Clinton to outline gun control plan during Monday campaign stops


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
2015-10-005 Clinton photo (Reuters).png

Photo source

This is being reported all over the place, but from various angles, to say the least.

Clinton to outline gun control plan during Monday campaign stops

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will outline specific steps she would take to curb gun violence if elected during scheduled campaign stops in New Hampshire on Monday.

Clinton spoke out forcefully in favor of new gun control measures after a shooting last week on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, which killed nine people and wounded another nine.

In appearances after the shooting, Clinton said she wants to begin a "national movement" to counter the influence of the National Rife Association, the nation's top gun-rights advocacy group, but she has still to say what specific measures she would take if elected to the White House in November 2016.

Among the steps that she will outline later on Monday, her campaign said, is the use of presidential executive authority to close a "loophole" to ensure people buying firearms at gun shows and on the Internet undergo the same background checks and pay the same sales tax as when buying from traditional retailers.

Clinton will also push Congress to pass laws that prohibit all domestic abusers, including stalkers, from purchasing guns and to close what she will call the "Charleston loophole", referring to a June shooting at a African American church in Charleston, South Carolina, that left nine dead.

Hillary Clinton to push new gun control proposals, executive action expanding background checks

Clinton will unveil her plans Monday during a campaign swing through New Hampshire. Her campaign says her proposals include a repeal of legislation shielding gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine students and teachers at a community college on Thursday.

The proposals mark an attempt by Clinton to make up ground among the liberal wing of the Democratic party against her closest rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. While Sanders has wooed the Democratic base with his liberal positions on issues like income inequality and college debt, he's struggled to defend a more mixed record on gun legislation--a reflection, he says, of his rural, gun-friendly home-state.

Election 2016: Hillary Clinton to propose new, stricter gun control measures
(CBS News)

Clinton, who supports universal background checks and a ban on military-style assault weapons, will outline her new proposals in two town halls on Monday in New Hampshire, according to a campaign aide.

Three of four of Clinton's proposals target loopholes in current federal laws that apply to those who want to buy guns

The four specific proposals that Clinton will outline are at the CBS link above.

Hillary Clinton Set to Unveil Gun Control Plan
(ABC News)

The announcement of Clinton’s plan, which she planned to unveil at campaign events in New Hampshire on Monday, comes two days after the Democratic presidential candidate blasted Republicans for putting "the NRA ahead of American families," and just hours after her Democratic challenger, Martin O’Malley, called on both Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to back his plan to reduce gun violence -– which he announced on Sunday.

Hillary Clinton to Unveil Plan for Major New Gun Restrictions
(NBC News)

Under the plan, which comes in the wake of a mass shooting at an Oregon community college that left 10 people dead last week, Clinton would tighten rules governing gun show and Internet sales using executive action "if Congress will not act," aides said.

That includes the so-called gun show loophole, under which private gun sellers aren't required to perform background checks of buyers.

She would also push to repeal a law backed by the National Rifle Association that prevents crime victims from suing gun manufacturers. And her proposal would revoke the licenses of "bad actor" dealers who knowingly supply guns to straw purchasers and traffickers.

Clinton is expected to roll out her new plan Monday, starting with a town hall and interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie on TODAY in Hollis, New Hampshire.

Hillary Clinton Goes Big On Gun Policy, Creates Contrast With Bernie Sanders

Clinton plans to call for lawmakers to address the issue. But if they don't, she will require that anyone “attempting to sell a significant number of guns be deemed ‘in the business of selling firearms,’” which would “ensure that high-volume gun sellers are covered by the same common sense rules that apply to gun stores -- including requiring background checks on gun sales.” Asked what would constitute “a significant number of guns,” a Clinton aide responded, “There are a number of studies being conducted currently regarding illegal gun sales that could inform an eventual rulemaking.”

Such an administrative action would be a bold step, one bound to spark massive pushback. And it’s not clear how it would legally work. President Barack Obama said at a recent press conference he had exhausted all the tools available to him to strengthen gun control laws. Clinton’s campaign did not elaborate as to what legal avenues it is exploring.

AP News - Clinton to push new gun controls after Oregon shooting

Clinton says she would impose stricter controls on sales at gun shows

As a candidate, Clinton has been passionate and blunt about gun violence and the lack of congressional action to limit firearm sales or pass other gun-control measures.

“We can’t wait any longer to act on gun violence prevention,” Clinton said Sunday via Twitter. “Every time there’s another massacre, Republicans say ‘now is not the time to talk about guns,’ ” she wrote. “Yes, it is. But more than talk, it is time to act.”

