CNN Poll June 26-28 2015


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana

Clinton 54 Bush 41

Clinton 56 Rubio 39

Clinton 56 Christie 37

Clinton 59 Trump 34

Clinton 57 Walker 38

Methodology: A total of 1,017 adults were interviewed by telephone nationwide by live interviewers calling both landline and cell phones. Among the entire sample, 28% described themselves as Democrats, 23% described themselves as Republicans, and 49% described themselves as Independents or members of another party.
If your audience is made up exclusively with mindles bed wetting libtards, those are the results I would expect too.

I wouldn't even answer a CNN poll myself.

Let's wait until it's Sanders or clinton against one Republican.OP shows match-ups of one candidate against 5 or 6 possible opponents.
She doesn't realize that Bush supporters won't be voting for hillary if Rubio is the nominee.

All hillary can do at this point is go down hill in polling. Everyone knows her and many already hate her. As opponents both left and right point out her massive string of lies crimes and incompetence, people on the fence will fall to the right.
Well then I guess the old dried up hag has it in the bag so you wont need to vote.


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the Commie news network shilling for a progressive/commie?

say it ain't so


Hillary Clinton unfavorable numbers highest in 14 years
By Nick Gass

6/2/15 7:11 AM EDT

Updated 6/2/15 9:39 AM EDT

Hillary Clinton is seeing her highest unfavorability ratings in 14 years, according to the latest CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday.

Just 46 percent said they view the Democratic presidential front-runner favorably, compared to 50 percent who said they have an unfavorable view. In the preceding April survey, Clinton polled with 53 percent favorable, compared to 44 percent unfavorable.

Despite holding a commanding lead among declared and potential Democratic opponents, the public has not viewed Clinton this unfavorably since March 2001, when the former first lady was in her third month as a New York senator. Just 44 percent said they had a favorable view of Clinton at that time, with 53 percent seeing her in an unfavorable light.

Hillary Clinton 2016 CNN poll shows highest unfavorable numbers in 14 years - POLITICO
That's nice. She's still thumping all the GOP candidates. I guess you have to take what little victories you can get. I'll take "winning" over "favorable".

Yes, the numbers will tighten up when the GOP settles on one candidate. Still, the magnitude of Hillary's lead is still not good news for them.

Also, check how the Republicans responded. It doesn't look like Rubio is going to save you. And Kasich better start playing his cards for VP, because he won't get anything more.

Bush 19
Trump 12
Huckabee 8
Carson 7
Paul 7
Rubio 6
Walker 6
Perry 4
Christie 3
Cruz 3
Santorum 3
Jindal 2
Kasich 2
Fiorina 1
That's nice. She's still thumping all the GOP candidates. I guess you have to take what little victories you can get. I'll take "winning" over "favorable".

Yes, the numbers will tighten up when the GOP settles on one candidate. Still, the magnitude of Hillary's lead is still not good news for them.

Also, check how the Republicans responded. It doesn't look like Rubio is going to save you. And Kasich better start playing his cards for VP, because he won't get anything more.

Bush 19
Trump 12
Huckabee 8
Carson 7
Paul 7
Rubio 6
Walker 6
Perry 4
Christie 3
Cruz 3
Santorum 3
Jindal 2
Kasich 2
Fiorina 1

You'd be wise to realize at some point it will be one democrat against one republican. Right now it's like one against a water downed and over crowded field. Polls like this are useless at this point
I think I 'll wait for the poll about 69 weeks from now.

When it's one on one
What a stupid thread. Hillary has been all but anointed the Dem candidate. The GOP has a lot of contenders. Let's wait until we have a valid Dem candidate vs. GOP candidate contest.
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Reminds me of dems defending the Clintons and Obama.
That's nice. She's still thumping all the GOP candidates. I guess you have to take what little victories you can get. I'll take "winning" over "favorable".

Yes, the numbers will tighten up when the GOP settles on one candidate. Still, the magnitude of Hillary's lead is still not good news for them.

Also, check how the Republicans responded. It doesn't look like Rubio is going to save you. And Kasich better start playing his cards for VP, because he won't get anything more.

Bush 19
Trump 12
Huckabee 8
Carson 7
Paul 7
Rubio 6
Walker 6
Perry 4
Christie 3
Cruz 3
Santorum 3
Jindal 2
Kasich 2
Fiorina 1

Unless Rubio wins the nomination, he will most likely be the VP choice of whomever is the nominee, unless it is Cruz. While I'm sure Rubio wants to win the nomination, he has to be thinking in the back of his mind that there has to be a Hispanic on the ticket if they want any chance against a Clinton/Castro ticket. Now, Hillary may switch course and not take put Castro on the ticket with her, but he is the most likely one, and since the Republican Convention is first, they need to counter the likelihood that Castro will be on the Democratic ticket.

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