CNN: Hillary Clinton writes Iowa thank you note in Des Moines paper


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Clinton pens Iowa oped as her state campaign staffs up -

Hillary Clinton's "I really do like Iowa" charm offensive took to the state's biggest paper on Monday.

The presidential candidate wrote an oped published in the Des Moines Register to thank and recognize the "great ideas" she got from her trip to the state earlier this month.

"Everywhere I went, I met Iowans with great ideas for how we can get there," Clinton wrote. "I will carry the stories and wisdom of the Iowans I met with me throughout the campaign and hopefully onto the White House. You are the reason I got into this race and I will work my heart out to earn your votes."

Clinton's first trip to Iowa was a three day visit that featured small events and roundtables at a factory and a community college. The visit was billed as a listening opportunity for Clinton, who has since used stories from the trip -- along with her trip to New Hampshire -- to provide anecdotal backing for policies the presidential candidate supports.

In the newspaper piece, Clinton mentions stories from Bryce Smith of Adel, who told Clinton about the burdens of student debt, and Bethany Moore of Olin, who spoke about the difficulty with juggling her children, job and school.

Here is the complete op-ed:

Clinton Iowans have great ideas for a better future

Clinton: Iowans have great ideas for a better future


...Americans have come back from tough economic times. But the deck is still stacked in favor of those at the top. Something is wrong when CEOs earn 300 times more than a typical American worker and hedge fund managers pay a lower tax rate than a truck driver or a nurse. Americans are working harder and getting more productive, but they aren't seeing the reward in their paychecks. So it's time to reshuffle the deck and deal a better hand to the middle class.

Every conversation I had in Iowa this month left me more convinced that this is what we have to do.

When I talk with fellow grandparents, I can see it in their eyes. We share the joy in seeing our little ones start to thrive — but also a sense of responsibility to do everything we can to leave them a world with more opportunity. I want all our kids to have the same chance at success as my own granddaughter. And that's what I'm going to fight for as president, every single day.

I will carry the stories and wisdom of the Iowans I met with me throughout the campaign and hopefully onto the White House. You are the reason I got into this race and I will work my heart out to earn your votes.

I'll be back soon. Thanks for having me, Iowa.

Discuss. What do you think of the OP ED?
Hilly is trying to flank Lizzy Cheekbones on the Left

"Oh, I ain't no ways rich"

They are so phony. Hillary's problem is she been around TOO long, so the people know all about her corruption and shadiness, like with these emails to taking monies from Foreign Government for FAVORS

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