She plans to outline those proposals at two town-hall-style events Monday, her campaign said Sunday. She supports changes to make the federal background-check system more comprehensive and to limit the ownership of military-style assault weapons.

Gun shows are a frequent complaint of gun-control advocates, along with online firearm sales that can go around the regular background-check system. The Republican-led Congress has resisted new regulation, leading President Obama to use his executive authority in 2013 to subject gun purchases by corporations and trusts to background checks and ban almost all reimports of military surplus firearms to private entities.

Clinton pledges to close the gun show loophole -

The loophole -- called the Charleston Loophole -- refers to the June shooting that killed nine worshippers at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, where the assailant legally purchased a gun despite a previous drug offense. Rep. James Clyburn, a Democrat from South Carolina, has proposed a bill in Congress to close the loophole, too.

After the Oregon shooting, Clinton called for "new, effective gun control measures" in a speech that blasted the National Rifle Association.

"What is wrong with us that we can't stand up to the NRA and the gun lobby and the gun manufacturers," Clinton said to sustained applause at a speech in Davie, Florida. "This is not just tragic. We don't just need to pray for people, we need to act. We need to build a movement."

Clinton also blasted Republicans, arguing they "put the NRA ahead of American families."

Clinton will reiterate those same sentiments about the NRA on Monday, and will pledge to repeal the "Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act," a law signed by President George W. Bush in 2005 that outlawed victims of firearm violence from suing gun manufacturers and dealers. As senator from New York, Clinton voted against the law.

On Monday, Clinton will also call for legislation that prohibits all domestic abusers from buying a weapon.

Surely this is going to get a lot of TV coverage today, is likely to be the top or one of the top 2 stories for this day.

You might want to read up on exactly what Hillary Clinton is proposing before screaming that she is gonna take yer gunz away.

Last edited:
Holding manufacturers responsible for people that misuse their products.

Will this include drug companies, beer, wine, whiskey, etc. manufacturers down the road?
Slippery slope I dont' want to think about...

But I hope others do
View attachment 51566
Photo source

This is being reported all over the place, but from various angles, to say the least.

Clinton to outline gun control plan during Monday campaign stops

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will outline specific steps she would take to curb gun violence if elected during scheduled campaign stops in New Hampshire on Monday.

Clinton spoke out forcefully in favor of new gun control measures after a shooting last week on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, which killed nine people and wounded another nine.

In appearances after the shooting, Clinton said she wants to begin a "national movement" to counter the influence of the National Rife Association, the nation's top gun-rights advocacy group, but she has still to say what specific measures she would take if elected to the White House in November 2016.

Among the steps that she will outline later on Monday, her campaign said, is the use of presidential executive authority to close a "loophole" to ensure people buying firearms at gun shows and on the Internet undergo the same background checks and pay the same sales tax as when buying from traditional retailers.

Clinton will also push Congress to pass laws that prohibit all domestic abusers, including stalkers, from purchasing guns and to close what she will call the "Charleston loophole", referring to a June shooting at a African American church in Charleston, South Carolina, that left nine dead.

Hillary Clinton to push new gun control proposals, executive action expanding background checks

Clinton will unveil her plans Monday during a campaign swing through New Hampshire. Her campaign says her proposals include a repeal of legislation shielding gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine students and teachers at a community college on Thursday.

The proposals mark an attempt by Clinton to make up ground among the liberal wing of the Democratic party against her closest rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. While Sanders has wooed the Democratic base with his liberal positions on issues like income inequality and college debt, he's struggled to defend a more mixed record on gun legislation--a reflection, he says, of his rural, gun-friendly home-state.

Election 2016: Hillary Clinton to propose new, stricter gun control measures
(CBS News)

Clinton, who supports universal background checks and a ban on military-style assault weapons, will outline her new proposals in two town halls on Monday in New Hampshire, according to a campaign aide.

Three of four of Clinton's proposals target loopholes in current federal laws that apply to those who want to buy guns

The four specific proposals that Clinton will outline are at the CBS link above.

Hillary Clinton Set to Unveil Gun Control Plan
(ABC News)

The announcement of Clinton’s plan, which she planned to unveil at campaign events in New Hampshire on Monday, comes two days after the Democratic presidential candidate blasted Republicans for putting "the NRA ahead of American families," and just hours after her Democratic challenger, Martin O’Malley, called on both Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to back his plan to reduce gun violence -– which he announced on Sunday.

Hillary Clinton to Unveil Plan for Major New Gun Restrictions
(NBC News)

Under the plan, which comes in the wake of a mass shooting at an Oregon community college that left 10 people dead last week, Clinton would tighten rules governing gun show and Internet sales using executive action "if Congress will not act," aides said.

