Climate change tipping points are upon us, draft U.N. report warns: 'The worst is yet to come'

It is the same press release they have tried every year for the past 30 years.

The warming hoax started in 88.

Before that,Algore, Hansen, and Mann were all part of the global COOLING fraud of the 1970s....
I've been waiting for the ice age for 50 yrs. Could you wake me when it is over so I can begin to prepare for the heat wave

One more time...

Let's try to get this right......

Ice ages are CONTINENT SPECIFIC. They have planetary affect, but it is the documentable truth of continent specificity that wham-o debunks co2 as a cause.

Is Antarctica an ice age?

My god man,it is covered with 2 miles of ice,how could it possibly not be...?????

What happened?

Antarctica was still attached to South America when it broke off from South Africa 120 million years ago, the "beginning of the Atlantic Ocean." 70 million years ago,it had live dinosaurs on it. It was a robust life rich habitat, because it wasn't on the South Pole. As it moved towards the South Pole, it got colder and colder... To the point where its annual snowfall ceased to fully melt in summer, so then it started to STACK... The Antarctic ice age started when Antarctica was still connected to South America, and the ice got into South America before it broke off in the last 40 million years.

Ice ages happen when tectonic plates with land get to within 600 miles of an earth pole.

Search for

North American ice age

And notice it is CONTINENT SPECIFIC....

Yes, we had mile high glaciers in Indiana a million years ago, which were not entirely melted 10k years ago.

So North America has thawed in the past million years.....

What about the other continent specific ice age of today, Greenland....

Search for

Ancient Greenland green

Greenland was completely unfrozen 800k years ago.

Greenland froze at the same time North America thawed
OMFG dude. I was kidding. But that was the 70's hoax.

WTF??.............Do you even know what humor is? Greenland froze the same time NA thawed

You really think I'm waiting for an Ice

It is that truth, that Greenland froze while NA thawed that proves co2 is not the cause. Greenland froze because it's plate moved NW, while NA thawed because it's plate moved SW. They were right next to each other and did the exact opposite act. The warmers can argue this

Co2 clumped over NA and fled Greenland

And that is the level of idiocy behind algore's fraud....
It is the same press release they have tried every year for the past 30 years.

The warming hoax started in 88.

Before that,Algore, Hansen, and Mann were all part of the global COOLING fraud of the 1970s....
I've been waiting for the ice age for 50 yrs. Could you wake me when it is over so I can begin to prepare for the heat wave

One more time...

Let's try to get this right......

Ice ages are CONTINENT SPECIFIC. They have planetary affect, but it is the documentable truth of continent specificity that wham-o debunks co2 as a cause.

Is Antarctica an ice age?

My god man,it is covered with 2 miles of ice,how could it possibly not be...?????

What happened?

Antarctica was still attached to South America when it broke off from South Africa 120 million years ago, the "beginning of the Atlantic Ocean." 70 million years ago,it had live dinosaurs on it. It was a robust life rich habitat, because it wasn't on the South Pole. As it moved towards the South Pole, it got colder and colder... To the point where its annual snowfall ceased to fully melt in summer, so then it started to STACK... The Antarctic ice age started when Antarctica was still connected to South America, and the ice got into South America before it broke off in the last 40 million years.

Ice ages happen when tectonic plates with land get to within 600 miles of an earth pole.

Search for

North American ice age

And notice it is CONTINENT SPECIFIC....

Yes, we had mile high glaciers in Indiana a million years ago, which were not entirely melted 10k years ago.

So North America has thawed in the past million years.....

What about the other continent specific ice age of today, Greenland....

Search for

Ancient Greenland green

Greenland was completely unfrozen 800k years ago.

Greenland froze at the same time North America thawed
OMFG dude. I was kidding. But that was the 70's hoax.

WTF??.............Do you even know what humor is? Greenland froze the same time NA thawed

You really think I'm waiting for an Ice

It is that truth, that Greenland froze while NA thawed that proves co2 is not the cause. Greenland froze because it's plate moved NW, while NA thawed because it's plate moved SW. They were right next to each other and did the exact opposite act. The warmers can argue this

Co2 clumped over NA and fled Greenland

And that is the level of idiocy behind algore's fraud....
Brother Al made Wild Bill Clinton respect Monticello.
I thought the tipping point was, like twenty years ago? It is almost like they are just talking shit.
That fallacy aside, we wouldn't be where we are had we TAKEN Climate Change seriously 20 years ago

Where are we, exactly? Oh right. Normal. There is NOTHING happening that isn't 100% natural.
Lol, the vegans apparently have no clue the effects of cruciferous vegetables have on the human digestive system.


Talk about igniting the world in a cloud of methane.

8 billion people farting every 3 minutes. Silent one, loud rips, joggers letting them loose.

Couldn't go to movie without a gas mask...then again why would a decent God fearing person go to movie anyway.

Oh that's right. Hollywood doesn't ACTUALLY CARE about THE global warming. They ONLY VIRTUE SIGNAL about it, just like every other pathetic hypocritical leftist banging away on their phones on these websites.

Millennials are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in earths history and they all point their pot stained fingers at us and suggest we should all live in the stone age.

