CNN bigwig calls for hounding 'delusional' Senate Republicans at work, home


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
CNN’s political director urged the news team to get “in their faces” of all Republican senators on a daily basis, both at work and at home, about President Trump’s Ukraine phone call, according to undercover audio.

Another good find to show extreme anti-Trump CNN bias. And, yet another disgusting call to violence from a so-called stanchion of freedom of speech.

I think we have to be in their faces of all 53 Republican senators on as much of a daily basis as possible, whether they’re at home or on the hill, asking each one of them, is it okay for the President of the United States to apply pressure to a foreign country in hopes of getting a domestic political opponent investigated?” said Mr. Chalian on the audio.

If the Left continues to call for violence, violence will soon follow. And, I don’t think the Leftists know or understand who they’re calling out.

More @ ‘Be in their faces’: CNN bigwig calls for hounding ‘delusional’ Senate Republicans at work, home
CNN’s political director urged the news team to get “in their faces” of all Republican senators on a daily basis, both at work and at home, about President Trump’s Ukraine phone call, according to undercover audio.

Another good find to show extreme anti-Trump CNN bias. And, yet another disgusting call to violence from a so-called stanchion of freedom of speech.

I think we have to be in their faces of all 53 Republican senators on as much of a daily basis as possible, whether they’re at home or on the hill, asking each one of them, is it okay for the President of the United States to apply pressure to a foreign country in hopes of getting a domestic political opponent investigated?” said Mr. Chalian on the audio.

If the Left continues to call for violence, violence will soon follow. And, I don’t think the Leftists know or understand who they’re calling out.

More @ ‘Be in their faces’: CNN bigwig calls for hounding ‘delusional’ Senate Republicans at work, home
I think several hundred people they harass should be able to sue for a several million apiece, and when George Soros gets tired of giving that many Republicans millions apiece, that should shut down the problem. :muahaha:
Wow... actually making Senators responsible to the people.

What a horrible concept.

Here's the thing... If you shot up all 53 Republican Senators up with Sodium Penathal, every last one of them would admit Trump is completely unfit for office.

But they all hope they can slip by without anyone calling them on it.
Wow... actually making Senators responsible to the people.

What a horrible concept.

Here's the thing... If you shot up all 53 Republican Senators up with Sodium Penathal, every last one of them would admit Trump is completely unfit for office.

But they all hope they can slip by without anyone calling them on it.
dude - trump can't fart in the shower w/o the left demanding impeachment. you're just making a mockery of about everything to be honest and your delusional grandstanding to encourage people to GET IN THEIR FACE is flat out bullshit.

i'd not encourage ANYONE to get in ANYONE ELSES FACE. bad things happen and when they do, the left then whines about the very freedom of speech and expression they're trying to stop.
It's what TYRANTS do.

Unfortunately, Americans are accepting this incremental tyranny.

The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves at how much the American people have already taken without so much as a whimper.

What "should" be happening by now is that millions of Americans are descending upon DC demanding reform. REAL reform.
Wow... actually making Senators responsible to the people.

What a horrible concept.

Here's the thing... If you shot up all 53 Republican Senators up with Sodium Penathal, every last one of them would admit Trump is completely unfit for office.

But they all hope they can slip by without anyone calling them on it.

Senators should be responsible to their state. Representatives are responsible to the people.

This is one reason why we need a new Constitution.
It's what TYRANTS do.

Unfortunately, Americans are accepting this incremental tyranny.

The Founding Fathers are rolling in their graves at how much the American people have already taken without so much as a whimper.

What "should" be happening by now is that millions of Americans are descending upon DC demanding reform. REAL reform.
yet, they are not.

maybe it's all in your tiny little head.
dude - trump can't fart in the shower w/o the left demanding impeachment. you're just making a mockery of about everything to be honest and your delusional grandstanding to encourage people to GET IN THEIR FACE is flat out bullshit.

i'd not encourage ANYONE to get in ANYONE ELSES FACE. bad things happen and when they do, the left then whines about the very freedom of speech and expression they're trying to stop.