That includes the so-called gun show loophole, under which private gun sellers aren't required to perform background checks of buyers.

She would also push to repeal a law backed by the National Rifle Association that prevents crime victims from suing gun manufacturers. And her proposal would revoke the licenses of "bad actor" dealers who knowingly supply guns to straw purchasers and traffickers.

Clinton is expected to roll out her new plan Monday, starting with a town hall and interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie on TODAY in Hollis, New Hampshire.

Hillary Clinton Goes Big On Gun Policy, Creates Contrast With Bernie Sanders

Clinton plans to call for lawmakers to address the issue. But if they don't, she will require that anyone “attempting to sell a significant number of guns be deemed ‘in the business of selling firearms,’” which would “ensure that high-volume gun sellers are covered by the same common sense rules that apply to gun stores -- including requiring background checks on gun sales.” Asked what would constitute “a significant number of guns,” a Clinton aide responded, “There are a number of studies being conducted currently regarding illegal gun sales that could inform an eventual rulemaking.”

Such an administrative action would be a bold step, one bound to spark massive pushback. And it’s not clear how it would legally work. President Barack Obama said at a recent press conference he had exhausted all the tools available to him to strengthen gun control laws. Clinton’s campaign did not elaborate as to what legal avenues it is exploring.

AP News - Clinton to push new gun controls after Oregon shooting

Clinton says she would impose stricter controls on sales at gun shows

As a candidate, Clinton has been passionate and blunt about gun violence and the lack of congressional action to limit firearm sales or pass other gun-control measures.

“We can’t wait any longer to act on gun violence prevention,” Clinton said Sunday via Twitter. “Every time there’s another massacre, Republicans say ‘now is not the time to talk about guns,’ ” she wrote. “Yes, it is. But more than talk, it is time to act.”

She plans to outline those proposals at two town-hall-style events Monday, her campaign said Sunday. She supports changes to make the federal background-check system more comprehensive and to limit the ownership of military-style assault weapons.

Gun shows are a frequent complaint of gun-control advocates, along with online firearm sales that can go around the regular background-check system. The Republican-led Congress has resisted new regulation, leading President Obama to use his executive authority in 2013 to subject gun purchases by corporations and trusts to background checks and ban almost all reimports of military surplus firearms to private entities.


Surely this is going to get a lot of TV coverage today, is likely to be the top or one of the top 2 stories for this day.

You might want to read up on exactly what Hillary Clinton is proposing before screaming that she is gonna take yer gunz away.

No doubt you will believe EVERY word she says...
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #6
View attachment 51566
Photo source

This is being reported all over the place, but from various angles, to say the least.

Clinton to outline gun control plan during Monday campaign stops

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will outline specific steps she would take to curb gun violence if elected during scheduled campaign stops in New Hampshire on Monday.

Clinton spoke out forcefully in favor of new gun control measures after a shooting last week on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, which killed nine people and wounded another nine.

In appearances after the shooting, Clinton said she wants to begin a "national movement" to counter the influence of the National Rife Association, the nation's top gun-rights advocacy group, but she has still to say what specific measures she would take if elected to the White House in November 2016.

Among the steps that she will outline later on Monday, her campaign said, is the use of presidential executive authority to close a "loophole" to ensure people buying firearms at gun shows and on the Internet undergo the same background checks and pay the same sales tax as when buying from traditional retailers.

Clinton will also push Congress to pass laws that prohibit all domestic abusers, including stalkers, from purchasing guns and to close what she will call the "Charleston loophole", referring to a June shooting at a African American church in Charleston, South Carolina, that left nine dead.

Hillary Clinton to push new gun control proposals, executive action expanding background checks

Clinton will unveil her plans Monday during a campaign swing through New Hampshire. Her campaign says her proposals include a repeal of legislation shielding gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine students and teachers at a community college on Thursday.

The proposals mark an attempt by Clinton to make up ground among the liberal wing of the Democratic party against her closest rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. While Sanders has wooed the Democratic base with his liberal positions on issues like income inequality and college debt, he's struggled to defend a more mixed record on gun legislation--a reflection, he says, of his rural, gun-friendly home-state.

Election 2016: Hillary Clinton to propose new, stricter gun control measures
(CBS News)

Clinton, who supports universal background checks and a ban on military-style assault weapons, will outline her new proposals in two town halls on Monday in New Hampshire, according to a campaign aide.

Three of four of Clinton's proposals target loopholes in current federal laws that apply to those who want to buy guns

The four specific proposals that Clinton will outline are at the CBS link above.

