Clinton, is he trying to save the country? or are his recent comments out of revenge?


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
I think it's a great question:

Bill Clinton recently stating this--after the Obama reelection campaign launched it's attack on Romney's business record.

Former President Bill Clinton suggested in a television interview Thursday that he believes President Obama's re-election campaign should stop trashing Mitt Romney's work in the private equity industry.

In an interview with CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," Clinton, a top Obama surrogate who is set to raise cash with the president next week, directly contradicted Democrats who have attacked Romney's business record, suggesting it does qualify him for president.

"I think he had a good business career," Clinton told guest host Harvey Weinstein, a movie mogul who is one of Obama's top fundraisers. "There's no question that in terms of getting up and going to the office and, you know, basically performing the essential functions of the office, the man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."
Is Bill Clinton suggesting that he doesn't believe that Barack Obama is qualified to be POTUS--and wants to save us from another 4 years of Obamanomics?
Bill Clinton criticizes Obama's Bain attacks, praises Romney's

Dick Morris--Bill Clinton's former advisor--states that Bill Clinton is trying to save the country.

[ame=]Former Clinton Adviser Dick Morris - 'Bill Clinton Does Not Want Barack Obama to Win' [6-04-2012] - YouTube[/ame]

Then on June 5, 2012 Bill Clinton states this about Obama's plan to raise taxes. Keep in mind also that Barack Obama's main reelection campaign theme is to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

Former President Bill Clinton told CNBC Tuesday that the US economy already is in a recession and urged Congress to extend all the tax cuts due to expire at the end of the year.

In a taped interview aired on "Closing Bell," the still-popular 42nd president called the current economic conditions a "recession" and said overzealous Republican plans to cut the deficit threaten to plunge the country further into the debt abyss. (Clinton's office released a statement after the interview).

"What I think we need to do is find some way to avoid the fiscal cliff, to avoid doing anything that would contract the economy now, and then deal with what's necessary in the long term debt-reduction plans as soon as they can, which presumably would be after the election," Clinton said.
News Headlines

Something is certainly UP with this. You don't have a former--very popular democrat President trying to undermine everything that Obama is campaigning on. But what's the reason? Is Bill Clinton trying to save this country from another 4 years of the failed policies of Obamanomics-or is this just out of revenge? Bill Clinton certainly was upset when the race card was thrown at him--when Hillary was running against Barack during the primary season.

Your thoughts?
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He got up and went to the office. Good for him.

So how many jobs did he create? Hmmm, turns out, not so many, if any. But he sure did get rich. Good for him.
He got up and went to the office. Good for him.

So how many jobs did he create? Hmmm, turns out, not so many, if any. But he sure did get rich. Good for him.

It doesn't matter what you think--:lol::lol: Bill Clinton states that Romney has a sterling business record that should not be attacked by the Obama reelection committee.
As much as I disagreed with Clinton's policies, I don't believe he'd put petty grudges before love of country. I do think he cares and would not simply criticize the president out of spite.

Clinton stuck up for Romney over his record at Bain. I think the Obama campaign would do well to listen because it will backfire.

Clinton also stated yesterday that Obama needs to extend the current tax rate and not let it rise. Obama has already responded by saying taxes will go up this year. Clinton does realize that it will further slow the economy.

I think Clinton is just being honest because he has nothing to lose. As far as getting even with Obama for his attacks on her, Hillary took care of that during the primaries last election. She gave as good as she got.

I do expect Clinton to be severly reprimanded, in private, for his honesty.
Well, dupes- he said extend tax cuts NOW (since we're not out of the Booosh meltdown yet-maybe even a little fall back-thanks to do nothing Pub congress), BUT (second half of SENTENCE your BS Propaganda machine doesn't report LOL arrgghh!), the tax cut for the rich should be ended in the end.

NO DIFFERENCE from Obama policy- which you don't get told about either. Our whole GOTCHA! Controversy! news media is a disgrace.
As much as I disagreed with Clinton's policies, I don't believe he'd put petty grudges before love of country. I do think he cares and would not simply criticize the president out of spite.

Clinton stuck up for Romney over his record at Bain. I think the Obama campaign would do well to listen because it will backfire.

Clinton also stated yesterday that Obama needs to extend the current tax rate and not let it rise. Obama has already responded by saying taxes will go up this year. Clinton does realize that it will further slow the economy.

I think Clinton is just being honest because he has nothing to lose. As far as getting even with Obama for his attacks on her, Hillary took care of that during the primaries last election. She gave as good as she got.

I do expect Clinton to be severly reprimanded, in private, for his honesty.

