CODE PINK to protest drone strikes in Pakistan...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
and at what point does a person or a country defend themselves?
The point of the drones is to kill terrorists.
Terrorists that have a stated goal of killing Westerners.
That plain and simple.

said via an E-mail that Obama is
"worse than Bush in some respects; he uses drones significantly more than Bush ever did,
allowing him to carry out covert wars all over the world with zero accountability to Congress or the American public."

So again CODE PINK protests drones used to kill terrorists that have a track record and stated goal to kill westerners.
So why are they protesting a tool used to eliminate a threat to our lives?

Am I not understanding the fundamentals of survival here?

American Women Marching into Tribal Pakistan: Obama 'Worse Than Bush' - US News and World Report
I thought Code Pink had stopped war protests according to the right wingers?

Ohh must be the liberal media quashing the stories?
and at what point does a person or a country defend themselves?
The point of the drones is to kill terrorists.
Terrorists that have a stated goal of killing Westerners.
That plain and simple.

said via an E-mail that Obama is
"worse than Bush in some respects; he uses drones significantly more than Bush ever did,
allowing him to carry out covert wars all over the world with zero accountability to Congress or the American public."

So again CODE PINK protests drones used to kill terrorists that have a track record and stated goal to kill westerners.
So why are they protesting a tool used to eliminate a threat to our lives?

Am I not understanding the fundamentals of survival here?

American Women Marching into Tribal Pakistan: Obama 'Worse Than Bush' - US News and World Report

No, the point of drones is to instill fear in target populations. That's why the Obama administration employs the "double-tap" tactic and uses a second drone strike on mourners and those who come to aid the injured from their first drone strike. Not to mention that "target" is a bit of a strong word when it comes to drones given the high number of civilian casualties.
and at what point does a person or a country defend themselves?
The point of the drones is to kill terrorists.
Terrorists that have a stated goal of killing Westerners.
That plain and simple.

said via an E-mail that Obama is
"worse than Bush in some respects; he uses drones significantly more than Bush ever did,
allowing him to carry out covert wars all over the world with zero accountability to Congress or the American public."

So again CODE PINK protests drones used to kill terrorists that have a track record and stated goal to kill westerners.
So why are they protesting a tool used to eliminate a threat to our lives?

Am I not understanding the fundamentals of survival here?

American Women Marching into Tribal Pakistan: Obama 'Worse Than Bush' - US News and World Report

I'm glad to see they are finally speaking out against Obama given how outspoken they were with Bush. I do not think they should be in Pakistan protesting, why not in front of the WH? I hope they remain safe given what was said in the article:

Ahead of the protest march, the Associated Press notes that local press is buzzing with news of possible suicide attacks against the activists. The AP notes that a Pakistani Taliban spokesman denounced the march, saying "[we] don't need any sympathy" from "secular and liberal" protesters.
CaféAuLait;6117213 said:
and at what point does a person or a country defend themselves?
The point of the drones is to kill terrorists.
Terrorists that have a stated goal of killing Westerners.
That plain and simple.

said via an E-mail that Obama is
"worse than Bush in some respects; he uses drones significantly more than Bush ever did,
allowing him to carry out covert wars all over the world with zero accountability to Congress or the American public."

So again CODE PINK protests drones used to kill terrorists that have a track record and stated goal to kill westerners.
So why are they protesting a tool used to eliminate a threat to our lives?

Am I not understanding the fundamentals of survival here?

American Women Marching into Tribal Pakistan: Obama 'Worse Than Bush' - US News and World Report

I'm glad to see they are finally speaking out against Obama given how outspoken they were with Bush. I do not think they should be in Pakistan protesting, why not in front of the WH? I hope they remain safe given what was said in the article:

Ahead of the protest march, the Associated Press notes that local press is buzzing with news of possible suicide attacks against the activists. The AP notes that a Pakistani Taliban spokesman denounced the march, saying "[we] don't need any sympathy" from "secular and liberal" protesters.

CODE PINK has been protesting Obama since the day he took office.
CaféAuLait;6117213 said:
and at what point does a person or a country defend themselves?
The point of the drones is to kill terrorists.
Terrorists that have a stated goal of killing Westerners.
That plain and simple.

said via an E-mail that Obama is
"worse than Bush in some respects; he uses drones significantly more than Bush ever did,
allowing him to carry out covert wars all over the world with zero accountability to Congress or the American public."

So again CODE PINK protests drones used to kill terrorists that have a track record and stated goal to kill westerners.
So why are they protesting a tool used to eliminate a threat to our lives?

Am I not understanding the fundamentals of survival here?