Hillary Clinton Set to Unveil Gun Control Plan
(ABC News)

The announcement of Clinton’s plan, which she planned to unveil at campaign events in New Hampshire on Monday, comes two days after the Democratic presidential candidate blasted Republicans for putting "the NRA ahead of American families," and just hours after her Democratic challenger, Martin O’Malley, called on both Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to back his plan to reduce gun violence -– which he announced on Sunday.

Hillary Clinton to Unveil Plan for Major New Gun Restrictions
(NBC News)

Under the plan, which comes in the wake of a mass shooting at an Oregon community college that left 10 people dead last week, Clinton would tighten rules governing gun show and Internet sales using executive action "if Congress will not act," aides said.

That includes the so-called gun show loophole, under which private gun sellers aren't required to perform background checks of buyers.

She would also push to repeal a law backed by the National Rifle Association that prevents crime victims from suing gun manufacturers. And her proposal would revoke the licenses of "bad actor" dealers who knowingly supply guns to straw purchasers and traffickers.

Clinton is expected to roll out her new plan Monday, starting with a town hall and interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie on TODAY in Hollis, New Hampshire.

Hillary Clinton Goes Big On Gun Policy, Creates Contrast With Bernie Sanders

Clinton plans to call for lawmakers to address the issue. But if they don't, she will require that anyone “attempting to sell a significant number of guns be deemed ‘in the business of selling firearms,’” which would “ensure that high-volume gun sellers are covered by the same common sense rules that apply to gun stores -- including requiring background checks on gun sales.” Asked what would constitute “a significant number of guns,” a Clinton aide responded, “There are a number of studies being conducted currently regarding illegal gun sales that could inform an eventual rulemaking.”

Such an administrative action would be a bold step, one bound to spark massive pushback. And it’s not clear how it would legally work. President Barack Obama said at a recent press conference he had exhausted all the tools available to him to strengthen gun control laws. Clinton’s campaign did not elaborate as to what legal avenues it is exploring.

AP News - Clinton to push new gun controls after Oregon shooting

Clinton says she would impose stricter controls on sales at gun shows

As a candidate, Clinton has been passionate and blunt about gun violence and the lack of congressional action to limit firearm sales or pass other gun-control measures.

“We can’t wait any longer to act on gun violence prevention,” Clinton said Sunday via Twitter. “Every time there’s another massacre, Republicans say ‘now is not the time to talk about guns,’ ” she wrote. “Yes, it is. But more than talk, it is time to act.”

She plans to outline those proposals at two town-hall-style events Monday, her campaign said Sunday. She supports changes to make the federal background-check system more comprehensive and to limit the ownership of military-style assault weapons.

Gun shows are a frequent complaint of gun-control advocates, along with online firearm sales that can go around the regular background-check system. The Republican-led Congress has resisted new regulation, leading President Obama to use his executive authority in 2013 to subject gun purchases by corporations and trusts to background checks and ban almost all reimports of military surplus firearms to private entities.


Surely this is going to get a lot of TV coverage today, is likely to be the top or one of the top 2 stories for this day.

You might want to read up on exactly what Hillary Clinton is proposing before screaming that she is gonna take yer gunz away.

No doubt you will believe EVERY word she says...

Uhm, not really.

I don't believe every word that any politician says.

But your obession with me really is a little creepy.

You seem to lack to the ability to focus on any topic. Instead, you focus on the person who brought the message. That is very, very creepy.

YOU are creepy.
View attachment 51566
Photo source

This is being reported all over the place, but from various angles, to say the least.

Clinton to outline gun control plan during Monday campaign stops

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will outline specific steps she would take to curb gun violence if elected during scheduled campaign stops in New Hampshire on Monday.

Clinton spoke out forcefully in favor of new gun control measures after a shooting last week on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, which killed nine people and wounded another nine.

In appearances after the shooting, Clinton said she wants to begin a "national movement" to counter the influence of the National Rife Association, the nation's top gun-rights advocacy group, but she has still to say what specific measures she would take if elected to the White House in November 2016.

Among the steps that she will outline later on Monday, her campaign said, is the use of presidential executive authority to close a "loophole" to ensure people buying firearms at gun shows and on the Internet undergo the same background checks and pay the same sales tax as when buying from traditional retailers.

Clinton will also push Congress to pass laws that prohibit all domestic abusers, including stalkers, from purchasing guns and to close what she will call the "Charleston loophole", referring to a June shooting at a African American church in Charleston, South Carolina, that left nine dead.

Hillary Clinton to push new gun control proposals, executive action expanding background checks

Clinton will unveil her plans Monday during a campaign swing through New Hampshire. Her campaign says her proposals include a repeal of legislation shielding gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine students and teachers at a community college on Thursday.

