Co(up)mey talking like a criminal


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?

What are you talking about, the anorexic Sasquatch told TRUMP he wasn't being investigated before Rosenstein fired him?
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?

What are you talking about, the anorexic Sasquatch told TRUMP he wasn't being investigated before Rosenstein fired him?
I'm talking about Sessions, and Trumps very public tweets berating him because he didn't intervene in the Mueller probe. Or I could have talked about Trumps TAPED interview were he admits he fired Comey because the investigation. Take your pick.
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Wait, tRump talks like a criminal 7 days a week, does that not bother you?
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?
You should have realized by now that keeping Hillary's warmongering ass out of the WH is NOT obstruction or collusion or conspiracy
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?

What are you talking about, the anorexic Sasquatch told TRUMP he wasn't being investigated before Rosenstein fired him?
I'm talking about Sessions, and Trumps very public tweets berating him because he didn't intervene in the Mueller probe. Or I could have talked about Trumps TAPED interview were he admits he fired Comey because the investigation. Take your pick.

The courts have already ruled that TRUMP can tweet whatever he wants, and considering Comey didn't know much of what was going on regarding the FBI investigation of Russia TRUMP made the right call.
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?
You should have realized by now that keeping Hillary's warmongering ass out of the WH is NOT obstruction or collusion or conspiracy
Have I mentioned Clinton? You started an OP stating that Comey be saying that he believes Trump obstructed justice, he somehow acted like a criminal. You can't seem to name the crime and assessing if Trump obstructed justice is something anyone with access to YouTube and Twitter can do. To me that states in no uncertain way, your total ineptitude when it comes to the law or even arguing in general.
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How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?

What are you talking about, the anorexic Sasquatch told TRUMP he wasn't being investigated before Rosenstein fired him?
I'm talking about Sessions, and Trumps very public tweets berating him because he didn't intervene in the Mueller probe. Or I could have talked about Trumps TAPED interview were he admits he fired Comey because the investigation. Take your pick.

The courts have already ruled that TRUMP can tweet whatever he wants, and considering Comey didn't know much of what was going on regarding the FBI investigation of Russia TRUMP made the right call.
Nobody is claiming that he can't say what he wants. What I'm saying is what he does say on Twitter or to Lester Holt then becomes a matter of public record, and as such can than be used in a criminal case. For some reason you guys think that you guys can pick and choose what statements he makes are serious. The law allows for no such distinction.
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?
You should have realized by now that keeping Hillary's warmongering ass out of the WH is NOT obstruction or collusion or conspiracy
Have I mentioned that Clinton? You started an OP stating that Comey be saying that he believes Trump obstructed justice, he somehow acted like a criminal. You can't seem to name the crime and assessing if Trump obstructed justice is something anyone with access to YouTube and Twitter can do. To me that states in no uncertain way, your total ineptitude when it comes to the law or even arguing in general.

Firing an incompetent coup leader is NOT obstruction of justice
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?

What are you talking about, the anorexic Sasquatch told TRUMP he wasn't being investigated before Rosenstein fired him?
I'm talking about Sessions, and Trumps very public tweets berating him because he didn't intervene in the Mueller probe. Or I could have talked about Trumps TAPED interview were he admits he fired Comey because the investigation. Take your pick.

The courts have already ruled that TRUMP can tweet whatever he wants, and considering Comey didn't know much of what was going on regarding the FBI investigation of Russia TRUMP made the right call.
Nobody is claiming that he can't say what he wants. What I'm saying is what he does say on Twitter or to Lester Holt then becomes a matter of public record, and as such can than be used in a criminal case. For some reason you guys think that you guys can pick and choose what statements he makes are serious. The law allows for no such distinction.

So you'll be good with Republicans going after Obama for lying in an interview about not knowing Hillary was using a private server?
One aspect of the Inspector Generals’ report on the FBI handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation has been a bit overshadowed by the media. The fact that President Barack Obama lied to the American people when he claimed he only learned of Hillary Clinton’s use of an unauthorized, non-secure, non-governmental email server while she was Secretary of State.

In March 2015, when the Clinton email scandal was first breaking, CBS White House correspondent Bill Plante asked Obama about his knowledge of the matter:

Plante: Mr. President, when did you first learn that Hillary Clinton used an email system outside the U.S. government for official business while she was secretary of state?

Obama: The same time everybody else learned it through news reports.

IG Report confirms Obama lied about Hillary’s emails
Comey didn’t know what his left hand was doing, much less his right. I’ll be honest, I think his rogues pulled this off right before his eyes and he never knew what hit him. He was oblivious to what they were up to. And he wouldn’t dare admit it, because his little credibility he has left would be buried quickly. All he could do was go along, when it was discovered. He had lost control.
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How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?
You should have realized by now that keeping Hillary's warmongering ass out of the WH is NOT obstruction or collusion or conspiracy
Have I mentioned that Clinton? You started an OP stating that Comey be saying that he believes Trump obstructed justice, he somehow acted like a criminal. You can't seem to name the crime and assessing if Trump obstructed justice is something anyone with access to YouTube and Twitter can do. To me that states in no uncertain way, your total ineptitude when it comes to the law or even arguing in general.

