Cold Antarctic Bottom Water is warming up


Gold Member
May 10, 2014
They're gonna die anyway, after I get my hook in them.
The lack of dissolved nutrients will starve the phytoplankton and that will starve the zooplankton and that will starve the diatoms and that will starve the copepods and that will starve the wee little fish and that will starve the bigger fish all the way up to the ones you'd like to catch. Dead fish don't bite and you're not throwing in enough bait to feed the whole lot - besides which you won't have any bait because they will have starved first. Making humor at catastrophe is not the mark of a clever wit.
Riiiiiiight.....Volcanoes spew tons upon tons of CO2 and toxic gasses, except when hey don't.

Do you moonbats ever listen to yourselves?
Do you ever listen to the experts? Do you think the warming air and ocean has no effect?
The lack of dissolved nutrients will starve the phytoplankton and that will starve the zooplankton and that will starve the diatoms and that will starve the copepods and that will starve the wee little fish and that will starve the bigger fish all the way up to the ones you'd like to catch. Dead fish don't bite and you're not throwing in enough bait to feed the whole lot - besides which you won't have any bait because they will have starved first. Making humor at catastrophe is not the mark of a clever wit.

Not my circus, not my catastrophe.
Do you ever listen to the experts? Do you think the warming air and ocean has no effect?
There are "experts" cited on the piece I posted.

Do you realize that all volcanoes aren't just a single cone?...Do you realize there are sheet volcanoes in Iceland that are miles upon miles long?....Is there any "unusual" natural phenomenon that you misanthropes can't blame on human activity?
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Another piece of evidence that manmade global warming is slowing the ocean's overturning currents. These currents are responsible for providing nutrients to the world's equatorial waters and buffering temperature extremes. Their collapse would be catastrophic for life on this planet.

This is the type of crap we pay for with Co2 fraud.

Antarctica is a 40+ million year old continent specific ice age centered on a pole. The warmers have been lying about it "melting" the whole time, during which it has been growing every year.

We busted them in British Court...

  • The film suggests that the Antarctic ice covering is melting, the evidence was that it is in fact increasing.

This is typical of the Co2 fraud. They get busted lying, and then, they keep on lying, and the media allows it...

NASA's actual Antarctic data...

the Antarctic ice sheet showed a net gain of 112 billion tons of ice a year from 1992 to 2001. That net gain slowed to 82 billion tons of ice per year between 2003 and 2008.

which busts the IPCC's fudged "ocean rise" claim...

The good news is that Antarctica is not currently contributing to sea level rise, but is taking 0.23 millimeters per year away,” Zwally said. “But this is also bad news. If the 0.27 millimeters per year of sea level rise attributed to Antarctica in the IPCC report is not really coming from Antarctica, there must be some..."

It's everyone's catastrophe you blithering fool.

Not mine, Woodsy Owl. If you don't like it, go do something about it besides crying over it on some obscure internet discussion board. I couldn't give a flying fuck.
Not mine, Woodsy Owl. If you don't like it, go do something about it besides crying over it on some obscure internet discussion board. I couldn't give a flying fuck.
Curious why you're here on this obscure internet discussion board. One might have thought it was to discuss, say, the environment. But I guess not.
Curious why you're here on this obscure internet discussion board. One might have thought it was to discuss, say, the environment. But I guess not.

Start threads like these in the Conspiracy Theories forum and I'll gladly discuss them with you.

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