Coincidence, John Bolton in less than a week and we attack Syria!!


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
I don't think its coincidence.

I infer the chemical weapon attack was a hoax by the rebels and white helmets. Its does not make sense unless Russia wants a war with the US.

Also a coincidence that Cohen is looking at criminal charges, and now this happens, major coincidence.
We have to clean up the mess your meat puppet faggot left behind.

Now shut the fuck up and let the adults attend to their work.
Trump said he intended to get out of Syria...then Bingo...chemical attack right on cue.

No doubt Bolton is a disgusting warmongering Neocon, but he is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Equally disgusting are many D pols like Schumer and Pelosi, who have said little about this terrible act by Trump. Clearly they only care about the politics of this event.
I don't think its coincidence.

I infer the chemical weapon attack was a hoax by the rebels and white helmets. Its does not make sense unless Russia wants a war with the US.

Also a coincidence that Cohen is looking at criminal charges, and now this happens, major coincidence.
Nope, it appears it was all part of the plan
I don't think its coincidence.

I infer the chemical weapon attack was a hoax by the rebels and white helmets. Its does not make sense unless Russia wants a war with the US.

Also a coincidence that Cohen is looking at criminal charges, and now this happens, major coincidence.
What else goes on in those white house meetings you attend?
I was saying in another thread yesterday that it's no coincidence that after nobody discussing Scooter Libby for over 10 years his buddy Bolton joins the White House, and he's pardoned within days. Now the strike on Syria shortly after Trump said he wanted to pull out. It looks as if a neo-con war hawk has taken over the White House.
I don't think its coincidence.

I infer the chemical weapon attack was a hoax by the rebels and white helmets. Its does not make sense unless Russia wants a war with the US.

Also a coincidence that Cohen is looking at criminal charges, and now this happens, major coincidence.

yes-----there are coincidences going on in the
the morning of 9-11-01 I was getting dressed to
go to work.
I would have taken the A train (NY) to get there. COINCIDENTALLY I glanced out of the window
and noticed thick white smoke rising from the
World Trade Center tower. COINCIDENTALLY
hubby (who has family in Israel) turned the TV
news on..........
Coincidentally----I, a jewess, decided NOT to go to
work via the A train which runs directly under the
World Trade
Center -----PROVING-------that little old me and
hubby with family in Israel ----DID IT

all health care workers have heard this dictum----
ONCE is an accident
and, four times is----TIME AFTER TIME,
Trump always wanted to attack Syria, McMaster did not, and the chems and Bolton give him what he wants.
[I was going to post this as a separate thread but it appears to fit here]

Syrian Government May Not Behind Gas Attacks

I can see the screams and denials now. After all, this comes from a simple blog and cannot possibly be considered a valid source for such of a story. But, let these photos stare at you for a moment.




How did German and British chemical canisters show up in Syria?

The shells in the above video are identified as VX gas from British stockpiles.

There's a whole lot going on behind the lines the public isn't being told about. Could these be the reasons the president is holding off attacking Syria.

This and a whole lot more @ Redux: The Proofs, Viral Expose of Those Behind Syrian Gas Attack - Veterans Today | News - Military Foreign Affairs - VA

Trump Yet to Make 'Final Decision' on Syrian Military Strike, After Suspected Chemical Attack @ Trump Yet to Make 'Final Decision' on Syrian Military Strike, After Suspected Chemical Attack

Emergency UN Security Council Meeting Called for by Russia Amid Suspected Syrian Chemical Attacks @ Emergency UN Security Council Meeting Called for by Russia Amid Suspected Syrian Chemical Attacks

Russia Disputes Chemical Weapons Attack, Claims It Was Fabricated @ Russia Disputes Chemical Weapons Attack, Claims It Was Fabricated | One America News Network

At this point, it no longer matters. The US, along with France and the UK, have attacked selected sites in Syria

They hit three of Mr. Assad’s chemical weapons facilities: a scientific research center in greater Damascus that was used in the production of weapons, and two chemical weapons facilities west of Homs, one of which was used for the production of the nerve agent sarin and the other was part of a military command post, said Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

From U.S., Britain and France Strike Syria Over Suspected Chemical Weapons Attack
OP, you are correct. It makes no sense. The same as it made no sense in 2013 & 2017. As with those two incidents they have no evidence definitively linking the Assad regime to chemical attacks.
Also, as with those two other times this will be used as a further reason to have NATO forces remain in Syria so that they may affect further destabilization. The mission, as it has been from the beginning is the dethroning of Assad and the breakup of Syria. The ultimate goal being the toppling of all autocratic regimes.
Putin, of course being the Coup De Grace.
I don't think its coincidence.

I infer the chemical weapon attack was a hoax by the rebels and white helmets. Its does not make sense unless Russia wants a war with the US.

Also a coincidence that Cohen is looking at criminal charges, and now this happens, major coincidence.

So far, even if Russia wants a war, America isn't playing. That is why we gave them a week to evacuate so we could bomb empty buidings

The bombing was a saving face measure...... See, we did something

I don't think its coincidence.

I infer the chemical weapon attack was a hoax by the rebels and white helmets. Its does not make sense unless Russia wants a war with the US.

Also a coincidence that Cohen is looking at criminal charges, and now this happens, major coincidence.
Nope, it appears it was all part of the plan

oy-----THE PLAN ----- il papa in roma did it
OP, you are correct. It makes no sense. The same as it made no sense in 2013 & 2017. As with those two incidents they have no evidence definitively linking the Assad regime to chemical attacks.
Also, as with those two other times this will be used as a further reason to have NATO forces remain in Syria so that they may affect further destabilization. The mission, as it has been from the beginning is the dethroning of Assad and the breakup of Syria. The ultimate goal being the toppling of all autocratic regimes.
Putin, of course being the Coup De Grace.

optimistic-----MUCH ...?
OP, you are correct. It makes no sense. The same as it made no sense in 2013 & 2017. As with those two incidents they have no evidence definitively linking the Assad regime to chemical attacks.
Also, as with those two other times this will be used as a further reason to have NATO forces remain in Syria so that they may affect further destabilization. The mission, as it has been from the beginning is the dethroning of Assad and the breakup of Syria. The ultimate goal being the toppling of all autocratic regimes.
Putin, of course being the Coup De Grace.

optimistic-----MUCH ...?
Rarely...realistic always.
Nikki Haley looks so much more qualified than Bolton
Trump said he intended to get out of Syria...then Bingo...chemical attack right on cue.

No doubt Bolton is a disgusting warmongering Neocon, but he is merely the tip of the iceberg.

Equally disgusting are many D pols like Schumer and Pelosi, who have said little about this terrible act by Trump. Clearly they only care about the politics of this event.
Nikki Haley looks so much more qualified than Bolton

Man, she is a big hawk isn't she.
We have to clean up the mess your meat puppet faggot left behind.

Now shut the fuck up and let the adults attend to their work.
If course, jerkoff, the mess was left by the last Congress , who refused even to vote on action in Syria after whining like little Petes (that means "bitches") that Obama had not asked them permission to do other things.

You know, the same Republican Petes (that means "retards") that are now cheering Trump's decision.

You really are a gullible little turdlet.
Yep, thank god Mad Dog was around - But he and The Walrus Chickenhawk are already butting heads - Imagine what it'll be like when Maddis gets fed up, leaves .. and The Walrus Chickenhawk is the last guy in Trump's ear.


Mr Bolton, who is known for his hawkish foreign policy record, “favours an attack that would be “ruinous,” crippling some part of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad’s government and national infrastructure” the paper said.

Trump at odds with Mattis on Syria military response, report

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