The proposals mark an attempt by Clinton to make up ground among the liberal wing of the Democratic party against her closest rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. While Sanders has wooed the Democratic base with his liberal positions on issues like income inequality and college debt, he's struggled to defend a more mixed record on gun legislation--a reflection, he says, of his rural, gun-friendly home-state.

Election 2016: Hillary Clinton to propose new, stricter gun control measures
(CBS News)

Clinton, who supports universal background checks and a ban on military-style assault weapons, will outline her new proposals in two town halls on Monday in New Hampshire, according to a campaign aide.

Three of four of Clinton's proposals target loopholes in current federal laws that apply to those who want to buy guns

The four specific proposals that Clinton will outline are at the CBS link above.

Hillary Clinton Set to Unveil Gun Control Plan
(ABC News)

The announcement of Clinton’s plan, which she planned to unveil at campaign events in New Hampshire on Monday, comes two days after the Democratic presidential candidate blasted Republicans for putting "the NRA ahead of American families," and just hours after her Democratic challenger, Martin O’Malley, called on both Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to back his plan to reduce gun violence -– which he announced on Sunday.

Hillary Clinton to Unveil Plan for Major New Gun Restrictions
(NBC News)

Under the plan, which comes in the wake of a mass shooting at an Oregon community college that left 10 people dead last week, Clinton would tighten rules governing gun show and Internet sales using executive action "if Congress will not act," aides said.

That includes the so-called gun show loophole, under which private gun sellers aren't required to perform background checks of buyers.

She would also push to repeal a law backed by the National Rifle Association that prevents crime victims from suing gun manufacturers. And her proposal would revoke the licenses of "bad actor" dealers who knowingly supply guns to straw purchasers and traffickers.

Clinton is expected to roll out her new plan Monday, starting with a town hall and interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie on TODAY in Hollis, New Hampshire.

Hillary Clinton Goes Big On Gun Policy, Creates Contrast With Bernie Sanders

Clinton plans to call for lawmakers to address the issue. But if they don't, she will require that anyone “attempting to sell a significant number of guns be deemed ‘in the business of selling firearms,’” which would “ensure that high-volume gun sellers are covered by the same common sense rules that apply to gun stores -- including requiring background checks on gun sales.” Asked what would constitute “a significant number of guns,” a Clinton aide responded, “There are a number of studies being conducted currently regarding illegal gun sales that could inform an eventual rulemaking.”

Such an administrative action would be a bold step, one bound to spark massive pushback. And it’s not clear how it would legally work. President Barack Obama said at a recent press conference he had exhausted all the tools available to him to strengthen gun control laws. Clinton’s campaign did not elaborate as to what legal avenues it is exploring.

AP News - Clinton to push new gun controls after Oregon shooting

Clinton says she would impose stricter controls on sales at gun shows

As a candidate, Clinton has been passionate and blunt about gun violence and the lack of congressional action to limit firearm sales or pass other gun-control measures.

“We can’t wait any longer to act on gun violence prevention,” Clinton said Sunday via Twitter. “Every time there’s another massacre, Republicans say ‘now is not the time to talk about guns,’ ” she wrote. “Yes, it is. But more than talk, it is time to act.”

She plans to outline those proposals at two town-hall-style events Monday, her campaign said Sunday. She supports changes to make the federal background-check system more comprehensive and to limit the ownership of military-style assault weapons.

Gun shows are a frequent complaint of gun-control advocates, along with online firearm sales that can go around the regular background-check system. The Republican-led Congress has resisted new regulation, leading President Obama to use his executive authority in 2013 to subject gun purchases by corporations and trusts to background checks and ban almost all reimports of military surplus firearms to private entities.


Surely this is going to get a lot of TV coverage today, is likely to be the top or one of the top 2 stories for this day.

You might want to read up on exactly what Hillary Clinton is proposing before screaming that she is gonna take yer gunz away.

No doubt you will believe EVERY word she says...

Uhm, not really.

I don't believe every word that any politician says.

But your obession with me really is a little creepy.

You seem to lack to the ability to focus on any topic. Instead, you focus on the person who brought the message. That is very, very creepy.

YOU are creepy.
What's creepy my poor deluded friend, is your love of Cankles. A known liar, terribly corrupt, with no political skills, no accomplishments, and a tool of the 1%.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #8
I am not your friend, nor are you mine.

You know practically nothing of me, but instead of debating a point, you specifically attack ME.

Hint: these threads are not about me.

Your behaviour is extremely creepy. VERY.
I am not your friend, nor are you mine.

You know practically nothing of me, but instead of debating a point, you specifically attack ME.

Hint: these threads are not about me.

