Clinton: obama can't get the job done because......


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Even in the past month people still claim he was not born in America and he has communist around him laugh laugh laugh, Clinton says maybe in the days of McCarthy there may have been a couple communist around but their haven't been any in over a decade.

Voter turnout key in high-stakes Wisconsin recall vote - Video on

Bill have you forgotten about Van Jones? Yes I guess you forgot about him bill you would never lie.
Even in the past month people still claim he was not born in America and he has communist around him laugh laugh laugh, Clinton says maybe in the days of McCarthy there may have been a couple communist around but their haven't been any in over a decade.

Voter turnout key in high-stakes Wisconsin recall vote - Video on

Bill have you forgotten about Van Jones? Yes I guess you forgot about him bill you would never lie.


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Barry can't get the job done because he's an incompetent boob.

His lefty agenda is more important than fixing the country.

Guys incompetence knows no bounds.
"Slick Willie", er aka, "Bubba", forgot all about Bernie Sanders (Communist Lite-VT). Mr Clinton's sudden re appearance on the national stage is deliberate on his part. Its designed to evoke a nostalgic feeling in the populace for the good old days of his presidency and pave the way for a Hillary candidacy after Barack Obama withdraws his candidacy either before or during the Democratic Convention in Charlotte.
Hillary's qualifications for the Presidency, in case you have forgotten, include her graduation thesis from Wellesly which states that for women, "Marriage is a prison", and her statement while in San Francisco during the Summer of 2004 communing with the 'Ya Ya Sisterhood', Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Loretta Sanchez et al, when queried by a fledgling female reporter what her fiscal program would be were she running for President, Hillary replied "We're going to take what you have away from you and put it where it will do some good."
Haven't we had enough of that already during the last 40 months?
The classic addle headed Liberal statement from our current Secretary of State was made during June 1997 when the then First lady went on National Television to announce cuts to the US Military due to the "Peace Dividend". Ms Clinton told the audience to not worry that the reductions in military force would jeopardize the American people for the Government was going to teach the military "To fight smarter, to be able to fight in two different places at once."
My Dear Liberal First Lady, how do you teach soldiers to die in two different places at once? Because , unfortunately, that's what's happened to soldiers since before Thermopylae to Korea's Chosun Reservoir to Fallujah, Iraq and Afghanistan, including, especially since its the 6th of June, places like Omaha Beach and Pointe du Hoc.
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"Slick Willie", er aka, "Bubba", forgot all about Bernie Sanders (Communist Lite-VT). Mr Clinton's sudden re appearance on the national stage is deliberate on his part. Its designed to evoke a nostalgic feeling in the populace for the good old days of his presidency and pave the way for a Hillary candidacy after Barack Obama withdraws his candidacy either before or during the Democratic Convention in Charlotte.
Hillary's qualifications for the Presidency, in case you have forgotten, include her graduation thesis from Wellesly which states that for women, "Marriage is a prison", and her statement while in San Francisco during the Summer of 2004 communing with the 'Ya Ya Sisterhood', Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Loretta Sanchez et al, when queried by a fledgling female reporter what her fiscal program would be were she running for President, Hillary replied "We're going to take what you have away from you and put it where it will do some good."
Haven't we had enough of that already during the last 40 months?
The classic addle headed Liberal statement from our current Secretary of State was made during June 1997 when the then First lady went on National Television to announce cuts to the US Military due to the "Peace Dividend". Ms Clinton told the audience to not worry that the reductions in military force would jeopardize the American people for the Government was going to teach the military "To fight smarter, to be able to fight in two different places at once."
My Dear Liberal First Lady, how do you teach soldiers to die in two different places at once? Because , unfortunately, that's what's happened to soldiers since before Thermopylae to Korea's Chosun Reservoir to Fallujah, Iraq and Afghanistan, including, especially since its the 6th of June, places like Omaha Beach and Pointe du Hoc.

obama withdrawing? anythings possible but with obama's mindset doubtful

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