Collaborator John McCain's Tokyo Rose Recording for the Communists Released


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
They have the full thing available online now, to the eternal disgrace of that traitor.

This article has the recording linked and a contrast of McCain's behavior as a POW with that of Vice-Admiral Stockdale who was imprisoned with McCain.

Breaking News: John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released Showing he WAS a Traitor who Turned Against His Own Country - Oath Keepers

To the Vietnamese people and the government of the DRVN:

From John Sidney McCain, 624787, Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, born 29 August, 1936, Panama, home state Oregon. Shot down 26 October, 1967, A-4E aircraft.

I, as a U.S. airman, am guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people. I bombed their cities, towns and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.

I was captured in the capital city of Hanoi, while attacking it. After I was captured, I was taken to the hospital in Hanoi, where I received very good medical treatment. I was given an operation on my leg, which allowed me to walk again, and a cast on my right arm, which was badly broken in three places.

The doctors were very good and they knew a great deal about the practice of medicine. I remained in the hospital for some time and regained much of my health and strength. Since I arrived in the camp of detention, I received humane and lenient treatment.

I received this kind treatment and food even though I came here as an aggressor and the people who I injured have much difficulty in their living standards. I wish to express my deep gratitude for my kind treatment and I will never forget this kindness extended to me.
You know having seen the Hanoi Hilton and fully bought in to the McCain story it was hard for me to turn on him until his Muslim Brotherhood debacle and of course the Ukraine. And his connections with Nuland and Kiev.

He's an insane man who views the world as a battlefield. The power he has in Washington is disturbing beyond belief.

He's the poster child for term limits.
You know having seen the Hanoi Hilton and fully bought in to the McCain story it was hard for me to turn on him until his Muslim Brotherhood debacle and of course the Ukraine. And his connections with Nuland and Kiev.

He's an insane man who views the world as a battlefield. The power he has in Washington is disturbing beyond belief.

He's the poster child for term limits.
What I can't figure out is; Are the voters in Arizona that stupid, or did the Deep State rig the vote like they have been doing in all these other elections?
I have little doubt that this did indeed occur and that McCain said those words. However, I refuse to condemn him for it. His torturers were experts. Hero? Traitor? I will leave that judgement to his peers.

You know having seen the Hanoi Hilton and fully bought in to the McCain story it was hard for me to turn on him until his Muslim Brotherhood debacle and of course the Ukraine. And his connections with Nuland and Kiev.

He's an insane man who views the world as a battlefield. The power he has in Washington is disturbing beyond belief.

He's the poster child for term limits.
What I can't figure out is; Are the voters in Arizona that stupid, or did the Deep State rig the vote like they have been doing in all these other elections?

Rigged the primary.
McCain recently came out and made a stand against trump, so it is time for the cult to attack and demonize McCain. Everyone who is critical of trump and calls him out gets this treatment. The cult does what it is told to do. Hundreds of POW's tortured by N. Vietnam did the same or very similar things that McCain did, so keep this in perspective. What the cult is doing is disparaging hundreds of American POW's held during the Vietnam War.
They have the full thing available online now, to the eternal disgrace of that traitor.

This article has the recording linked and a contrast of McCain's behavior as a POW with that of Vice-Admiral Stockdale who was imprisoned with McCain.

Breaking News: John McCain’s 1969 “Tokyo Rose” Propaganda Recording Released Showing he WAS a Traitor who Turned Against His Own Country - Oath Keepers

To the Vietnamese people and the government of the DRVN:

From John Sidney McCain, 624787, Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy, born 29 August, 1936, Panama, home state Oregon. Shot down 26 October, 1967, A-4E aircraft.

I, as a U.S. airman, am guilty of crimes against the Vietnamese country and people. I bombed their cities, towns and villages and caused many injuries, even deaths, for the people of Vietnam.

I was captured in the capital city of Hanoi, while attacking it. After I was captured, I was taken to the hospital in Hanoi, where I received very good medical treatment. I was given an operation on my leg, which allowed me to walk again, and a cast on my right arm, which was badly broken in three places.

The doctors were very good and they knew a great deal about the practice of medicine. I remained in the hospital for some time and regained much of my health and strength. Since I arrived in the camp of detention, I received humane and lenient treatment.

I received this kind treatment and food even though I came here as an aggressor and the people who I injured have much difficulty in their living standards. I wish to express my deep gratitude for my kind treatment and I will never forget this kindness extended to me.

anyother sources than the neo nazi oathkeepers?
I have listened to dozens of youtube video interviews of U.S. airmen who were POW's in Vietnam.

