C'mon, Obamabots, FOCUS!!....Time for ACORN Damage Control!!


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays

So, the "they're actors" gambit didn't fly....Where are all the other possible explanations for this atrocity, from the bedwetters who descend on every Palin and Beck thread at the drop of a hat??

I know the Wilson thingy is a nice diversion, but all day and not a peep from any of the usual suspects on this one??


The libs are busy with Mr. Wilson...

They don't have time for this insignificant matter... Dammit, someone dissed the 0ssiah! Forces are being mobilized!
How many teenage prostitutes did Obama add to the Dem voting block when he was a Community Organizer?
The libs are busy with Mr. Wilson...

They don't have time for this insignificant matter... Dammit, someone dissed the 0ssiah! Forces are being mobilized!

Wilson fucks up and conservatives and Republicans alike promptly condemn what he said and where he said it. No hesitation. No reticence. Even if there is some underlying merit to the substance of what Wilson said (and there is), his piss-poor behavior got promptly and rightfully condemned by his "own" side.

ACORN gets CAUGHT on tape engaging in criminal behavior, and with only a few exceptions, the lefties IMMEDIATELY jump on the chance to condemn

Wilson --

but forthrightly embrace stoney silence on the criminal behavior of ACORN!

Libs are, largely, very much like Brave Sir Robin!
The libs are busy with Mr. Wilson...

They don't have time for this insignificant matter... Dammit, someone dissed the 0ssiah! Forces are being mobilized!

Wilson fucks up and conservatives and Republicans alike promptly condemn what he said and where he said it. No hesitation. No reticence. Even if there is some underlying merit to the substance of what Wilson said (and there is), his piss-poor behavior got promptly and rightfully condemned by his "own" side.

ACORN gets CAUGHT on tape engaging in criminal behavior, and with only a few exceptions, the lefties IMMEDIATELY jump on the chance to condemn

Wilson --

but forthrightly embrace stoney silence on the criminal behavior of ACORN!

Libs are, largely, very much like Brave Sir Robin!
and ACORN fired the people caught

I guess there's no arguing with documented proof.
Except: But, but, but you don't understand. They're just misunderstood victims of society. It's not their fault, the evil Republicans made them do it.
I blame GEORGE BOOOOOOSH!!! :lol:

Well, geez; who doesn't blame Boooosh?

In fact, if we dig, I'll bet we find that W hired those two stupid motherf'ers who gave criminal advice over at ACORN, personally. And, uhm, he probably paid them out of his own pocket!

Yes. It always comes down to Boooosh!

Well, either him or Rove.

One of them.
I blame GEORGE BOOOOOOSH!!! :lol:

Well, geez; who doesn't blame Boooosh?

In fact, if we dig, I'll bet we find that W hired those two stupid motherf'ers who gave criminal advice over at ACORN, personally. And, uhm, he probably paid them out of his own pocket!

Yes. It always comes down to Boooosh!

Well, either him or Rove.

One of them.
dont forget Cheney and Rumsfeld
I blame GEORGE BOOOOOOSH!!! :lol:

Well, geez; who doesn't blame Boooosh?

In fact, if we dig, I'll bet we find that W hired those two stupid motherf'ers who gave criminal advice over at ACORN, personally. And, uhm, he probably paid them out of his own pocket!

Yes. It always comes down to Boooosh!

Well, either him or Rove.

One of them.
dont forget Cheney and Rumsfeld

Damn it. You're right. Haliburton and the Military Industrial Complex.

Of course.
i blame george boooooosh!!! :lol:

well, geez; who doesn't blame boooosh?

In fact, if we dig, i'll bet we find that w hired those two stupid motherf'ers who gave criminal advice over at acorn, personally. And, uhm, he probably paid them out of his own pocket!

Yes. It always comes down to boooosh!

Well, either him or rove.

One of them.
dont forget cheney and rumsfeld


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