American Women Marching into Tribal Pakistan: Obama 'Worse Than Bush' - US News and World Report

I'm glad to see they are finally speaking out against Obama given how outspoken they were with Bush. I do not think they should be in Pakistan protesting, why not in front of the WH? I hope they remain safe given what was said in the article:

Ahead of the protest march, the Associated Press notes that local press is buzzing with news of possible suicide attacks against the activists. The AP notes that a Pakistani Taliban spokesman denounced the march, saying "[we] don't need any sympathy" from "secular and liberal" protesters.

CODE PINK has been protesting Obama since the day he took office.

From Wiki, a list of their protests,

November, 2002: Code Pink launched a four-month vigil in front of the White House, culminating on March 8, 2002 International Women's Day, with a 10,000-person march.[9]

January 20, 2005: Code Pink protesters attended President G.W. Bush's second inaugural address, unfurling banners and heckling the president during his speech.[10] The group reportedly received VIP passes from unidentified members of Congress, and were eventually escorted out of the area by police.[11]

September 21, 2006: Code Pink staged a peace march that blocked traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. Code Pink received permits allowing them to march after the morning commute hours at 10:00am. Instead, the group began an illegal walk toward the center of the span at 7:30am. They left by 10:00am.[12]

March 20, 2007: a Code Pink protester interrupted a Hillary Rodham Clinton fundraiser in Washington DC and was removed by security.[13] This was one of a series of Code Pink protests against Senator Clinton; a week later, five Code Pink members heckled her at the legislative-political conference of the Communications Workers of America.[14]

March 22, 2007: several Code Pink protestors were arrested outside the office of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi after announcing their intent to take over her office. Code Pink was protesting that the majority Democratic Party had not stopped war funding.[15]

September 10, 2007: Code Pink protested at General David Petraeus' Congressional testimony, interrupting the general's testimony. Committee Chairman Congressman Ike Skelton (D-MO) banged his gavel, attempted to restore order, and informed the protesters of possible legal ramifications of their actions. The protestors were subsequently removed from the hearing[16]

September 2007 onward: Code Pink began holding weekly "counter-recruitment" protests in front of the United States Marine Corps Officer Selection Office located in Berkeley, California.[17][18] These protests escalated into the broader Berkeley Marine Corps Recruiting Center controversy.

October 24, 2007: Desiree Ali-Fairooz approached Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice with red paint on her hands and shouted "The blood of millions of Iraqis is on your hands!" She was immediately arrested.[19]

September 4, 2008: At the 2008 Republican National Convention, a Code Pink activist attempted to heckle nominee John McCain onstage while he was giving his acceptance speech. Secret Service stopped the activist before she reached the stage.[20]

December 12, 2008: Code Pink announced its plans to invest in Iranian wind energy in hopes to defy sanctions and build peaceful relations with the government of Iran.[21]
June 3, 2009: Code Pink flew a banner that said "End the siege of Gaza" at President Obama's Muslim-outreach speech at Cairo University.[22]

December 31, 2009: Code Pink was one of the organizers of the Gaza Freedom March on December 31, 2009, which brought over 1,300 people from more than 43 countries to join Gaza Palestinians in a non-violent, mass march to the Israeli border.[23]

May 11, 2010: Code Pink attempted to arrest Karl Rove at a book signing.[24]

June 8, 2010: Code Pink heckled House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over lack of funding for states.[25]

March 2011: Code Pink members demonstrate outside of the FBI headquarters in support of suspected Wikileaks leaker Bradley Manning.[26]

May 23–24, 2011: Code Pink members disrupted Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu's speaking engagements, both at a policy convention and at the United States Congress. Code Pink member Rae Abileah was arrested and charged with disrupting Congress.[27]

Marching in 2004. September 11, 2011: Code Pink activists marched across the Golden Gate Bridge while calling for troops to leave Iraq and Afghanistan.[28]

August 28, 2012: A group of Code Pink protesters attempted to enter a performing arts center to try and arrest former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for war crimes while she was attending an event in conjunction with the RNC. They were escorted off the property and returned to the public domain. [29]

August 30, 2012: A group of Code Pink protesters interrupted Mitt Romney's speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention. They had managed not only to secure seats close to the stage, but also were able to sneak in large pink signs.[30]

On October 31, 2009, Code Pink organized a protest rally outside the White House to coincide with President and Mrs. Obama's official Halloween party. As many of the guests were family members of military members, the Code Pink press release encouraged attendees to dress as "zombie soldiers".[40]

Code Pink - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
These code pink women are the same women who have no problem killing an innocent baby by abortion.. Ironic isnt it
CaféAuLait;6117213 said:
and at what point does a person or a country defend themselves?
The point of the drones is to kill terrorists.
Terrorists that have a stated goal of killing Westerners.
That plain and simple.

said via an E-mail that Obama is
"worse than Bush in some respects; he uses drones significantly more than Bush ever did,
allowing him to carry out covert wars all over the world with zero accountability to Congress or the American public."

