CNN request spurs to unseal Starr probe docs


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A federal court in Washington will unseal documents that have stayed secret for two decades from independent counsel Ken Starr's investigation of then-president Bill Clinton, following a request from CNN.

CNN request spurs court to unseal Starr probe docs

Oh and you TARDS who chose Obama, Chose Clinton in spite of it being said over and and over he was a rapist , oh the Clintons got dirt you should all be a shamed for denying these truths saying they were Conspiracies. Is that what will come out who knows, either way the SOB is crooked and so is his wife.

They are liars, cheaters, scam artist and they've fkd this Country over just like Obama.

CNN is must be severely desperate to gain more viewers and get their ratings up so much so they are willing to turn their backs on those woh CONTROLLED them, and funded them after all that's what keeps most MSM idiots a float " donated money".

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