Coldest Winter for US in 30 years!!!!

Not for the entire western part of this country. 2.5f above avg for dec in Portland and 5-7f in some areas of the rockie mountains states. Southeast sure, but some of the surface data shows it as one of the few spots on earth to have decreasing temperatures in some seasons. Weird. Another area that is decreasing is parts of the eastern parts of the Antarctic ice sheet, but at the same time the western is warming at a increasing rate. Pretty much the areas above 40 north and the arctic are seeing 70 percent of the warming.
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LOL. Last year at this time, Walleyes, mdn, Kookybill, and the rest of the wingnuts were claiming that 2010 was already the coldest year on record.
LOL. Last year at this time, Walleyes, mdn, Kookybill, and the rest of the wingnuts were claiming that 2010 was already the coldest year on record.

and your boyfriend was making a big deal about it being the hottest "on record".
Hmmmmm...... Once again our walking penis fetish is yapping about the fact that 2010 is either the second or third warmest year on record. And that with a 7 month La Nina during that year.

God o' Friday, silly ass. Cannot you ever have a decent discussion? Are you capable of a paragraph without your display of your homo fantasies?
Hmmmmm...... Once again our walking penis fetish is yapping about the fact that 2010 is either the second or third warmest year on record. And that with a 7 month La Nina during that year.

God o' Friday, silly ass. Cannot you ever have a decent discussion? Are you capable of a paragraph without your display of your homo fantasies?

I told you what my fetish is: ankle bracelets on women. Get chrissy's dick out of your ass and pay attention.
oh and "on record" ? 200 years out of how many billions? real convincing, dipshit.
Hmmmmm...... Once again our walking penis fetish is yapping about the fact that 2010 is either the second or third warmest year on record. And that with a 7 month La Nina during that year.

God o' Friday, silly ass. Cannot you ever have a decent discussion? Are you capable of a paragraph without your display of your homo fantasies?

Yeah, But I expect 2011 to only be a top 5-6 year if nina remains even weak through June. We see, but this nina is stronger then 2008...I doubt we have warmed more then .03c tops since that event too, so expect ice age posts to be posted here declaring how earth is entering a ice age by the mid point of this year. Yes I admit that the temperature of earth this year is going to take a dive, but just beneath the baseline as this year was above it. We have years hotter and years much below that line.
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I hope this nina turns over to a 1998 nino in 2012. I expect this year could be maybe .01-.015c warmer then 2008. This year was just .21-.25c outside the baseline...1998 had it .4-.42c outside the baseline. Even so we wont be within the same kind of sun spot max, so you can reduce it by upwards .05c off what it would be on top of the warming.

For you people that think 1998 is the point to measure everything on and not extreme here is how another 1998 would appear today.

The brown line is avg and pink line above 2010 is how high the peak of early 1998 would look today.


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Maine was 3.5 degrees F, above average temperatures for 2010.... and thank the Lord it was! :D

I suppose it depends on where ya live?
Maine was 3.5 degrees F, above average temperatures for 2010.... and thank the Lord it was! :D

I suppose it depends on where ya live?

yep, why I say the keyword is global. Just because it is colder or hotter where you live does not mean much on a global average scale of things.
Maine was 3.5 degrees F, above average temperatures for 2010.... and thank the Lord it was! :D

I suppose it depends on where ya live?

yep, why I say the keyword is global. Just because it is colder or hotter where you live does not mean much on a global average scale of things.

I'll be waiting for your comments next time chris starts some thread about california's record heat.
Lets not forget too.........England is dying for some global warming!!!

Every time I hear about these bitter temperatures all over the dying, crops dying, people dying, ice sheets expanding, epic snowfalls in places nobody's seen snow in 50 years, record cold at the global warming summit...........I always think of this guy Old Rocks, "But the 'real" scientists.........."


This forum is nothing less than a fcukking hoot. A place to go where at the end of the day, every day, you say to yourself..........."WIN!!!"
We are experiencing GLOBAL warming, and we have been since the Ice Age ended....whether "man" is contributing to an accelerated warming or not, is debatable in my humble opinion, but the world warming a fact....a non debatable fact.
I have made this same comment on threads/post from both sides of the climate change issue.

That's right! To steal a phrase, IT'S THE GASES, STUPID. Talking about temps goes around in circles. The fact that we put more GHGs into the atmosphere in days than all the volcanoes on earth do in a normal year, is the REAL DEAL.

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