Firing an incompetent coup leader is NOT obstruction of justice
Yes it is when you go on camera and state you fired him because an investigation the agency he was the head of was conducting.
In 2016 Comey publicly declared Hillary had broken laws but HE would not recommend her for indictment because she was too stupid to know she was doing it.

Comey testified before Congress under oath and told Gowdy Hillary DID lie during her appearance before Congress, that there WAS classified on her server and in her e-mails, that there WERE classified markings on the documents she e-mailed/received, that the FBI DID find thousands of official subpoenaed documents she tried to destroy that were also required by the FOIA and Federal Records Act to be turned in that she never turned in, that DID use multiple devices, and that she DID Obstruct Justice by attempting to destroy the documents and some devices, which also constitutes illegal mishandling of classified.

The US IG reported the FBI abandoned its standard operating procedures / rules in the 'investigation of Hillary, that they never put her under oath before questioning her (that NEVER happens), that they failed / refused to record her questioning (that NEVER happens), that they failed / refused to provide a transcript of the session (that NEVER happens), that they altered witness testimony after it was given, that Hillary aides were not indicted for Lying to the FBI despite the fact that they did so, that the FBI allowed Hillary Aides Abedin and Mills sit in on the questioning of Hillary Clinton BEFORE they were questioned as well despite the fact they were also witnesses....

An FBI Whistleblower presented the Senate Intel Committee with evidence showing the FBI NEVER investigated Hillary thoroughly, that it was a half-assed effort for SHOW, which the US IG supported by reporting the FBI & DOJ (Comey, Strzok, and Lynch) collaborated in writing Hillary's Exoneration Letter before the 1st witness was even called to testify about the matter!

Former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified before Congress and told how COMEY had lied to Congress about leaks coming out of the FBI and Mueller's team, that Comey LIED when he tried to throw 'McCabe under the proverbial bus about the leaking (leaking that is mentioned in FBI Agent Strzok's texts to his adulterous mistress when he talked about a 'LEAKING STRATEGY'....strategy, which constitutes 'CONSPIRACY')....
- The US IG recommended to the DOJ MONTHS AGO that McCabe Be Indicted for crimes ... yet Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein, who once talked about wearing a wire to entrap the President, has arguably Obstructed Justice by refusing to indict his co-conspirator!

....yet the other day this arrogant PROVEN criminal prick struts into Congress and - despite all of the above, despite his own earlier testimony and public declarations that Hillary Clinton DID BREAK LAWS, he mocked Congress by claiming there was no reason to re-investigate Hillary Clinton.


That criminal SOB needs to be taken down and sent to prison. The exposed lies he has told, the illegal acts and cover-up he has perpetrated (as evidence shows), his part in this treasonous the very extreme least the fact that his firing was well-warranted has been proven and his deserving to be indicted / convicted for his crimes has definitely been exposed.
How appropriate is it for the disgrace, corrupt former FBI Director to say we must use our every breath to get rid of Trump or that Trump "obstructed justice", especially when that former FBI Director was a key player in the failed coup on Trump?

I still don't know why Comey hasn't fled the country
Interesting viewpoint. You think talking about a president as trying to obstruct justice, when that same president asked you to stop a criminal investigation makes that person look guilty? Guilty of what if I may ask? Come to think about it. Does a president who didn't do anything wrong usually fire his AG because he didn't protect him from yet another criminal investigation?

What are you talking about, the anorexic Sasquatch told TRUMP he wasn't being investigated before Rosenstein fired him?
I'm talking about Sessions, and Trumps very public tweets berating him because he didn't intervene in the Mueller probe. Or I could have talked about Trumps TAPED interview were he admits he fired Comey because the investigation. Take your pick.

The courts have already ruled that TRUMP can tweet whatever he wants, and considering Comey didn't know much of what was going on regarding the FBI investigation of Russia TRUMP made the right call.

LINK Please....

I am not saying he can't... Just wondering if he would be breaking the law doing it...
Comet didn’t know what his left hand was doing, much less his right. I’ll be honest, I think his rogues pulled this off right before his eyes and he never knew what hit him. He was oblivious to what they were up to. And he wouldn’t dare admit it, because his little credibility he has left would be buried quickly. All he could do was go along, when it was discovered. He had lost control.

Except the wifie was a nutcase Hillay supporter.
In 2016 Comey publicly declared Hillary had broken laws but HE would not recommend her for indictment because she was too stupid to know she was doing it.

Comey testified before Congress under oath and told Gowdy Hillary DID lie during her appearance before Congress, that there WAS classified on her server and in her e-mails, that there WERE classified markings on the documents she e-mailed/received, that the FBI DID find thousands of official subpoenaed documents she tried to destroy that were also required by the FOIA and Federal Records Act to be turned in that she never turned in, that DID use multiple devices, and that she DID Obstruct Justice by attempting to destroy the documents and some devices, which also constitutes illegal mishandling of classified.

