Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: she is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN/WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I don't believe it is such a good idea to bring out the old gals to convince the young women to vote for her. Whatever floats her boat...
Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: she is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN/WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I don't believe it is such a good idea to bring out the old gals to convince the young women to vote for her. Whatever floats her boat...

I believe Hillary Clinton is just not connecting with the Progressive voter, and if the Democratic wanted a true Progressive they should have ran Elizabeth Warren instead and not Hillary Clinton that will pander to any segment of the population to get a vote.

She has a connection problem in my opinion and have heard it on NPR where college women prefer to vote for Sanders over Clinton which tell me the young voter see through her pandering and want a legit candidate for the left.

I am not female and will never claim they would not vote for her in a general election but the fact still remains she is have a connection issue with the female voter.
Clinton can be elected, Sanders cannot. Nothing changes that and the kiddos, and panties, will just have to suck it up and vote anyway.
Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: she is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN/WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I don't believe it is such a good idea to bring out the old gals to convince the young women to vote for her. Whatever floats her boat...
Clinton's campaign depends on moderates. Sander's campaign depends on crazy leftists.
Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: she is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN/WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I don't believe it is such a good idea to bring out the old gals to convince the young women to vote for her. Whatever floats her boat...
Clinton's campaign depends on moderates. Sander's campaign depends on crazy leftists.
Clinton says she's a progressive....And she says she is a moderate....pick one...
Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: she is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN/WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I don't believe it is such a good idea to bring out the old gals to convince the young women to vote for her. Whatever floats her boat...
Clinton's campaign depends on moderates. Sander's campaign depends on crazy leftists.
Clinton says she's a progressive....And she says she is a moderate....pick one...
She's a Pol, and the one most likely to win. Clear?
Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: she is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN/WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I don't believe it is such a good idea to bring out the old gals to convince the young women to vote for her. Whatever floats her boat...
Clinton's campaign depends on moderates. Sander's campaign depends on crazy leftists.
Clinton says she's a progressive....And she says she is a moderate....pick one...

It really depends on how one defines progressive. Historically, both Teddy Roosevelt and William Jennings Bryan were considered progressives in their day. They didn't agree on a lot of things. In the same way, many differences exist between these two.

A better term for Clinton is radical centrist: Radical centrism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If women have to vote for the Hildebeast because thery're women, then no men should vote for her.
They can always vote for who runs against her, and lose...

Ohhhhh, it's bigger now.


Are only Jews voting for Bernie? Only women for hidelbeast? Only Hispanics for Cruz?

That's the was we should vote, right?
Ohhhhh, it's bigger now.


Are only Jews voting for Bernie? Only women for hidelbeast? Only Hispanics for Cruz?

That's the was we should vote, right?
You should vote for who can win who doesn't suck as much as the other party. The point is, if the vote is by gender, your suggestion, men lose.
Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: she is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN/WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I don't believe it is such a good idea to bring out the old gals to convince the young women to vote for her. Whatever floats her boat...

I believe Hillary Clinton is just not connecting with the Progressive voter, and if the Democratic wanted a true Progressive they should have ran Elizabeth Warren instead and not Hillary Clinton that will pander to any segment of the population to get a vote.

She has a connection problem in my opinion and have heard it on NPR where college women prefer to vote for Sanders over Clinton which tell me the young voter see through her pandering and want a legit candidate for the left.

I am not female and will never claim they would not vote for her in a general election but the fact still remains she is have a connection issue with the female voter.
I think she has lost her pull with women in general. Young women are going with Sanders and there aren;t enough mature women that will vote for someone that has issues with integrity.
Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: she is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN/WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I don't believe it is such a good idea to bring out the old gals to convince the young women to vote for her. Whatever floats her boat...

I believe Hillary Clinton is just not connecting with the Progressive voter, and if the Democratic wanted a true Progressive they should have ran Elizabeth Warren instead and not Hillary Clinton that will pander to any segment of the population to get a vote.

She has a connection problem in my opinion and have heard it on NPR where college women prefer to vote for Sanders over Clinton which tell me the young voter see through her pandering and want a legit candidate for the left.

I am not female and will never claim they would not vote for her in a general election but the fact still remains she is have a connection issue with the female voter.
I think she has lost her pull with women in general. Young women are going with Sanders and there aren;t enough mature women that will vote for someone that has issues with integrity.
Sanders can't win. Do you really think they'd rather have that GOP wife-beater scum instead? Not a chance.
Ohhhhh, it's bigger now.


Are only Jews voting for Bernie? Only women for hidelbeast? Only Hispanics for Cruz?

That's the was we should vote, right?
You should vote for who can win who doesn't suck as much as the other party. The point is, if the vote is by gender, your suggestion, men lose.

It's NOT my suggestion. It's my mocking of retarded people who vote for reasons based on race, religion, sex, etc. Those are bigotry-based voting preferences.
Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: she is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN/WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I don't believe it is such a good idea to bring out the old gals to convince the young women to vote for her. Whatever floats her boat...

I believe Hillary Clinton is just not connecting with the Progressive voter, and if the Democratic wanted a true Progressive they should have ran Elizabeth Warren instead and not Hillary Clinton that will pander to any segment of the population to get a vote.

She has a connection problem in my opinion and have heard it on NPR where college women prefer to vote for Sanders over Clinton which tell me the young voter see through her pandering and want a legit candidate for the left.

I am not female and will never claim they would not vote for her in a general election but the fact still remains she is have a connection issue with the female voter.
I think she has lost her pull with women in general. Young women are going with Sanders and there aren;t enough mature women that will vote for someone that has issues with integrity.
Sanders can't win. Do you really think they'd rather have that GOP wife-beater scum instead? Not a chance.

It seems that you have completely missed the entire point of the thread or anything in it. You are arguing against a position that no one has made by raising points that no one has challenged.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders

On the eve of the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton’s quest to become the country’s first female president has encountered an unexpected problem: she is having trouble persuading women, young and old, to rally behind her cause.

The latest sign came Sunday, when a new CNN/WMUR survey here showed Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont beating Clinton among women by eight points — which represents a big shift from the results last week in the Iowa caucuses, where Clinton won women by 11 points.

The survey followed unintentionally problematic comments over the weekend by Madeleine Albright and Gloria Steinem, older trailblazers who were trying to encourage younger women to support Clinton.

Clinton looks to sisterhood, but votes may go to Sanders
I don't believe it is such a good idea to bring out the old gals to convince the young women to vote for her. Whatever floats her boat...

Clinton is talking to a specific little circle of women in a specific class They have maintained this little circle for years and they don't get anything outside of that little circle. That may play at the cocktail parties but it doesn't work very well when they turn their attention to the real world.

Nobody has forgotten Albright. There is no sisterhood.

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