All of them talked about the horrendous daily tortures they endured for months and months, and even years. To a man, they all reached the breaking point and admitted confessing to anything and everything, both verbally and written statements, just to stop the torture.

Sure I despise McCains idiotic political stance on quite a number of issues.

But to label him a traitor during his years of captivity is absolutely ridiculous. ...... :cool:
Until some vetted media group with a known probity for truth, which excludes truenews and oath keeps, vouches for the integrity of the tape, then the above is merely Fake News of a terrible type.

Anyone who judges our people who have tortured as inadequate or traitors needs to be shunned. So to that effect those above are on ignore for the day.

Sunni Man, thank you for your stand up comments as an American veteran.
McCain is a relic of the past .... i.e., the old Republican Party

We have moved on without you

Term limits are for people like McCain

McCain recently came out and made a stand against trump, so it is time for the cult to attack and demonize McCain. Everyone who is critical of trump and calls him out gets this treatment. The cult does what it is told to do. Hundreds of POW's tortured by N. Vietnam did the same or very similar things that McCain did, so keep this in perspective. What the cult is doing is disparaging hundreds of American POW's held during the Vietnam War.

McCain went to a foreign country and denigrated the POTUS of his own party he should have been censured by the Senate, that is unacceptable, he never said anything like that about Obama overseas did he?
McCain recently came out and made a stand against trump, so it is time for the cult to attack and demonize McCain. Everyone who is critical of trump and calls him out gets this treatment. The cult does what it is told to do. Hundreds of POW's tortured by N. Vietnam did the same or very similar things that McCain did, so keep this in perspective. What the cult is doing is disparaging hundreds of American POW's held during the Vietnam War.

McCain went to a foreign country and denigrated the POTUS of his own party he should have been censured by the Senate, that is unacceptable, he never said anything like that about Obama overseas did he?
What does that have to do with his service in Vietnam? How is it justifiable to go back a half century to disparage his war experience and the records of other American POW's who suffered in communist prisons?
I have little doubt that this did indeed occur and that McCain said those words. However, I refuse to condemn him for it. His torturers were experts. Hero? Traitor? I will leave that judgement to his peers.


That's where I am with John McCain too. I won't condemn him or anybody for honorable military service and I certainly won't fault him for what he said or did under extreme torture. I won't automatically assume that the letter is authentic. Even if it is, so what.

I will and do judge what John McCain says and does now as a U.S. Senator, and I will and do accuse him of being a status quo, establishment Republican and entrenched member of the Permanent Political Class. I doubt he has much intent to help the President succeed in his vision or goals mostly because President Trump's success will upset the self serving status quo of the permanent political class perhaps forever.
I disagree with McCain on many things and have always called him a RINO. However I won't jump on him for his recording. I was in the Air Force in that era and we were instructed to go ahead and say what we were forced to. It could be refuted then and later as coercion. Unfortunately things like that gave fodder to traitors like Jane Fonda and her ilk who could claim the statements were truth knowing full well they weren't. To those who condemn him for it I say don't shoot off your mouth until you have been there.
I have listened to dozens of youtube video interviews of U.S. airmen who were POW's in Vietnam.

All of them talked about the horrendous daily tortures they endured for months and months, and even years. To a man, they all reached the breaking point and admitted confessing to anything and everything, both verbally and written statements, just to stop the torture.

Sure I despise McCains idiotic political stance on quite a number of issues.

But to label him a traitor during his years of captivity is absolutely ridiculous. ...... :cool:
Actually most of them did not break. Vice Admiral Stockdale NEVER broke and he did not try to mislead his captors into thinking he cooperated like most did.

He was in your face FU to them till he was finally released.

There is no excuse for treason and McCain could have used finesse and misleading ways of not turning to treason, but he did not. He had the training and knew what he could do, but he chose to collaborate instead.

After his release he compounded his treason to his country by betraying fellow POWs who ere trying to signal to the outside world that they were still alive and in captivity by squelching all investigations into incidences of areal signals given for satellite images and people who got word out. Senator McCain did not want anyone disturbing trade with the Vietnams communist government.

John McCain is a dishonorable traitor and PoS forever.

You have some respect for him and give him defense, so be it. That is your opinion and many of the rest of us differ, but that is your right.

I do not forgive collaborators.
I disagree with McCain on many things and have always called him a RINO. However I won't jump on him for his recording. I was in the Air Force in that era and we were instructed to go ahead and say what we were forced to. It could be refuted then and later as coercion. Unfortunately things like that gave fodder to traitors like Jane Fonda and her ilk who could claim the statements were truth knowing full well they weren't. To those who condemn him for it I say don't shoot off your mouth until you have been there.
You had me in agreement untill the horse shit about 'being there'.