Your behaviour is extremely creepy. VERY.
Shouldn't you be watching your beloved Cankles on the Today Show???...they are trying desperately to save her disastrous campaign.
Slippery slope I dont' want to think about...

But I hope others do

Yes, I think a lot of voters will be thinking about the stone wall that the GOP has built to protect the NRA and even discussions on sensible gun regulations. And I hope they vote their concerns.
Shouldn't you be watching your beloved Cankles on the Today Show???...they are trying desperately to save her disastrous campaign.

I suppose you also thought McCain and Romney were going to win, too?

Trust you to have a handle of a guy who was known to have Alzheimers while in office. If that is the type of person you champion no wonder the GoP will never have another president in office....for a very long time...
View attachment 51566
Photo source

This is being reported all over the place, but from various angles, to say the least.

Clinton to outline gun control plan during Monday campaign stops

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will outline specific steps she would take to curb gun violence if elected during scheduled campaign stops in New Hampshire on Monday.

Clinton spoke out forcefully in favor of new gun control measures after a shooting last week on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, which killed nine people and wounded another nine.

In appearances after the shooting, Clinton said she wants to begin a "national movement" to counter the influence of the National Rife Association, the nation's top gun-rights advocacy group, but she has still to say what specific measures she would take if elected to the White House in November 2016.

Among the steps that she will outline later on Monday, her campaign said, is the use of presidential executive authority to close a "loophole" to ensure people buying firearms at gun shows and on the Internet undergo the same background checks and pay the same sales tax as when buying from traditional retailers.

Clinton will also push Congress to pass laws that prohibit all domestic abusers, including stalkers, from purchasing guns and to close what she will call the "Charleston loophole", referring to a June shooting at a African American church in Charleston, South Carolina, that left nine dead.

Hillary Clinton to push new gun control proposals, executive action expanding background checks

Clinton will unveil her plans Monday during a campaign swing through New Hampshire. Her campaign says her proposals include a repeal of legislation shielding gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine students and teachers at a community college on Thursday.

The proposals mark an attempt by Clinton to make up ground among the liberal wing of the Democratic party against her closest rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. While Sanders has wooed the Democratic base with his liberal positions on issues like income inequality and college debt, he's struggled to defend a more mixed record on gun legislation--a reflection, he says, of his rural, gun-friendly home-state.

Election 2016: Hillary Clinton to propose new, stricter gun control measures
(CBS News)

Clinton, who supports universal background checks and a ban on military-style assault weapons, will outline her new proposals in two town halls on Monday in New Hampshire, according to a campaign aide.

Three of four of Clinton's proposals target loopholes in current federal laws that apply to those who want to buy guns

The four specific proposals that Clinton will outline are at the CBS link above.

Hillary Clinton Set to Unveil Gun Control Plan
(ABC News)

The announcement of Clinton’s plan, which she planned to unveil at campaign events in New Hampshire on Monday, comes two days after the Democratic presidential candidate blasted Republicans for putting "the NRA ahead of American families," and just hours after her Democratic challenger, Martin O’Malley, called on both Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to back his plan to reduce gun violence -– which he announced on Sunday.

Hillary Clinton to Unveil Plan for Major New Gun Restrictions
(NBC News)

Under the plan, which comes in the wake of a mass shooting at an Oregon community college that left 10 people dead last week, Clinton would tighten rules governing gun show and Internet sales using executive action "if Congress will not act," aides said.

That includes the so-called gun show loophole, under which private gun sellers aren't required to perform background checks of buyers.

She would also push to repeal a law backed by the National Rifle Association that prevents crime victims from suing gun manufacturers. And her proposal would revoke the licenses of "bad actor" dealers who knowingly supply guns to straw purchasers and traffickers.

Clinton is expected to roll out her new plan Monday, starting with a town hall and interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie on TODAY in Hollis, New Hampshire.

Hillary Clinton Goes Big On Gun Policy, Creates Contrast With Bernie Sanders

Clinton plans to call for lawmakers to address the issue. But if they don't, she will require that anyone “attempting to sell a significant number of guns be deemed ‘in the business of selling firearms,’” which would “ensure that high-volume gun sellers are covered by the same common sense rules that apply to gun stores -- including requiring background checks on gun sales.” Asked what would constitute “a significant number of guns,” a Clinton aide responded, “There are a number of studies being conducted currently regarding illegal gun sales that could inform an eventual rulemaking.”

Such an administrative action would be a bold step, one bound to spark massive pushback. And it’s not clear how it would legally work. President Barack Obama said at a recent press conference he had exhausted all the tools available to him to strengthen gun control laws. Clinton’s campaign did not elaborate as to what legal avenues it is exploring.

