Coincidentially, I just watched Showtime's "Weiner" doc yesterday


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Anthony Weiner was the Clinton machine's Achilles' Heel, a man who was not actually corrupt like the Clintons, but such a pervert the mainstream media could not ignore his transgressions.

They allowed Weiner and Huma Abelin to do a tell-all documentary which portrayed his run for New York mayor. According to the doc, Weiner was ahead in the polls and the voters of New York were willing to give him a second chance, but then he got caught again, and went down. In the end, he came in fifth in a five-man race.

After the documentary was completed, Weiner got caught again, this time he was sexting to a fifteen-year-old girl, which is a violation of federal law. This led to the investigation which has apparently snared Hillary Clinton again with an FBI investigation.

I urge all to watch this very entertaining documentary about Anthony Weiner.
Anthony Weiner was the Clinton machine's Achilles' Heel, a man who was not actually corrupt like the Clintons, but such a pervert the mainstream media could not ignore his transgressions.

They allowed Weiner and Huma Abelin to do a tell-all documentary which portrayed his run for New York mayor. According to the doc, Weiner was ahead in the polls and the voters of New York were willing to give him a second chance, but then he got caught again, and went down. In the end, he came in fifth in a five-man race.

After the documentary was completed, Weiner got caught again, this time he was sexting to a fifteen-year-old girl, which is a violation of federal law. This led to the investigation which has apparently snared Hillary Clinton again with an FBI investigation.

I urge all to watch this very entertaining documentary about Anthony Weiner.

I loved Anthony Weiner. If politics was a sport, I wanted him as MVP.

This documentary is excellent recalling during the opening credits his rise to glory and spending the rest of its 2 hours or so documenting his burning crash to infamy.

Pay particular attention to Huma's face as his second scandal emerges and drags him (and her to an extent) down into the gutter. That she remained with him at all demonstrates her willingness to remain faithful to her vows. But who can blame her for finally leaving him after the 3RD scandal.

Unless she was pressured by her boss...?
Weiner and Huma agreed to the documentary when they thought it would document his return to politics and possibly his victory in the New York mayoral race. They could not have anticipated that more revelations would come out, and at that point it was too late to pull out of the documentary because no doubt a contract had been signed and money had been paid.

The insight the documentary gives into a scandal as it unfolds is unprecedented because Weiner and Huma allowed them to film a lot of inside conversations that were rather embarassing, for example, how to avoid the woman who accused Weiner when she camped out in front of a building he needed to enter to make his concession speech.

Huma said, "I'm not going to endure the humiliation of having that woman accost me." So it was decided that Huma would not appear at Weiner's concession speech.

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