Now, has the UN members stopped using fossil fuels? Nooooo? Huh......
I'm always trying to figure out solutions.
Let's say we have an office building. Every desk has a fart tube you rip in to. The methane gas is then transferred to a heating unit that heats the building

Outside the box
Lol, the vegans apparently have no clue the effects of cruciferous vegetables have on the human digestive system.


Talk about igniting the world in a cloud of methane.

8 billion people farting every 3 minutes. Silent one, loud rips, joggers letting them loose.

Couldn't go to movie without a gas mask...then again why would a decent God fearing person go to movie anyway.

Oh that's right. Hollywood doesn't ACTUALLY CARE about THE global warming. They ONLY VIRTUE SIGNAL about it, just like every other pathetic hypocritical leftist banging away on their phones on these websites.

Millennials are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in earths history and they all point their pot stained fingers at us and suggest we should all live in the stone age.

Now, has the UN members stopped using fossil fuels? Nooooo? Huh......
I'm always trying to figure out solutions.
Let's say we have an office building. Every desk has a fart tube you rip in to. The methane gas is then transferred to a heating unit that heats the building

Outside the box
Well inside the box, 2ed. Law of Thermodynamics.
No Einstein, the Petroleum Pimp can control things if the sun is being blanked out by smog produced by its addicts. And such big, broad shoulders, too!
Are you serious?
I thought the same thing. Wanna bet his carbon footprint is way higher than you and I combined?

Whatever they accuse, their doing.
Lol, the vegans apparently have no clue the effects of cruciferous vegetables have on the human digestive system.


Talk about igniting the world in a cloud of methane.

8 billion people farting every 3 minutes. Silent one, loud rips, joggers letting them loose.

Couldn't go to movie without a gas mask...then again why would a decent God fearing person go to movie anyway.

Oh that's right. Hollywood doesn't ACTUALLY CARE about THE global warming. They ONLY VIRTUE SIGNAL about it, just like every other pathetic hypocritical leftist banging away on their phones on these websites.

Millennials are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in earths history and they all point their pot stained fingers at us and suggest we should all live in the stone age.

Now, has the UN members stopped using fossil fuels? Nooooo? Huh......
I'm always trying to figure out solutions.
Let's say we have an office building. Every desk has a fart tube you rip in to. The methane gas is then transferred to a heating unit that heats the building

Outside the box
Well inside the box, 2ed. Law of Thermodynamics.
If everyone who is worried about climate change, would permanently erase their own print, that would solve it

Same thing with the over population nuts. Well contribute yourself to the solution and we'd

Outside the box thinking
Lol, the vegans apparently have no clue the effects of cruciferous vegetables have on the human digestive system.


Talk about igniting the world in a cloud of methane.

8 billion people farting every 3 minutes. Silent one, loud rips, joggers letting them loose.

Couldn't go to movie without a gas mask...then again why would a decent God fearing person go to movie anyway.

Oh that's right. Hollywood doesn't ACTUALLY CARE about THE global warming. They ONLY VIRTUE SIGNAL about it, just like every other pathetic hypocritical leftist banging away on their phones on these websites.

Millennials are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in earths history and they all point their pot stained fingers at us and suggest we should all live in the stone age.

Now, has the UN members stopped using fossil fuels? Nooooo? Huh......
I'm always trying to figure out solutions.
Let's say we have an office building. Every desk has a fart tube you rip in to. The methane gas is then transferred to a heating unit that heats the building

Outside the box
Well inside the box, 2ed. Law of Thermodynamics.
If everyone who is worried about climate change, would permanently erase their own print, that would solve it

Same thing with the over population nuts. Well contribute yourself to the solution and we'd

Outside the box thinking
Abandon ship and terraform Mars.
Just think how every stupid ass hypocritical virtue signaling leftist who posts here are all free to live like Amish (as they are suggesting we all do) and yet don't.

Why do they all ignore this point? Hmmmm? Go ahead leftists. Hey Mac, why don't you explain it to us. Take your time. Formulate your words.

Here, is where they take out their racist chant grenades ready to be tossed.

Go ahead leftist. Explain to us why none of you live the lifestyle (which is NO FOSSIL FUELS) that you claim loudly you want. Is someone or something stopping you? Other than your own hypocrisy, what is it?

Want to bet this will not be answered and instead I will be called a denier racist.

Hey leftists, HELLO!!!! Are you there? Go ahead, and answer it.

Lol well the UN is saying it so....

In all seriousness, get ready to be taxed to death middle class.

Here it comes
Tipping point is already past.

Prepare for the worst.
Just think how every stupid ass hypocritical virtue signaling leftist who posts here are all free to live like Amish (as they are suggesting we all do) and yet don't
Nobody is suggesting that.

It's RWNJ bullshit cooked up to keep you riled up.
I wonder if anyone in the UN has stopped using fossil fuels.....

Of course they have, it's their chauffer's and pilots that haven't.
Just think how every stupid ass hypocritical virtue signaling leftist who posts here are all free to live like Amish (as they are suggesting we all do) and yet don't
Nobody is suggesting that.