AP News - Clinton to push new gun controls after Oregon shooting

Clinton says she would impose stricter controls on sales at gun shows

As a candidate, Clinton has been passionate and blunt about gun violence and the lack of congressional action to limit firearm sales or pass other gun-control measures.

“We can’t wait any longer to act on gun violence prevention,” Clinton said Sunday via Twitter. “Every time there’s another massacre, Republicans say ‘now is not the time to talk about guns,’ ” she wrote. “Yes, it is. But more than talk, it is time to act.”

She plans to outline those proposals at two town-hall-style events Monday, her campaign said Sunday. She supports changes to make the federal background-check system more comprehensive and to limit the ownership of military-style assault weapons.

Gun shows are a frequent complaint of gun-control advocates, along with online firearm sales that can go around the regular background-check system. The Republican-led Congress has resisted new regulation, leading President Obama to use his executive authority in 2013 to subject gun purchases by corporations and trusts to background checks and ban almost all reimports of military surplus firearms to private entities.


Surely this is going to get a lot of TV coverage today, is likely to be the top or one of the top 2 stories for this day.

You might want to read up on exactly what Hillary Clinton is proposing before screaming that she is gonna take yer gunz away.

No doubt you will believe EVERY word she says...
And no doubt you don't believe ANYTHING she says. You're just a partisan hack.
View attachment 51566
Photo source

This is being reported all over the place, but from various angles, to say the least.

Clinton to outline gun control plan during Monday campaign stops

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton will outline specific steps she would take to curb gun violence if elected during scheduled campaign stops in New Hampshire on Monday.

Clinton spoke out forcefully in favor of new gun control measures after a shooting last week on the campus of Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon, which killed nine people and wounded another nine.

In appearances after the shooting, Clinton said she wants to begin a "national movement" to counter the influence of the National Rife Association, the nation's top gun-rights advocacy group, but she has still to say what specific measures she would take if elected to the White House in November 2016.

Among the steps that she will outline later on Monday, her campaign said, is the use of presidential executive authority to close a "loophole" to ensure people buying firearms at gun shows and on the Internet undergo the same background checks and pay the same sales tax as when buying from traditional retailers.

Clinton will also push Congress to pass laws that prohibit all domestic abusers, including stalkers, from purchasing guns and to close what she will call the "Charleston loophole", referring to a June shooting at a African American church in Charleston, South Carolina, that left nine dead.

Hillary Clinton to push new gun control proposals, executive action expanding background checks

Clinton will unveil her plans Monday during a campaign swing through New Hampshire. Her campaign says her proposals include a repeal of legislation shielding gun manufacturers, distributors and dealers from most liability suits, even in the case of mass shootings like the one that killed nine students and teachers at a community college on Thursday.

The proposals mark an attempt by Clinton to make up ground among the liberal wing of the Democratic party against her closest rival, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. While Sanders has wooed the Democratic base with his liberal positions on issues like income inequality and college debt, he's struggled to defend a more mixed record on gun legislation--a reflection, he says, of his rural, gun-friendly home-state.

Election 2016: Hillary Clinton to propose new, stricter gun control measures
(CBS News)

Clinton, who supports universal background checks and a ban on military-style assault weapons, will outline her new proposals in two town halls on Monday in New Hampshire, according to a campaign aide.

Three of four of Clinton's proposals target loopholes in current federal laws that apply to those who want to buy guns

The four specific proposals that Clinton will outline are at the CBS link above.

Hillary Clinton Set to Unveil Gun Control Plan
(ABC News)

The announcement of Clinton’s plan, which she planned to unveil at campaign events in New Hampshire on Monday, comes two days after the Democratic presidential candidate blasted Republicans for putting "the NRA ahead of American families," and just hours after her Democratic challenger, Martin O’Malley, called on both Clinton and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders to back his plan to reduce gun violence -– which he announced on Sunday.

Hillary Clinton to Unveil Plan for Major New Gun Restrictions
(NBC News)

Under the plan, which comes in the wake of a mass shooting at an Oregon community college that left 10 people dead last week, Clinton would tighten rules governing gun show and Internet sales using executive action "if Congress will not act," aides said.

That includes the so-called gun show loophole, under which private gun sellers aren't required to perform background checks of buyers.

She would also push to repeal a law backed by the National Rifle Association that prevents crime victims from suing gun manufacturers. And her proposal would revoke the licenses of "bad actor" dealers who knowingly supply guns to straw purchasers and traffickers.

Clinton is expected to roll out her new plan Monday, starting with a town hall and interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie on TODAY in Hollis, New Hampshire.

