CNN: Clinton is giving up on Ohio

For having "given up" on Ohio she sure is running a lot of attack ads here on TV.
Yeah they said the ads are still going but she hasn't stepped foot in Ohio in almost 3 weeks. That's amazing for a battle state.

Considering the shape she is in? From what I have heard, she hasn't been stepping foot a whole lot of anywhere lately. :lmao:
CNN's Jeff Zeleny: Is Hillary Clinton Giving Up On Ohio?

AWESOME! This is wonderful news! Trump has put Colorado and Maine among others into play and cut her lead in Pennsylvania to 1 point so she is being stretched thin!

Hey Smoky, they said the same thing about Trump and VA and he is now neck and neck there.

She is not going to give up on an important swing state!
Maybe not but Trump is not LOSING support in states he expected to win. Clinton is. Maine,Colorado,Pennsylvania,New Mexico etc.

True, but like Romney, McCain and Bush, he was well
Behind the 8ball.
No, Trump Tards, Hillary is not giving up on Ohio. It's an important state
Oh look a moderator being very unmoderatorlike! Eh happens when you make a grown child a moderator...

The reason that the polls are swinging Trumps way are very simple to explain--------------> MOST Americans do NOT pay much attention to these races until after Labor Day. They are not like most of the people on this board. The numbers you were seeing came from LIKELY voters, those that almost always vote. What you are seeing now is the injection of middle of the road people, many independents, etc. These people will watch the 1st debate for sure, to see what all the fuss is about. Trump pulls tonight off, and Hillary will probably go the way of the do-do bird. You see, everybody knows the foibles of the Clintons. If Trump looks Presidential, why wouldn't middle of the road people vote for him? They know the Hillary saga already. We also know that no matter what the left says, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is very, very important to most Americans. They keep trying to spin and paint it differently, but it is not working. Also, almost 70% of Americans have stated that they believe the country is going in the wrong direction.

Therefore, the middle of the road people are NOT here tonight to see Hillary, they already know her and what she stands for. They are here to see the agent of change, and if he is acceptable, and what he says. As long as he acts acceptable, I think this is the last time you will see the polls this close, as he will begin to pull away.

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