College Is Not the Only Place to Get a Worthwhile Education

So says Mike Rowe, host of TV's Dirty Jobs. And, the numbers seem to indicate he's right on target.

During Ivanka Trump's op ed for FoxNews, we learn that:

Currently in our country, there are:

6.3 million unfilled job openings (the highest on record)

250,000 are in construction, of these;

427,000 are in manufacturing; and

500,000-plus are in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math)

And we're not going to fill those with graduates in Art History or Social Studies of Indigenous People, or similar stuff. We need more places like the Waukee Innovation and Learning Center in the nation's heartland.

From Ivanka Trump: 'Skill-Based Education Is Crucial' for Americans and Feedly: organize, read and share what matters to you.
Most college degrees are in business, education and healthcare

Very, very few in Art History
Back in my pre-retirement days I helped fund several young people's educations. Not indoctrinatioin; education. Every one found work, some in communications (radio, TV, print); some in medicine but the one who earns the highest amount and most enjoys his (yes, he was born male and remained so) chose Northeastern University (Boston) which offered a work/study program in construction management. Serious construction like bridges and tall buildings.
Oh, I'm sick. I think I am gong to pass out.

Having to agree with someone who voted for
Trump. Must be terminal.

College has turned into a bullsh!t scam unless it is science or engineering and the person is actually good at it.

Larry looks like he's working on a car. How much do Americans lose on the Depreciation of that under-engineered junk every year? Oh right, our economists with PhDs ignore that.
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