Hillary Clinton Goes Big On Gun Policy, Creates Contrast With Bernie Sanders

Clinton plans to call for lawmakers to address the issue. But if they don't, she will require that anyone “attempting to sell a significant number of guns be deemed ‘in the business of selling firearms,’” which would “ensure that high-volume gun sellers are covered by the same common sense rules that apply to gun stores -- including requiring background checks on gun sales.” Asked what would constitute “a significant number of guns,” a Clinton aide responded, “There are a number of studies being conducted currently regarding illegal gun sales that could inform an eventual rulemaking.”

Such an administrative action would be a bold step, one bound to spark massive pushback. And it’s not clear how it would legally work. President Barack Obama said at a recent press conference he had exhausted all the tools available to him to strengthen gun control laws. Clinton’s campaign did not elaborate as to what legal avenues it is exploring.

AP News - Clinton to push new gun controls after Oregon shooting

Clinton says she would impose stricter controls on sales at gun shows

As a candidate, Clinton has been passionate and blunt about gun violence and the lack of congressional action to limit firearm sales or pass other gun-control measures.

“We can’t wait any longer to act on gun violence prevention,” Clinton said Sunday via Twitter. “Every time there’s another massacre, Republicans say ‘now is not the time to talk about guns,’ ” she wrote. “Yes, it is. But more than talk, it is time to act.”

She plans to outline those proposals at two town-hall-style events Monday, her campaign said Sunday. She supports changes to make the federal background-check system more comprehensive and to limit the ownership of military-style assault weapons.

Gun shows are a frequent complaint of gun-control advocates, along with online firearm sales that can go around the regular background-check system. The Republican-led Congress has resisted new regulation, leading President Obama to use his executive authority in 2013 to subject gun purchases by corporations and trusts to background checks and ban almost all reimports of military surplus firearms to private entities.


Surely this is going to get a lot of TV coverage today, is likely to be the top or one of the top 2 stories for this day.

You might want to read up on exactly what Hillary Clinton is proposing before screaming that she is gonna take yer gunz away.

No doubt you will believe EVERY word she says...
And no doubt you don't believe ANYTHING she says. You're just a partisan hack.
You obviously have failed to read many of my posts.
Yes, I think a lot of voters will be thinking about the stone wall that the GOP has built to protect the NRA and even discussions on sensible gun regulations. And I hope they vote their concerns.
The government isn't protecting the NRA, the NRA is helping top protect us from government. Sensible gun regulations is a gimmick term created for emotional appeal, which is how the left operates.

Sounds good to most folks except when they start seeing specifics. Ban military style weapons? What does that even mean. It's wide open for interpretation. That could include all ARs, America's favorite rifle.

I for one am glad Hillary is doing it, and hope she gets the nomination. I bought my AR back when I was worried she would win the nomination before I even heard of obama. Democrats always lose on the issue and it isn't because of the NRA, it's because America isn't as stupid as most liberals.
the day i see or hear of a gun, any gun going into a school, church, mall or wherever on it's own without human help i will be one of the first to call for total banning of ALL guns, i will even build a huge bonfire and throw all my guns on to it.., anyone agree with me ?
Yes, I think a lot of voters will be thinking about the stone wall that the GOP has built to protect the NRA and even discussions on sensible gun regulations. And I hope they vote their concerns.
The government isn't protecting the NRA, the NRA is helping top protect us from government. Sensible gun regulations is a gimmick term created for emotional appeal, which is how the left operates.

Sounds good to most folks except when they start seeing specifics. Ban military style weapons? What does that even mean. It's wide open for interpretation. That could include all ARs, America's favorite rifle.

I for one am glad Hillary is doing it, and hope she gets the nomination. I bought my AR back when I was worried she would win the nomination before I even heard of obama. Democrats always lose on the issue and it isn't because of the NRA, it's because America isn't as stupid as most liberals.

The NRA is nothing but an insidious organisation that wants to muffle dissent in the gun debate at the behest of its masters - gun manufacturers. If you seriously think that Lapierre gives a single shit about you, gun owners and their rights, I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

What I find more disturbing is how pathetic both the GoP and Dems are at not taking these wackos on. Politicians need to grow some 'nads.
The NRA is nothing but an insidious organisation that wants to muffle dissent in the gun debate at the behest of its masters - gun manufacturers. If you seriously think that Lapierre gives a single shit about you, gun owners and their rights, I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.

What I find more disturbing is how pathetic both the GoP and Dems are at not taking these wackos on. Politicians need to grow some 'nads. if sane people are supposed to agree with the musing of a straight jacket candidate.

Seriously, how much are the socialist action groups paying you retards to repeat their shit all over the internet?

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