The US IG reported the FBI abandoned its standard operating procedures / rules in the 'investigation of Hillary, that they never put her under oath before questioning her (that NEVER happens), that they failed / refused to record her questioning (that NEVER happens), that they failed / refused to provide a transcript of the session (that NEVER happens), that they altered witness testimony after it was given, that Hillary aides were not indicted for Lying to the FBI despite the fact that they did so, that the FBI allowed Hillary Aides Abedin and Mills sit in on the questioning of Hillary Clinton BEFORE they were questioned as well despite the fact they were also witnesses....

An FBI Whistleblower presented the Senate Intel Committee with evidence showing the FBI NEVER investigated Hillary thoroughly, that it was a half-assed effort for SHOW, which the US IG supported by reporting the FBI & DOJ (Comey, Strzok, and Lynch) collaborated in writing Hillary's Exoneration Letter before the 1st witness was even called to testify about the matter!

Former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified before Congress and told how COMEY had lied to Congress about leaks coming out of the FBI and Mueller's team, that Comey LIED when he tried to throw 'McCabe under the proverbial bus about the leaking (leaking that is mentioned in FBI Agent Strzok's texts to his adulterous mistress when he talked about a 'LEAKING STRATEGY'....strategy, which constitutes 'CONSPIRACY')....
- The US IG recommended to the DOJ MONTHS AGO that McCabe Be Indicted for crimes ... yet Deputy US AG Rod Rosenstein, who once talked about wearing a wire to entrap the President, has arguably Obstructed Justice by refusing to indict his co-conspirator!

....yet the other day this arrogant PROVEN criminal prick struts into Congress and - despite all of the above, despite his own earlier testimony and public declarations that Hillary Clinton DID BREAK LAWS, he mocked Congress by claiming there was no reason to re-investigate Hillary Clinton.


That criminal SOB needs to be taken down and sent to prison. The exposed lies he has told, the illegal acts and cover-up he has perpetrated (as evidence shows), his part in this treasonous the very extreme least the fact that his firing was well-warranted has been proven and his deserving to be indicted / convicted for his crimes has definitely been exposed.

So it wasn't working on Comey today, pivot on to Clinton again... You are really struggling, he explained why there no reason to follow, there was no conviction to be had...

You are just getting embarrassing now..
Comet didn’t know what his left hand was doing, much less his right. I’ll be honest, I think his rogues pulled this off right before his eyes and he never knew what hit him. He was oblivious to what they were up to. And he wouldn’t dare admit it, because his little credibility he has left would be buried quickly. All he could do was go along, when it was discovered. He had lost control.

Except the wifie was a nutcase Hillay supporter.
Who knows? Maybe she convinced him the Hill was stupid, so he wouldn’t charge her.
But, I guarantee you, he didn’t know what was actually going on, either.
So it wasn't working on Comey today, pivot on to Clinton again... You are really struggling, he explained why there no reason to follow, there was no conviction to be had...You are just getting embarrassing now..

As I have repeatedly said and you snowflakes have demonstrated, 'You Can't Fix Stupid.'

Your distraction attempt, trying to claim that Comey and Hillary are 2 separate issues, is duly noted...and laughed at.

Comey is only relevant / significant because of his part in protecting Hillary from her crimes, crimes exposed by evidence, testimony Oher's, McCabe's, Page's, his own), US IG reports, whistleblower info / evidence.

I pointed out, using the transcripts of Comey's own testimony before Congress under oath, transcripts reminding you of the answers Comey gave Gowdy, exposing the FACT that Hillary DID lie to Congress and that she DID break laws...unless you are claiming Comey perpetrated Felony Perjury during that testimony...but why would Comey commit Perjury to accuse Hillary of committing crimes?

You are one of the completely transparent idiots who continue to insist that Hillary illegally storing her illegal unauthorized unencrypted unsecured TOP SECRET personal server in the unauthorized, unsecured BATHROOM of a company who did not meet security qualifications - that had insufficient security clearances to have her server in their possession - was / is somehow NOT ILLEGAL.

You are one of the completely transparent idiots who continue to insist that the FBI declaring they RECOVERED over 15,000 OFFICIAL subpoenaed documents that Hillary TRIED to destroy instead of turning them in, documents that were required to be turned in for archival but that never were - was / is somehow NOT Obstruction and NOT violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

You are one of the completely transparent idiots who continue to insist that destroying official subpoenaed document, destroying multiple devices Hillary originally claimed she never had (but which Comey confirmed under oath that she DID use) , removing classified sim cards from devices before handing the subpoenaed devices (some - not all) and destroying them using methods NOT LEGALLY AUTHORIZED by multiple US Govt and State Department guidelines, rules, regulations, and laws was / is somehow NOT illegal.

It is bad enough, embarrassing enough, to make such ignorant /easily proven false claims ONCE ... but to do so over and over and over again in the face of evidence to the contrary does not show 'stupidity' - it demonstrates a willingness to accept and spread the lies being told.,
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