I agree--I don't think Bill Clinton likes Barack Obama--but I don't believe he would go to these lengths over a grudge match. I don't think it's in his personality to do that--so I believe what he is telling his supporters is that Mitt Romney is much more qualified to be POTUS than Barack Obama--and doesn't want to see another 4 years of Obamanomics.
Well, dupes- he said extend tax cuts NOW (since we're not out of the Booosh meltdown yet-maybe even a little fall back-thanks to do nothing Pub congress), BUT (second half of SENTENCE your BS Propaganda machine doesn't report LOL arrgghh!), the tax cut for the rich should be ended in the end.

NO DIFFERENCE from Obama policy- which you don't get told about either. Our whole GOTCHA! Controversy! news media is a disgrace.

You're arguing with BILL CLINTON--I am just the messenger of what he said.
I think there's nothing more going on here than Clinton sold out to Wall Street five minutes after he left office with 10 Million in legal bills from all things Scandal, and his Wall Street buddies (who did very well on his watch) bought him.

Which I think is a problem the Democrats have overall. If you accept that it really is a class war going on in this country, the Democrats forget whose side they are supposed to be on sometimes.

In reality BOTH parties should be taking the side of the people against Multi-National Corporations, but human nature being what it is, someone who comes into your office with a bag full of money for your Presidential Library is going to get attention.
I think it's a great question:

Bill Clinton recently stating this--after the Obama reelection campaign launched it's attack on Romney's business record.

Former President Bill Clinton suggested in a television interview Thursday that he believes President Obama's re-election campaign should stop trashing Mitt Romney's work in the private equity industry.

In an interview with CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," Clinton, a top Obama surrogate who is set to raise cash with the president next week, directly contradicted Democrats who have attacked Romney's business record, suggesting it does qualify him for president.

"I think he had a good business career," Clinton told guest host Harvey Weinstein, a movie mogul who is one of Obama's top fundraisers. "There's no question that in terms of getting up and going to the office and, you know, basically performing the essential functions of the office, the man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."
Is Bill Clinton suggesting that he doesn't believe that Barack Obama is qualified to be POTUS--and wants to save us from another 4 years of Obamanomics?
Bill Clinton criticizes Obama's Bain attacks, praises Romney's

Dick Morris--Bill Clinton's former advisor--states that Bill Clinton is trying to save the country.

[ame=]Former Clinton Adviser Dick Morris - 'Bill Clinton Does Not Want Barack Obama to Win' [6-04-2012] - YouTube[/ame]

Then on June 5, 2012 Bill Clinton states this about Obama's plan to raise taxes. Keep in mind also that Barack Obama's main reelection campaign theme is to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

Former President Bill Clinton told CNBC Tuesday that the US economy already is in a recession and urged Congress to extend all the tax cuts due to expire at the end of the year.

In a taped interview aired on "Closing Bell," the still-popular 42nd president called the current economic conditions a "recession" and said overzealous Republican plans to cut the deficit threaten to plunge the country further into the debt abyss. (Clinton's office released a statement after the interview).

"What I think we need to do is find some way to avoid the fiscal cliff, to avoid doing anything that would contract the economy now, and then deal with what's necessary in the long term debt-reduction plans as soon as they can, which presumably would be after the election," Clinton said.
News Headlines

Something is certainly UP with this. You don't have a former--very popular democrat President trying to undermine everything that Obama is campaigning on. But what's the reason? Is Bill Clinton trying to save this country from another 4 years of the failed policies of Obamanomics-or is this just out of revenge? Bill Clinton certainly was upset when the race card was thrown at him--when Hillary was running against Barack during the primary season.

Your thoughts?

You kiddin' me......the niqqer had the balls to beat his wife in a less than cordial primary run to the white house. Saying a man from Arkansas is impartial when it comes to judging a Jew or a Black man is liken to saying shit don't stink.

Seriously it's politics and you can bet this didn't happen as some sort of coincidence. It was a planned move and is designed to ultimately help the party. Now....whether it was smart or not remains to be seen. Think about when McCain approved the selection of Sarah Palin as a running mate trying to get the woman's vote. What a fiasco. That woman makes Edith Bunker look like a genius.
Clinton is doing what is best for the country by supporting the correct conservative policies, which necessarily throws the current (quoting Clinton) 'amateur' POTUS under the bus.

So Clinton does the right thing and crushes Obama's re-election hopes at the same time.

Two birds.
As much as I disagreed with Clinton's policies, I don't believe he'd put petty grudges before love of country. I do think he cares and would not simply criticize the president out of spite.

