CNN: “We are waiting for President Obama to come and speak to the media in a news conference,”


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
CNN still has it's head so far up Obama's ass they don't even know he's not President any more...



"While closing the 11:00 am, EST hour, Bolduan told her audience to stand by for a speech from the White House.

“We are waiting for President Obama to come and speak to the media in a news conference,” She stated. “He will be holding a news conference very shortly, at least in part, to announce his new nominee for Labor Secretary.”

Wishful Thinking Or Flat Out Stupidity? -- CNN Host Apparently Thinks 'President Obama' Is Still In Office
another 65 minutes of,,,,,,"UUuughhh,,,,,,And Uhhhhhh"

At least we won't hear lies about how smoothly everything is going and how the media is wrong in declaring Donnie Boy a white hot mess.
we dont need the electric chair anymore,,,,just lock the murderer in a cell,,,,run a 24/7 Obama reel/video in his cell,,and give him a pistol,,,then we wait till he shoots
CNN still has it's head so far up Obama's ass they don't even know he's not President any more...



"While closing the 11:00 am, EST hour, Bolduan told her audience to stand by for a speech from the White House.

“We are waiting for President Obama to come and speak to the media in a news conference,” She stated. “He will be holding a news conference very shortly, at least in part, to announce his new nominee for Labor Secretary.”

Wishful Thinking Or Flat Out Stupidity? -- CNN Host Apparently Thinks 'President Obama' Is Still In Office

there is some kind of etiquette that involves calling X presidents---"mr. president" forever
When you've been following the word "President" with the name "Obama" for eight years, it sort of becomes a habit, doesn't it? Maybe it was a Freudian slip, but more likely it was one of those things that happens when you're tired or stressed and you try to call one of the kids out by name and the wrong kid's name comes out and you try again and get another wrong grandmother used to do that sometimes when she was exasperated with my dad. She'd got through all the boys, starting with the oldest. By which time, she'd be so exasperated steam would be coming out of her ears and we'd all be laughing.
I'm telling you.. this and Pelosi talking about President Bush, these folks are either mentally ill or chronic drug abusers, or possibly both.
I think the MSM are the stupidest most arrogant scum on earth. As for calling someone president, especially when they won't call Trump "Mr President", If I were him I wouldn't call on anyone who did not address me as "Mr. President" Then when they yell and cry about it I would just Laugh at them and say "I didn't Know you were speaking to me". The lies and destructive assumptions they put forth as news is so disgusting it is putrid. It would be really funny if it weren't so sad to see them take the position that they don't care what damage they cause to the country as long as they think they can make governing hard for the PRESIDENT. The really funny thing that makes me Laugh Out Super Loud is the GOT IT WRONG rating of the two main liberal attack dogs, The 9th circuit, and the MSM is about 80 to 90 percent. That means MOST of the things they say and do are WRONG, and they still do it with the intent being to harm the dimshits political opponents. The funnier thing is when a dimscumshit does the same thing they herald it as the greatest thing on earth. I guess they are like the stupid liberals on the forum HUH? HAHAAAHAHAHAHA.
I'm telling you.. this and Pelosi talking about President Bush, these folks are either mentally ill or chronic drug abusers, or possibly both.

Pelosi is the most vile scum to breathe air, even sewer slime is like a rose beside her. Her husband and the Drug Companies are long time bedfellows, she has used his position to insider trade for most of the time she has served in the house, AND she takes the floor to bitch about them charging a high price for a drug while she gets paid to make sure they don't have to lower it for a long time. Any person who would support any dimshitscum for dogcatcher is a murderer, and a treasonist. Even after Trump said something about the clinton-oshit sale of enrichable uranium to Russia the media ignored it and did not even say a word just as they never have. Unfortunately they have the idea their job is not to inform the people when dimshitscum do treasonous things that could result in the deaths of millions of people, it is to make sure the treasonist can continue to keep power, and to repel any threat that may arise to their chosen idols. They live in their gated communities and feel most Americans are beneath them, and they do not give a damn about the safety of US, as long as we don't show up at their country clubs.
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there is some kind of etiquette that involves calling X presidents---"mr. president" forever
That has to do with CNN still thinking Obama is President and about to give a Press Conference when the President is Trump HOW?

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