Campaign, But Was Shot Down By Sessions

Two attendees at the meeting say that George Papadopoulos, a 30-something-year-old energy consultant, offered up the idea. But as with a half-dozen email inquires Papadopoulos sent to campaign officials pressing the same issue, the idea was rebuffed.

One attendee told TheDC that, as they recalled, then-Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the chairman of the campaign’s national security advisory council, quashed Papadopoulos’ suggestion. A second attendee confirmed that it was Sessions who shut down Papadopoulos

The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government
Now suddenly the Washington Post is more accurate than the Daily Caller to the Right!!!

Again from the Right-wing bastion of honesty, the Daily Caller:
The Trump campaign adviser who was revealed this week to have made numerous email requests seeking meetings between campaign and Russian government officials broached a similar idea in a March 31, 2016, meeting between Trump and his newly-formed foreign policy advisory team, The Daily Caller is told.

When you find a meeting that someone in the Trump campaign actually attended, please let us know.
It was reported that Trump had a 3% chance of winning the election also, considering the accuracy of many reports, I'll wait for concrete facts.
No less a Right-wing authority than the DailyCaller reports it!!!

Trump Adviser Proposed Meeting With Russians During Campaign, But Was Shot Down By Sessions

Two attendees at the meeting say that George Papadopoulos, a 30-something-year-old energy consultant, offered up the idea. But as with a half-dozen email inquires Papadopoulos sent to campaign officials pressing the same issue, the idea was rebuffed.

One attendee told TheDC that, as they recalled, then-Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the chairman of the campaign’s national security advisory council, quashed Papadopoulos’ suggestion. A second attendee confirmed that it was Sessions who shut down Papadopoulos

The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government
Now suddenly the Washington Post is more accurate than the Daily Caller to the Right!!!

Again from the Right-wing bastion of honesty, the Daily Caller:
The Trump campaign adviser who was revealed this week to have made numerous email requests seeking meetings between campaign and Russian government officials broached a similar idea in a March 31, 2016, meeting between Trump and his newly-formed foreign policy advisory team, The Daily Caller is told.

Nice deflection, you got any answers to my questions?

Reread the highlighted part.
Tactic for the trump defense today, Nov. 2, trivialize the already exposed evidence mounting evidence of collusion and criminal behavior of the members of trump's staff and associates. A guilty plea to lying to Federal Agents will be noted as no more serious than a parking ticket. Top aides laundering money and lying about Russian connections will be displayed as nothing more than janitors getting minor citations.

The janitor at a Trump campaign office calls his aunt in Minsk.

Oh no! It's collusion with Russians!!!
Minsk is not in Russia.
I knew some anal retentive asshole snowflake would make an issue of that.
Folks in the trump cult don't care about facts. They just do like you and make up stuff to fit their agenda.
When you find a meeting that someone in the Trump campaign actually attended, please let us know.
Will this do?

Tactic for the trump defense today, Nov. 2, trivialize the already exposed evidence mounting evidence of collusion and criminal behavior of the members of trump's staff and associates. A guilty plea to lying to Federal Agents will be noted as no more serious than a parking ticket. Top aides laundering money and lying about Russian connections will be displayed as nothing more than janitors getting minor citations.

The janitor at a Trump campaign office calls his aunt in Minsk.

Oh no! It's collusion with Russians!!!
Minsk is not in Russia.
I knew some anal retentive asshole snowflake would make an issue of that.
Folks in the trump cult don't care about facts. They just do like you and make up stuff to fit their agenda.
Yeah, none of us care about unimportant facts like whether Minsk is in Russia or some coffee buy was constantly trying to get Trump's attention.

Notice that your poster says "National Security Meeting." That has to be the biggest snowflake lie I've seen in months.
Notice that your poster says "National Security Meeting." That has to be the biggest snowflake lie I've seen in months.
The "lie" comes directly from DoTard Trump, so thank you for admitting that Tramp is the biggest snowflake and biggest liar you've seen!!! :rofl::lmao:
It was reported that Trump had a 3% chance of winning the election also, considering the accuracy of many reports, I'll wait for concrete facts.
No less a Right-wing authority than the DailyCaller reports it!!!

Trump Adviser Proposed Meeting With Russians During Campaign, But Was Shot Down By Sessions

Two attendees at the meeting say that George Papadopoulos, a 30-something-year-old energy consultant, offered up the idea. But as with a half-dozen email inquires Papadopoulos sent to campaign officials pressing the same issue, the idea was rebuffed.

One attendee told TheDC that, as they recalled, then-Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the chairman of the campaign’s national security advisory council, quashed Papadopoulos’ suggestion. A second attendee confirmed that it was Sessions who shut down Papadopoulos

The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government
Now suddenly the Washington Post is more accurate than the Daily Caller to the Right!!!

Again from the Right-wing bastion of honesty, the Daily Caller:
The Trump campaign adviser who was revealed this week to have made numerous email requests seeking meetings between campaign and Russian government officials broached a similar idea in a March 31, 2016, meeting between Trump and his newly-formed foreign policy advisory team, The Daily Caller is told.

Nice deflection, you got any answers to my questions?

Reread the highlighted part.

OK, let's try this again. These were my questions, your highlighted portions don't address them. I guess you have a reading comprehension problem so read them again, REAL SLOW. I put the questions in bold to help you out.

The details they are leaving out are glaring. The greek proposed a meeting, Sessions said no, where does it say Sessions was aware of the meeting the greek had with the professor? According to this link he didn't reveal a possible connection to facilitate a meeting until April. That would be after Sessions shot him down the first time, have you got anything that shows Sessions was aware of the greeks meeting with the professor after 31 March?

Analysis | Timeline: How a Trump adviser tried to work with the Russian government

You accused Sessions of perjury with out proving what he knew and when he knew it. Are you making assumptions and just pulling the stuff out of your butt?

All attempts to make Russian meetings happen were REJECTED - already reported today.... Next....
The only thing we know is that the trump team CLAIMS they were rejected.

We know they were not
you do? how? Mueller I thought hasn't released any documents. how the fk did you get privilege to see it? Also, I didn't know you were part of the investigation. what role do you play?
A volunteer is an employee, even in the Federal Labor Fair Standards rules. So the directed employee--clearly with approvals from the Entire Campaign, (top to bottom, for example--including at Trump-directed meetings), lied about Russian meetings. Now he has been reporting ever since.

Talk about canaries and tweets!

This sucker sings!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Jesus loves this, all must know, Like the Deuteronomy show. No more interest allowed in the land, except to screw the goyim brands (Deut. 23:19-20)! Wait until the Alt Right finds out about what Jesus believed in!)
The only thing we know is that the trump team CLAIMS they were rejected. We know they were not
Please, share with us your evidence that 'Coffee Boy' was NOT rejected...along with your evidence of Trump collusion.

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