Clinton Whistleblowers: Thursday’s Public Hearing to Reveal “Explosive” Information

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Maybe boom, maybe fizzle.... if it does not get far beyond one hearing it will be mere fizzle. WHO in the DOJ and FBI will actually get something done on this?

No mention of Huber... is he testifying tomorrow or not???

Is Huber DOING anything, or not???

Has Huber EVER done anything of a serious investigation, or not?


A trove of documents on the Clinton Foundation alleging possible pay for play and tax evasion have been turned over to the FBI and IRS by several investigative whistleblowers, who will be testifying in an open hearing before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Thursday, according to the committee and lawmakers.

Roughly 6,000 documents that are expected to reveal the nearly two year investigation by the whistleblowers with a private firm called MDA Analytics LLC, which allegedly turned over the documents more than a year and half ago to the IRS, according to John Solomon, who first published the report last week in The Hill.

The whistleblowers are former federal criminal investigators, who allege that the Clinton Foundation was “engaged in illegal activities and may be liable for millions of dollars in delinquent taxes and penalties,” according to Solomon.

The Department of Justice and the FBI’s Little Rock, Ark. field office, which is believed to be investigating the foundation, have allegedly obtained the documentation from the whistleblowers as well, according to lawmakers who’ve spoken with the whistleblowers.

Clinton Foundation officials could not be immediately reached for comment.

However, a former whistleblower, who has spoke with agents from the Little Rock FBI field office last year and worked for years as an undercover informant collecting information on Russia’s nuclear energy industry for the bureau, noted his enormous frustration with the DOJ and FBI. He describes as a two-tiered justice system that failed to actively investigate the information he provided years ago on the Clinton Foundation and Russia’s dangerous meddling with the U.S. nuclear industry and energy industry during the Obama administration.

William D. Campbell’s story was first published by this reporter in 2017. He turned over more than 5,000 documents and detailed daily briefs to the bureau when he served as a confidential informant reporting on Russia’s nuclear giant Rosatom. Campbell worked as an energy consultant, gaining the trust of Russians and providing significant insight into Russia’s strategic plans to gain global dominance in the uranium industry. He reported on Russian’s intentions to build a closer relationship with Obama administration officials, to include then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as reported. The documents he turned over to the DOJ, which were reviewed by this news site, showed Campbell had also provided highly sensitive information both related to the uranium case, as well as other intelligence matters, since 2006.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller was the director of the FBI at the time Campbell was a confidential informant and according to Campbell the information was briefed to Mueller by his FBI handlers.

Cool. Anybody that commits a crime should be punished, but they've been looking for almost 3 decades. Nothing yet.
Cool. Anybody that commits a crime should be punished, but they've been looking for almost 3 decades. Nothing yet.

Anybody that commits a crime should be punished, but they've been looking for almost 3 decades. Nothing yet.

How long did it take them to lock up Capone for racketeering, murder, etc?
Should be interesting to hear what these folks have to say.

Vary interesting.

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