
Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022

CNN : The centre of US Fake News seems also mired in other filth​

One senior employee is a disaster but two is the hint of a pattern.
Then add in trash like Cuomo and you get what looks like a Pedo and Porn centre .

Former CNN Producer Pleads Guilty In Pedo Scandal​

WEDNESDAY, DEC 14, 2022 - 03:25 AM
Former CNN producer John Griffin, who worked 'shoulder to shoulder' with Chris Cuomo, pleaded guilty on Monday in federal court to using interstate commerce to entice and coerce a 9-year-old girl to engage in sexual activity as his Vermont ski house.

This is a different CNN pedophile than Jake Tapper's former producer, Rick Saleeby, who resigned after it emerged that he solicited sexually explicit photos of an underage girl.

Griffin admitted to meeting the girl's mother on a website during the summer of 2020, after which he persuaded her to bring the 9-year-old child to his Ludlow, Vermont ski home for illegal sexual activity, AP reports.


And the lame leftist parasites still believe that the sun rises and sets in this corrupt entity.

Says a lot.

There are many more reputable on CNN than non-reputable.

I have a problem with


There are also dirty and fake people on Fox Cable news.

No . The recent survey at Fox showed all employees were either bathing or showering at least once a day .

Anyway , you should not try to defend the CNN cess pit by telling us about your personal list of imagined other wrong doers . And if I were a Fox executive I might take great exception to completely unfounded allegations .
No . The recent survey at Fox showed all employees were either bathing or showering at least once a day .

Anyway , you should not try to defend the CNN cess pit by telling us about your personal list of imagined other wrong doers . And if I were a Fox executive I might take great exception to completely unfounded allegations .
luiza there can be dirt bags at fox news too....
luiza there can be dirt bags at fox news too....
I think, with respect , that you missed what I hoped was fairly clear .
A touch of humour ( plus some glee ).
I am sure even the mighty Fox News might harbour a bad egg somewhere , however unlikely.
But CNN has bankrupted financially and these other troubles somehow seem just and almost deserved by horrible people like me .
I think, with respect , that you missed what I hoped was fairly clear .
A touch of humour ( plus some glee ).
I am sure even the mighty Fox News might harbour a bad egg somewhere , however unlikely.
But CNN has bankrupted financially and these other troubles somehow seem just and almost deserved by horrible people like me .
oh its unlikely......well they sure stuck a flag in your ass didnt they?...
oh its unlikely......well they sure stuck a flag in your ass didnt they?...
What does that quaint phrase mean in English , Harry ?
Do some Americans walk around with the national flag inserted in their anus ?

Is it liberating or some sort of new gender signal ?
These pedos/pervs/groomers have infiltrated all levels of media, politics, entertainment & the general public.
These perps have always been drawn to power that enables their derangements.

They have always been there but the cultural rot at our core has caused them to become more emboldened.
Mainstreaming the sexual disorders & deviancies only amplifies the problems &, for the weak minded, it becomes the "cool thing" to do.
Now prog infested areas are actively trying to normalize their sick predations on our kids.

When the kids are taught all sis/white/conservative/Christian/males are the cause of all evil, they turn to perversions as their own moral code has been hijacked.
Particularly when you use CRT/wokeness to demonize the mainstream & natural life of heterosexuality.
Hence we have massive increases in confused kids identifying as trans or LGBFJB+.

There are many more reputable on CNN than non-reputable.

I have a problem with


There are also dirty and fake people on Fox Cable news.

Wow, you deflect from sexual abuse of minors with the old "everyone's doing it" defense!!!

you cant figure out what that means?...
Lighten up Harry .
I always try to make allowances for Americans as I know how difficult it is to write and think after you have come through your non- education system .Or is it , educashun ?
Lighten up Harry .
I always try to make allowances for Americans as I know how difficult it is to write and think after you have come through your non- education system .Or is it , educashun ?
apparently your education system aint that great if you cant figure out what that to a 3rd grader,im sure they can help you....
There are many more reputable on CNN than non-reputable.

I have a problem with


There are also dirty and fake people on Fox Cable news.
Faux News is mostly run by the same Jewish cabal as all the others.
There are many more reputable on CNN than non-reputable.

I have a problem with


There are also dirty and fake people on Fox Cable news.
Yeah we all remember when
Fox had to fire multiple people including their headliner Bill O'Reilly and numerous others for sexual harassment in the workplace. I guess the opposition fells that groping and hitting on women in the work place was a fringe benefit for working there.

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