CNN “experts” call Trump and his supporters ‘everyday racists’


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Doesn’t this make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Watch the video if you have the stomach for it.

More of this ridiculous trash @ CNN “experts” call Trump and his supporters ‘everyday racists’ | | Media Equalizer
Since the Left has no plausible arguments, they will always just use accusations of Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, etc to demonize the opposition. It isn't working anymore, yet the Media keeps promoting that.
People who make their politics about their race are racist, and they are who CNN panders to, Democrat racist.
A Democrat Politician's worst nightmare is racial harmony and that is why they relentlessly fan the flames of racial tensions.
I'll just keep saying it every time it is appropriate like this.... and this is why Trump won.
And why he will win again.
The Democrats, and their media, have learned nothing from the election. Just enough regular everyday people turned away from the Democrat ticket that gave Trump the election.
That number is likely climbing because the Democrats are still not representing the everyday person.
When is the media and the fake news network CNN going to ask Obama why his former cabinet is trying to frame the president of the United States? When will Obama explain why his FBI and his CIA and his state dept. spied on the Trump campaign? why is Obama so quiet? Where is he? Is he in hiding? Where is Jarrett? Is she in hiding? Why are they in hiding? maybe something to hide like treason? Cmon media Obama has never gone this long without flapping his over sized gums so someone find his cowardly ass and make him answer these very important questions...
Liberals preach tolerance and inclusion and then smear anyone who disagrees with them on climate change, immigration policy, tax policy, etc. as "racist".

Doesn’t this make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Watch the video if you have the stomach for it.

More of this ridiculous trash @ CNN “experts” call Trump and his supporters ‘everyday racists’ | | Media Equalizer

That's okay.
If if weren't for airports, these dickhead race-baiters wouldn't have an audience.

Actually and quite alarming is CNNs presence in high schools in the form of news feed from channel1.
WTF is a biased network doing piping their viewpoint into schools?

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