CNN US : Biden : "I've made it clear that if the Israelis go into population centers [such as Rafah], we will not be supplying arms [4 the job]"

These liberals were more concerned with blacks being offended by the Aunt Jemima logo - how horrific! racism! - than they are about Muslim savages torturing Jewish babies and children, and committing atrocities against young Jews at a music festival before bludgeoning them to death.
We must stop falling for their claim to be liberal. They are true Authoritarians
The United States dropped the atom bomb on Japan and killed thousands of innocent civilians.
What is seldom commented on is America also dropped thousands of fire bombs on Japan and at last dropped two Atom bombs. Then the Japanese quit.
Freedom. You don’t know no fucking freedom.

Mass murdering and maiming 100,000 people makes you a fucking psycho.
Did you elect Joe Biden? Put the blame for him on Biden.

A few RINOs went for that bill from hell and you blame us. Laughable and a DAMNED LIE

10 million on your watch. You are OPEN BORDER BITCHES
McConnell asked for the bill, he told Schumer no one on the republican side is gonna pass the Ukraine and Israel aid bill without border security bill first. So senator Lankford, a republican was picked by McConnell and a Democrat was picked and an independent to work on a border security bill that both sides could pass....

Then after Trump injecting himself, the orders went out to Republicans kill the bill and let it die.


YOU are the one LYING about the border bill. It was a very good bill for all involved, especially the American people.... And YOU NEVER READ IT to actually see ALL that was in it and are a lazy ass who just blindly and thoughtlessly repeats the party line.... Cult45r.

The comprehensive plan covered every single problem at the border, it touched border guards, more security, expanding jails, expanding the Courts to reject the unqualified much quicker, it expanded our staffs in legal border crossings, and touched on the illegal drug and human trafficking, and so much more....Including the Wall.
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McConnell asked for the bill, he told Schumer no one on the republican side is gonna pass the Ukraine and Israel aid bill without border security bill first. So senator Lankford, a republican was picked by McConnell and a Democrat was picked and an independent to work on a border security bill that both sides could pass....

Then after Trump injecting himself, the orders went out to Republicans kill the bill and let it die.


YOU are the one LYING about the border bill. It was a very good bill for all involved, especially the American people.... And YOU NEVER READ IT to actually see ALL that was in it and are a lazy ass who just repeats the party line....

The comprehensive plan covered every single problem at the border, it touched border guards, more security, expanding jails, expanding the Courts to reject the unqualified much quicker, it expanded our staffs in legal border crossings, and touched on the illegal drug and human trafficking, and so much more....
The senate bill was eyewash that guaranteed 5,000 illegal alien / fake asylum seekers admitted every day
because Hamas, left alive, has already stated a repeat to be part of their stated goals.
How many Hamas have been killed? We never hear a number? Yet we do see and hear a number for the tens of thousands of women and children killed as collateral damage by the Israeli bombings??
The senate bill was eyewash that guaranteed 5,000 illegal alien / fake asylum seekers admitted every day
You misunderstand the bill and that number.... And are not willing to research and see what it involves and means vs what we have now...

Encounters ARE NOT admissions.
Biden is shitting you and your fellow travelers. If Biden defies congress, should he be impeached?

You see that would take the GOP Congress... Those fuckwits can't screw in a light bulb and are definitely not giving Biden a political win with a sham impeachment.

Next you can goto the Supreme Court, go on ahead...
You misunderstand the bill and that number.... And are not willing to research and see what it involves and means vs what we have now...

Encounters ARE NOT admissions.
Ok, but authorizing biden to close the border does not insure that he will close it

It merely gives him that option

However, if biden can close the border after 5000, why not close it at zero?
Me too.

But their families? Their kids and grandkids? The neighbors down the street?

Not so much.
So Israel should just continue to allow citizens of their own to be killed because Hamas hides like cowards. Hamas does not give a rip about anything but killing Israelis for Iran, the losses to the people in Gaza doesn't faze them, they do not care, those citizens are just shields and if they are killed the use it for propaganda
Ok, but authorizing biden to close the border does not insure that he will close it

It merely gives him that option

However, if biden can close the border after 5000, why not close it at zero?
Because the way our laws are written, we can't completely close it from asylum seekers who step foot on our land.

Trump never was able to completely close the border to immigrant asylum seekers either....I think he tried to shut it down, was sued by some non profit, and LOST in the S.C.

I believe in the Senate Bill, they made moves to legally change this problem from what I read of the bill....
Only in Democrats heads is our Government border related to either Israel or to Ukraine. Those two nations can have single purpose bills to fund both.
But in the US, Democrats have waged war to keep the influx of Illegals showing up in cities all over America. And they even fly to countries and get passengers to bring illegals to our cities. They are lying that their bill fixed things. HR 2 is the only law that fixes things. Democrats blocked HR2 in the Senate. Those are proven facts.
We have always flown these asylum seeking immigrants around to different cities within the US after arrival at the border under every president, even Trump. The refugees flown in from foreign countries applied and passed as asylum seekers while in their own countries they are trying to escape, have U.S. sponsors to live with, passed all the criminal and legal checks, and medical requirements including vaccinations required in the USA.....
Because the way our laws are written, we can't completely close it from asylum seekers who step foot on our land.

There are plenty of loopholes for biden to step through as excuses

This reminds me of the treaties the government made with the Indians over the centuries and promises unfulfilled
Isn’t Biden aiding and abetting the enemy during war by withholding ptrviously approved support from our ally?
No he isn't.

The only hold up of the billions in aid, are the mega bomb delivery, all of the rest of the military aid is theirs to use.

In the Military Aid for Israel bill, it requires Israel to not use our money (military aid) inhumanely basically.

Blinken is assuring our legal requirement on these bombs being used, is being met by Israel with their plan. Some analysis and report is due this afternoon by Blinken....then if our requirement in the law is met, the mega bombs will be released.
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you interpret this as "biden wants more terrorism?"

sounds more like you are the one who wants more terrorism.

biden wants what every sane person in the world wants : return of the hostages and a 2 state solution, and , peacefan the rest of the world wants peace.

Had Netanyahu not been elected that is exactly what was going to happen. Step one, no money, weapons or anything else until a 2 state solution is met.

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