Cognitive Dissonance: the Left wants credit for the price of something they wanted to cost more.

Nothing obama did that aligned with his Party's ideology, nothing the Democrats or the Left did resulted in lower prices for gasoline. in fact the Left opposed increased domestic energy production at every turn. obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

The Left insisted increased energy production wouldnt result in lower prices here because oil is sold on world markets. they of course need a lesson in Supply and Demand 101. they were of course wrong, like they usually are.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

last time i checked saudi arabia sold its oil on the world markets, and last time i checked this isnt saudi arabia.
libs are losers who lie to themselves
Hilarious. Most Republicans on the USMB don't believe in "Supply and Demand". Many call it a wild liberal theory. Do catch up. It's embarrassing.
Nothing obama did that aligned with his Party's ideology, nothing the Democrats or the Left did resulted in lower prices for gasoline. in fact the Left opposed increased domestic energy production at every turn. obama's Energy Czar is on record saying the USA needs EUROPEAN GAS PRICES, which when converted to gallons means SIX TO TEN DOLLARS A GALLON, depending on the European country; because the Left feels that is the only way to get Americans to use less gasoline.

The Left insisted increased energy production wouldnt result in lower prices here because oil is sold on world markets. they of course need a lesson in Supply and Demand 101. they were of course wrong, like they usually are.

See them try to say increased saudi production is the cause of lower prices, but that was done BECAUSE of increased production here, and resulted in the same thing the Left denied would happen if production was increased here, LOWER PRICES BECAUSE OF INCREASED SUPPLY.

last time i checked saudi arabia sold its oil on the world markets, and last time i checked this isnt saudi arabia.
libs are losers who lie to themselves
Hilarious. Most Republicans on the USMB don't believe in "Supply and Demand". Many call it a wild liberal theory. Do catch up. It's embarrassing.

ok help me "catch up" left-wing nutjob. do provide some examples of actual posts where Republicans reveal they dont believe in the law of Supply and Demand ok???

i cant wait!!

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