Stockdale and plenty of others demonstrated that one could continue to resist.

Treason is treason, and defending McCain is your opinion, but no one has to be tortured to assert that treason is not acceptable.
What does that have to do with his service in Vietnam? How is it justifiable to go back a half century to disparage his war experience and the records of other American POW's who suffered in communist prisons?

Because it fits the pattern of his behavior; work up into an organization of trust, then sell them out when he thinks he can get the best deal.
I have listened to dozens of youtube video interviews of U.S. airmen who were POW's in Vietnam.

All of them talked about the horrendous daily tortures they endured for months and months, and even years. To a man, they all reached the breaking point and admitted confessing to anything and everything, both verbally and written statements, just to stop the torture.

Sure I despise McCains idiotic political stance on quite a number of issues.

But to label him a traitor during his years of captivity is absolutely ridiculous. ...... :cool:
Actually most of them did not break. Vice Admiral Stockdale NEVER broke and he did not try to mislead his captors into thinking he cooperated like most did.

He was in your face FU to them till he was finally released.

There is no excuse for treason and McCain could have used finesse and misleading ways of not turning to treason, but he did not. He had the training and knew what he could do, but he chose to collaborate instead.

After his release he compounded his treason to his country by betraying fellow POWs who ere trying to signal to the outside world that they were still alive and in captivity by squelching all investigations into incidences of areal signals given for satellite images and people who got word out. Senator McCain did not want anyone disturbing trade with the Vietnams communist government.

John McCain is a dishonorable traitor and PoS forever.

You have some respect for him and give him defense, so be it. That is your opinion and many of the rest of us differ, but that is your right.

I do not forgive collaborators.
Jesus fuck
I have listened to dozens of youtube video interviews of U.S. airmen who were POW's in Vietnam.

All of them talked about the horrendous daily tortures they endured for months and months, and even years. To a man, they all reached the breaking point and admitted confessing to anything and everything, both verbally and written statements, just to stop the torture.

Sure I despise McCains idiotic political stance on quite a number of issues.

But to label him a traitor during his years of captivity is absolutely ridiculous. ...... :cool:
Actually most of them did not break. Vice Admiral Stockdale NEVER broke and he did not try to mislead his captors into thinking he cooperated like most did.

He was in your face FU to them till he was finally released.

There is no excuse for treason and McCain could have used finesse and misleading ways of not turning to treason, but he did not. He had the training and knew what he could do, but he chose to collaborate instead.

After his release he compounded his treason to his country by betraying fellow POWs who ere trying to signal to the outside world that they were still alive and in captivity by squelching all investigations into incidences of areal signals given for satellite images and people who got word out. Senator McCain did not want anyone disturbing trade with the Vietnams communist government.

John McCain is a dishonorable traitor and PoS forever.

You have some respect for him and give him defense, so be it. That is your opinion and many of the rest of us differ, but that is your right.

I do not forgive collaborators.
Jesus fucking Christ. McCain was severely injured, and was already in pain when he entered the Hanoi Hilton. He endured considerable torture. And no one took his 'confession' seriously.

You are a freeloader on the system. You are nearly 20 years younger than I am, and you hold no job, while I work full time. What excuse do you have for that? And why should I accept that excuse? After all, do you think you hurt worse than McCain did at that time?

McCain betrayed no one. And his speech about a free press in this nation was definately on the mark.

By the way, did you ever serve, and if not, why not?
Jesus fucking Christ. McCain was severely injured, and was already in pain when he entered the Hanoi Hilton. He endured considerable torture. And no one took his 'confession' seriously.

Oh, yes many did, and many also took his betrayal of POWs left behind as well. He broke his oath to remain loyal, he certainly did. He had been trained to use various techniques to mislead the enemy and he instead chose to collaborate.

I know that is hard for a libtard like you to grasp; loyalty to country is a mighty high bar for you to reach for, I know.

You are a freeloader on the system. You are nearly 20 years younger than I am, and you hold no job, while I work full time. What excuse do you have for that? And why should I accept that excuse? After all, do you think you hurt worse than McCain did at that time?

Two herniated discs, a fused L4-L5, two heart attacks, four stents in my heart and arthritis. And yet I am still looking for work daily. I am not drawing any type of benefits or insurance. ZERO, so it impossible for me to be a "freeloader", jack ass.

McCain betrayed no one. And his speech about a free press in this nation was definately on the mark.

I dont give a fuck about McCains speech as that is not the topic, though he still follows his pattern of betraying his loyalties.

By the way, did you ever serve, and if not, why not?

I served in the Army as an 11B from 1978 to 1983.

And I dont give a fuck if some loser libtard like you served; you would likely lie about it anyway.

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