Clinton stuck up for Romney over his record at Bain. I think the Obama campaign would do well to listen because it will backfire.

Clinton also stated yesterday that Obama needs to extend the current tax rate and not let it rise. Obama has already responded by saying taxes will go up this year. Clinton does realize that it will further slow the economy.

I think Clinton is just being honest because he has nothing to lose. As far as getting even with Obama for his attacks on her, Hillary took care of that during the primaries last election. She gave as good as she got.

I do expect Clinton to be severly reprimanded, in private, for his honesty.

I agree--I don't think Bill Clinton likes Barack Obama--but I don't believe he would go to these lengths over a grudge match. I don't think it's in his personality to do that--so I believe what he is telling his supporters is that Mitt Romney is much more qualified to be POTUS than Barack Obama--and doesn't want to see another 4 years of Obamanomics.

Which is bullshit.

Clinton is trying to be the adult..and you guys react like children.

What you expected him to be like Gingrich who talks about Obama's "Kenyan perspective on colonialism"?

Or Trump braying about a birth certificate?

Or Romney yammering about how Obama wants to make the US less secular?


Clinton gave an honest analytic about Romney. The guy knows how to make money for himself.

So did George W. Bush. If that's what you want for the that way.
I think it's a great question:

Bill Clinton recently stating this--after the Obama reelection campaign launched it's attack on Romney's business record.

Former President Bill Clinton suggested in a television interview Thursday that he believes President Obama's re-election campaign should stop trashing Mitt Romney's work in the private equity industry.

In an interview with CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight," Clinton, a top Obama surrogate who is set to raise cash with the president next week, directly contradicted Democrats who have attacked Romney's business record, suggesting it does qualify him for president.

"I think he had a good business career," Clinton told guest host Harvey Weinstein, a movie mogul who is one of Obama's top fundraisers. "There's no question that in terms of getting up and going to the office and, you know, basically performing the essential functions of the office, the man who has been governor and had a sterling business career crosses the qualification threshold."
Is Bill Clinton suggesting that he doesn't believe that Barack Obama is qualified to be POTUS--and wants to save us from another 4 years of Obamanomics?
Bill Clinton criticizes Obama's Bain attacks, praises Romney's

Dick Morris--Bill Clinton's former advisor--states that Bill Clinton is trying to save the country.

[ame=]Former Clinton Adviser Dick Morris - 'Bill Clinton Does Not Want Barack Obama to Win' [6-04-2012] - YouTube[/ame]

Then on June 5, 2012 Bill Clinton states this about Obama's plan to raise taxes. Keep in mind also that Barack Obama's main reelection campaign theme is to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans.

Former President Bill Clinton told CNBC Tuesday that the US economy already is in a recession and urged Congress to extend all the tax cuts due to expire at the end of the year.

In a taped interview aired on "Closing Bell," the still-popular 42nd president called the current economic conditions a "recession" and said overzealous Republican plans to cut the deficit threaten to plunge the country further into the debt abyss. (Clinton's office released a statement after the interview).

"What I think we need to do is find some way to avoid the fiscal cliff, to avoid doing anything that would contract the economy now, and then deal with what's necessary in the long term debt-reduction plans as soon as they can, which presumably would be after the election," Clinton said.
News Headlines

Something is certainly UP with this. You don't have a former--very popular democrat President trying to undermine everything that Obama is campaigning on. But what's the reason? Is Bill Clinton trying to save this country from another 4 years of the failed policies of Obamanomics-or is this just out of revenge? Bill Clinton certainly was upset when the race card was thrown at him--when Hillary was running against Barack during the primary season.

Your thoughts?

You kiddin' me......the niqqer had the balls to beat his wife in a less than cordial primary run to the white house. Saying a man from Arkansas is impartial when it comes to judging a Jew or a Black man is liken to saying shit don't stink.

Seriously it's politics and you can bet this didn't happen as some sort of coincidence. It was a planned move and is designed to ultimately help the party. Now....whether it was smart or not remains to be seen. Think about when McCain approved the selection of Sarah Palin as a running mate trying to get the woman's vote. What a fiasco. That woman makes Edith Bunker look like a genius.

Bill Clinton is a very popular former democrat President. There is no scheme here--he can't praise Romney on his business record and then retract it later. There's something going on here--and it's certainly NOT good for Obama. Clinton literally states in the article that Romney is the experienced one--and one who easily qualifies to be POTUS--and in that--he infers that Barack Obama is not qualified to be POTUS. If that isn't a slam dunk on Obama--I don't know what is.
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