So again CODE PINK protests drones used to kill terrorists that have a track record and stated goal to kill westerners.
So why are they protesting a tool used to eliminate a threat to our lives?

Am I not understanding the fundamentals of survival here?

American Women Marching into Tribal Pakistan: Obama 'Worse Than Bush' - US News and World Report

I'm glad to see they are finally speaking out against Obama given how outspoken they were with Bush. I do not think they should be in Pakistan protesting, why not in front of the WH? I hope they remain safe given what was said in the article:

Ahead of the protest march, the Associated Press notes that local press is buzzing with news of possible suicide attacks against the activists. The AP notes that a Pakistani Taliban spokesman denounced the march, saying "[we] don't need any sympathy" from "secular and liberal" protesters.

CODE PINK has been protesting Obama since the day he took office.

Do you recall who reported this? I haven't heard them speaking out against Obama and I pay attention to the news. Is this one of the things the media ignores since it might make Obama look bad?
CaféAuLait;6117213 said:
I'm glad to see they are finally speaking out against Obama given how outspoken they were with Bush. I do not think they should be in Pakistan protesting, why not in front of the WH? I hope they remain safe given what was said in the article:

CODE PINK has been protesting Obama since the day he took office.

Do you recall who reported this? I haven't heard them speaking out against Obama and I pay attention to the news. Is this one of the things the media ignores since it might make Obama look bad?

Click on this link:American Women Marching into Tribal Pakistan: Obama 'Worse Than Bush' - US News and World Report
Why on earth is code stink protesting over Pakistan ? Have they been launching drone attacks or are they the victims of drone attacks ?

Shouldn't code stink be marching on the Obama whitehouse instead..
and at what point does a person or a country defend themselves?
The point of the drones is to kill terrorists.
Terrorists that have a stated goal of killing Westerners.
That plain and simple.

said via an E-mail that Obama is
"worse than Bush in some respects; he uses drones significantly more than Bush ever did,
allowing him to carry out covert wars all over the world with zero accountability to Congress or the American public."

So again CODE PINK protests drones used to kill terrorists that have a track record and stated goal to kill westerners.
So why are they protesting a tool used to eliminate a threat to our lives?

Am I not understanding the fundamentals of survival here?

American Women Marching into Tribal Pakistan: Obama 'Worse Than Bush' - US News and World Report

if they know what's good for them they will stay the hell out of there
and at what point does a person or a country defend themselves?
The point of the drones is to kill terrorists.
Terrorists that have a stated goal of killing Westerners.
That plain and simple.

said via an E-mail that Obama is
"worse than Bush in some respects; he uses drones significantly more than Bush ever did,
allowing him to carry out covert wars all over the world with zero accountability to Congress or the American public."

So again CODE PINK protests drones used to kill terrorists that have a track record and stated goal to kill westerners.
So why are they protesting a tool used to eliminate a threat to our lives?

Am I not understanding the fundamentals of survival here?

American Women Marching into Tribal Pakistan: Obama 'Worse Than Bush' - US News and World Report
Drones are terrorism. Drones are war crimes. They punish an entire population of people. How would you like to live in a place where at any moment, you could lose your life? You're going to church on Sunday and your SUV gets hit with a missle. First responders come to see if they can help the injured and they get hit with a missle. You have a community meeting in the middle of town and that gets hit with a missle. You go to bed at night, hoping your home doesn't get hit while you sleep.

We have absolutely no right flying around in the airspace of sovereign nations. In these cases, we're the terrorists!

Michelle Obama Lauds Anti-Military ‘Code Pink’

April 11, 2012

Canada Free Press reports on a story that has been ignored by the liberal media.

The story concerns First Lady Michelle Obama at a fundraiser in San Francisco.

According to the Free Press:

During a fund raising trip to the Bay Area on March 30, the First Lady told CodePink co-founders to “keep up the good work”. Obama’s congratulations were reported only by the San Francisco Chronicle.


Michelle Obama Lauds Anti-Military ‘Code Pink’

Well, they have guts, ill give them that.

I suppose that if they have any problems in Pakistan, they wont want our troops to go in and rescue them?
I thought Code Pink had stopped war protests according to the right wingers?

Ohh must be the liberal media quashing the stories?

They seeing Obama fall...they have to CYA
If we're wrong, show us the democrats they have protested?

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