Okay, I'd love to see a GOP's senator hit someone who demanded he do their job. I'd play that on a loop.
dude - trump can't fart in the shower w/o the left demanding impeachment. you're just making a mockery of about everything to be honest and your delusional grandstanding to encourage people to GET IN THEIR FACE is flat out bullshit.

i'd not encourage ANYONE to get in ANYONE ELSES FACE. bad things happen and when they do, the left then whines about the very freedom of speech and expression they're trying to stop.

Okay, I'd love to see a GOP's senator hit someone who demanded he do their job. I'd play that on a loop.
I'd love to see dems not get panties in a twist and scream GET IN THEIR FACES

OF WHICH is not their job nor how adults should handle things.
I'd love to see dems not get panties in a twist and scream GET IN THEIR FACES

OF WHICH is not their job nor how adults should handle things.

Um, it's exactly how you handle things if Congress won't do it's job.
it's simply NOT how adults handle things. if this is how YOU would do it, then fine. but i hardly call that a conducive way to get things done.
Wow... actually making Senators responsible to the people.

What a horrible concept.

Here's the thing... If you shot up all 53 Republican Senators up with Sodium Penathal, every last one of them would admit Trump is completely unfit for office.

But they all hope they can slip by without anyone calling them on it.
Coming from the Stalinist show trial, anonymous "whistleblower", secret hearings Party, you must be off your meds.
Coming from the Stalinist show trial, anonymous "whistleblower", secret hearings Party, you must be off your meds.

Guy, we can hear the Flop Sweat from you guys... Trump got caught breaking the law...

The only question is WHEN the charges get to the Senate, will the same Republican Senators who insisted that lying about a Blow Job was an impeachable offense will try to claim blackmailing a foreign head of State with American Aid Dollars isn't.
Coming from the Stalinist show trial, anonymous "whistleblower", secret hearings Party, you must be off your meds.

Guy, we can hear the Flop Sweat from you guys... Trump got caught breaking the law...

The only question is WHEN the charges get to the Senate, will the same Republican Senators who insisted that lying about a Blow Job was an impeachable offense will try to claim blackmailing a foreign head of State with American Aid Dollars isn't.

Classic delusional democrat. Clinton sexually assaulted a girl his daughter's age in the White House, where his bff Epstein was a frequent visitor. I wonder how many times Epstein brought 16 year old girls along to visit the WH

If you think Trump is in trouble now, wait until the Mueller report drops!
Classic delusional democrat. Clinton sexually assaulted a girl his daughter's age in the White House, where his bff Epstein was a frequent visitor. I wonder how many times Epstein brought 16 year old girls along to visit the WH

Your fantasies aside, Monica Lewisnky was an adult, not Chelsea's age. She was old enough to vote, hold a job, sign a contract or serve in the armed forces. We let people Monica's age lead troops into battle as Officers or NCO's in the military.

What he did was wrong. It wasn't impeachable.

If you think Trump is in trouble now, wait until the Mueller report drops!

You mean the Mueller Report that identified 12 cases where he obstructed justice? Yeah, Trump dodged a bullet on that one and then went out and did something even more blatant.

It's like the guy can't help himself.
Classic delusional democrat. Clinton sexually assaulted a girl his daughter's age in the White House, where his bff Epstein was a frequent visitor. I wonder how many times Epstein brought 16 year old girls along to visit the WH

Your fantasies aside, Monica Lewisnky was an adult, not Chelsea's age. She was old enough to vote, hold a job, sign a contract or serve in the armed forces. We let people Monica's age lead troops into battle as Officers or NCO's in the military.

What he did was wrong. It wasn't impeachable.

If you think Trump is in trouble now, wait until the Mueller report drops!

You mean the Mueller Report that identified 12 cases where he obstructed justice? Yeah, Trump dodged a bullet on that one and then went out and did something even more blatant.

It's like the guy can't help himself.
neither can the people who bash him constantly. bash for something stupid only to come back and outdo themselves with the next bashing.

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