Collusion by the Press, Not President Trump


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
“The irony, of course, is that while purporting to worry about Russian interference in American politics, by advancing this story the press was actually doing Putin’s work, sowing division and confusion through the American polity. As former Clinton pollster Mark Penn tweeted, we wasted two years, thirty million dollars, and a lot of institutional credibility at the FBI and Department of Justice over ‘a false story of Russia collusion based on oppo research that was always unsubstantiated and preposterous.’ . . . We may someday need a press we can trust. But I hope not, because we certainly don’t have one.”

Mueller report: Collusion by the news media, not Donald Trump, but don't expect apologies

And from the media and Democrats response to the findings of the Mueller investigation, they are very happy to continue to work for Putin.
I've been saying this all along, but even if you assume the WORST, to wit,
  • The Russians hacked the DNC servers,
  • Someone high in the Trump campaign knew about it,
  • The Russians gave the purloined electrons to WikiLeaks,
  • Someone high in the Trump campaign coordinated the release of the emails with WikiLeaks, at times intended to be most detrimental to HRC's campaign,...
So what? The emails were not doctored or misrepresented. Only political junkies paid attention. The only people even arguably influenced by those emails were Bernie supporters who MIGHT HAVE stayed home on Election Day, thus slightly harming HRC's chances.

The MORE DAMAGING information to HRC was not the content of the emails, but the FACT of her neurotic need for secrecy, to the point of breaking the law to maintain it, presumably so that her communications would never be subject to FOIA disclosures. THAT had nothing to do with Trump or his campaign, and it was far more damaging to her than the release of the DNC and Podesta e-mails. Which was not illegal in any event.
“The irony, of course, is that while purporting to worry about Russian interference in American politics, by advancing this story the press was actually doing Putin’s work, sowing division and confusion through the American polity. As former Clinton pollster Mark Penn tweeted, we wasted two years, thirty million dollars, and a lot of institutional credibility at the FBI and Department of Justice over ‘a false story of Russia collusion based on oppo research that was always unsubstantiated and preposterous.’ . . . We may someday need a press we can trust. But I hope not, because we certainly don’t have one.”

Mueller report: Collusion by the news media, not Donald Trump, but don't expect apologies

And from the media and Democrats response to the findings of the Mueller investigation, they are very happy to continue to work for Putin.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds, the writer of that piece has an opinion it was collusion by the news media sir.

Here is who Fox News says Mueller caught: Who's been charged by Mueller in the Russia probe so far?
I really don't get how some Americans can continue to consume information from the MSM. It has been clear for many years that the MSM is not a trustworthy source. This absurd Russia collusion story is more than enough proof of this.

The Maddow Muppets who bought this hook, line, and sinker need to check themselves. They were duped like so many on the right with WMD in Iraq or Big Ear's birth certificate.

How does Maddow and so many others in the MSM, show their face? They lied, misrepresented, and propagandized for months. I guess if all in the MSM who advanced this lie were fired, we would have new media. Not a bad idea.
I really don't get how some Americans can continue to consume information from the MSM. It has been clear for many years that the MSM is not a trustworthy source. This absurd Russia collusion story is more than enough proof of this.

The Maddow Muppets who bought this hook, line, and sinker need to check themselves. They were duped like so many on the right with WMD in Iraq or Big Ear's birth certificate.

How does Maddow and so many others in the MSM, show their face? They lied, misrepresented, and propagandized for months. I guess if all in the MSM who advanced this lie were fired, we would have new media. Not a bad idea.

When you realize the vast majority of the public is stupid, you stop wondering about these things.
I really don't get how some Americans can continue to consume information from the MSM. It has been clear for many years that the MSM is not a trustworthy source. This absurd Russia collusion story is more than enough proof of this.

The Maddow Muppets who bought this hook, line, and sinker need to check themselves. They were duped like so many on the right with WMD in Iraq or Big Ear's birth certificate.

How does Maddow and so many others in the MSM, show their face? They lied, misrepresented, and propagandized for months. I guess if all in the MSM who advanced this lie were fired, we would have new media. Not a bad idea.

When you realize the vast majority of the public is stupid, you stop wondering about these things.
sadly that is true.

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