It's RWNJ bullshit cooked up to keep you riled up.
Ok, tell us clearly your little plan to stop THE climate change? Other than taxing us into oblivion, go ahead and explain it to us?

10 dollars per gallon for gas?
Banning ALL AC units?
Make all gasoline operated vehicles including lawn mowers illegal?

Go ahead and tell us your plan.

Be specific.

You naive hypocrite.
Just think how every stupid ass hypocritical virtue signaling leftist who posts here are all free to live like Amish (as they are suggesting we all do) and yet don't
Nobody is suggesting that.

It's RWNJ bullshit cooked up to keep you riled up.
Ok, tell us clearly your little plan to stop THE climate change? Other than taxing us into oblivion, go ahead and explain it to us?

10 dollars per gallon for gas?
Banning ALL AC units?
Make all gasoline operated vehicles including lawn mowers illegal?

Go ahead and tell us your plan.

Be specific.

You naive hypocrite.

Again, you're spewing hyperbole fed to you by RWNJ media. All remediation plans are much milder than the nonsense you parroting.

And there's No stopping it. It's too late. Move away from the coastlines and out of fire/flood prone areas. Prepare for food prices to skyrocket and various shortages. And don't forget the refugees.
Just think how every stupid ass hypocritical virtue signaling leftist who posts here are all free to live like Amish (as they are suggesting we all do) and yet don't
Nobody is suggesting that.

It's RWNJ bullshit cooked up to keep you riled up.
Ok, tell us clearly your little plan to stop THE climate change? Other than taxing us into oblivion, go ahead and explain it to us?

10 dollars per gallon for gas?
Banning ALL AC units?
Make all gasoline operated vehicles including lawn mowers illegal?

Go ahead and tell us your plan.

Be specific.

You naive hypocrite.

Again, you're spewing hyperbole fed to you by RWNJ media. All remediation plans are much milder than the nonsense you parroting.

And there's No stopping it. It's too late. Move away from the coastlines and out of fire/flood prone areas. Prepare for food prices to skyrocket and various shortages. And don't forget the refugees.
Yeah, move away from coastlines? uhhh huh.

Geee, we are all saying the food shortages will be happening and we will be eliminated by mass starvation.

Want to bet Florida isn't going anywhere? I live along the water and not one inch has washed away.

Don't know if you know this or not, but Florida is at sea level. Very flat. Can you explain to me, since we are beyond the tipping point, why not ONE INCH has washed away?

Why do so many leftists like you live on the coasts? Hmmmmm?

Say, did you ever purchase carbon credits? Be honest.

Why am I communicating with you?
"Intergovernmental Panel? Who are these people? "Drastic action" translated from U.N. doublespeak means more of America's wealth transferred to less wealthy countries. Biden is dumb enough to listen to them so you can count on energy prices rising.
Forget that shit. It’s the sun. That’s where you need to look.

Lets start, There is more scientists that believe the earth 4000 years old that disagrees it in not warming...

So all those who proclaim it is not warming are in the non fact zone....

IT is not only rising but at a very alarming rate..

So the only thing is it man made or not?
Well solar activity can't explain it... While we have had periods of Solar Activity which causes spikes but the temp still keep on rising....

So it it pretty clear the earth is heating and it is doing it at a rate (over a few decades) which put man as the prime suspect.

Those are the simple facts..

The thing is the fix won't be that bad... New industries will flourish and yes some will die... Lighting street gas lamps was a job once too..
Things will move on, now we just want to make sure where we end up is where we want to be...

The head in the sand stuff from other posters about weather is just that...
Forget that shit. It’s the sun. That’s where you need to look.

Lets start, There is more scientists that believe the earth 4000 years old that disagrees it in not warming...

So all those who proclaim it is not warming are in the non fact zone....

IT is not only rising but at a very alarming rate..

So the only thing is it man made or not?
Well solar activity can't explain it... While we have had periods of Solar Activity which causes spikes but the temp still keep on rising....

So it it pretty clear the earth is heating and it is doing it at a rate (over a few decades) which put man as the prime suspect.

Those are the simple facts..

The thing is the fix won't be that bad... New industries will flourish and yes some will die... Lighting street gas lamps was a job once too..
Things will move on, now we just want to make sure where we end up is where we want to be...

The head in the sand stuff from other posters about weather is just that...
Hi hypocrite. Willing to explain to us minority knuckle dragging deniers why the true believers like you haven't done a thing or made any sacrifice for the sake of THE GLOBAL WARMING? Try not pretending you do not get the point.

Since us deniers are such a minority and since wise people like you believe every word coming out of the mouths of global governments, then tell us why hardly any of you do gooders have done NOTHING.

And please, don't tell us how you hating white Americans enough and being a really really good global socialist is the same thing as doing something.

Don't tell me what the scientists are saying. Spare us. Tell us why you, specifically you cowboy ted, haven't DONE A THING. Go ahead.

We are all waiting. BTW, did you purchase carbon credits? Why did Gore purchase a mansion along the coast in California?


Hey cowboy ted, is this the time you either ignore my points or call me a denier racist?

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