Clinton attack featuring Miss Universe was months in the making, email shows

Hells bells there's even a Soros connection with this lying bitch. And a Univision connection. Note to those that don't know the owner of Univision is a huge Clinton supporter. I think he's Israeli.

Check out Bloomberg's article on the residents of Trump Tower, how they are chosen by Trump and how many of them have served time in prison. That ought to shock you right out of your size 16 bikini.

Size 8 sweetums. That aside I know all about Trump's connections. You have to remember it's NYC. You deal with the Teamsters in construction, you're dealing with the Mob at that time. And that goes for anyone and everyone who dealt with unions.

That's just a fact of New York and New Jersey life. Doesn't shock me at all.
And Trump, the great negotiator, fell right into her trap.
You mean her smear campaign?
Quoting his own words is a smear campaign?
I guess so...after all, we know that facts have a liberal bias.

Her words are lies. Her whole deal has been blown out of the water. Not only did Trump treat her like gold he saved the lying c%$^ her crown.

Pageant officials were all set to fire her because of her massive weight gain and replace her with the runner up.

It's all on record. Miss Piggy is a lying bitch.
Nice eh? The actress is a lying piece of shit. Hope Trump sues her for slander. This article just decimates her bullshit story.

"As far as can be determined from news accounts, Machado, who was Miss Venezuela when she won the Miss Universe crown in May 1996, made the Piggy/Housekeeping claim for the first time in May 2016, at a press conference organized by the left-wing organization People for the American Way.

At that event, she was joined in her attack on Trump by a group that included Dolores Huerta, a prominent supporter of Hillary Clinton and of the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

In June, Machado joined Huerta to announce the creation of a voter registration/turnout effort to benefit the Clinton campaign.

The effort is run by People for the American Way and CASA in Action (a sister group to CASA de Maryland, which was profiled by the Capital Research Center at ). PfAW and CASA de Maryland were both funded by radical billionaire George Soros. (For more on PfAW and Huerta, see the endnote.)"

The Miss Universe hoax, or ‘No good deed goes un-Clintoned’ – Capital Research Center

(Sigh). I always go to the "About Us" page to see who is behind these so-called news organizations before I waste my time on self-interested propaganda. Don't you?

Good grief. It's up all over the place. Are you kidding me that you don't know who sponsors People for the American Way?
Hells bells there's even a Soros connection with this lying bitch. And a Univision connection. Note to those that don't know the owner of Univision is a huge Clinton supporter. I think he's Israeli.

Check out Bloomberg's article on the residents of Trump Tower, how they are chosen by Trump and how many of them have served time in prison. That ought to shock you right out of your size 16 bikini.

One could also do a registered sex offender serch on the DNC and it's doners to. what's the point of who lives where ? Don't change the fact that the sex sit is largely just that. shit.

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