Climate change tipping points are upon us, draft U.N. report warns: 'The worst is yet to come'

Folks let's stop and just think or a second.

OK, it is nearing 2022. Are we really this fucking stupid as a collective?

A hysterical Russia Hoax

A Fauci Hoax

Racial hoax

Climate hoax

Yes we are that fucking stupid as a collective
The tipping point occurred approximately, 1970. Blame Nixon and no way to stop it.
It is the same press release they have tried every year for the past 30 years.

The warming hoax started in 88.

Before that,Algore, Hansen, and Mann were all part of the global COOLING fraud of the 1970s....
I've been waiting for the ice age for 50 yrs. Could you wake me when it is over so I can begin to prepare for the heat wave

One more time...

Let's try to get this right......

Ice ages are CONTINENT SPECIFIC. They have planetary affect, but it is the documentable truth of continent specificity that wham-o debunks co2 as a cause.

Is Antarctica an ice age?

My god man,it is covered with 2 miles of ice,how could it possibly not be...?????

What happened?

Antarctica was still attached to South America when it broke off from South Africa 120 million years ago, the "beginning of the Atlantic Ocean." 70 million years ago,it had live dinosaurs on it. It was a robust life rich habitat, because it wasn't on the South Pole. As it moved towards the South Pole, it got colder and colder... To the point where its annual snowfall ceased to fully melt in summer, so then it started to STACK... The Antarctic ice age started when Antarctica was still connected to South America, and the ice got into South America before it broke off in the last 40 million years.

Ice ages happen when tectonic plates with land get to within 600 miles of an earth pole.

Search for

North American ice age

And notice it is CONTINENT SPECIFIC....

Yes, we had mile high glaciers in Indiana a million years ago, which were not entirely melted 10k years ago.

So North America has thawed in the past million years.....

What about the other continent specific ice age of today, Greenland....

Search for

Ancient Greenland green

Greenland was completely unfrozen 800k years ago.

Greenland froze at the same time North America thawed
Lol, the vegans apparently have no clue the effects of cruciferous vegetables have on the human digestive system.


Talk about igniting the world in a cloud of methane.

8 billion people farting every 3 minutes. Silent one, loud rips, joggers letting them loose.

Couldn't go to movie without a gas mask...then again why would a decent God fearing person go to movie anyway.

Oh that's right. Hollywood doesn't ACTUALLY CARE about THE global warming. They ONLY VIRTUE SIGNAL about it, just like every other pathetic hypocritical leftist banging away on their phones on these websites.

Millennials are the biggest consumers of fossil fuels in earths history and they all point their pot stained fingers at us and suggest we should all live in the stone age.

Now, has the UN members stopped using fossil fuels? Nooooo? Huh......

Lol well the UN is saying it so....

In all seriousness, get ready to be taxed to death middle class.

Here it comes
When I was younger people would joke around," they'd tax the air if they could". We thought it funny.

Well fuck me in the asshole, the joke was on us.

Libturds figured a way to tax the fucking air. Unreal.

Why don't we just have a flat fart tax on everyone
They are thinking of the fart tax. That is why cows are on the list in unison with pushing us to eat fake meat. We will call have a certain amount of carbon credits allotted. Except for the elites and their lackeys.
It is about ultimately controlling the world food distribution. That is the main method of mass execution the marxists have used. Over 70percent of the 100 million deaths caused by Marxism in the 20th century was by deliberate mass starvation.

This is how they are planning to cull the herd in a widespread plan for mass execution. Cow farts......yeah yeah yeah, cow farts.

Get it?

The delta variant will get into our chicken facilities. Remember when they tried to shut down the chicken plants due to the fake China disease?

Yeah, this is the plan.
No Einstein

Are you saying, "No Einstein" as in Einstein is dead. Or, are you saying, "No Einstein" as in you believe he never existed? Or, as I suspect, did you mean to say, "No, Einstein"?

If you're going to question someone's intelligence, it makes you seem much more credible if you can properly punctuate a sentence.

Oh, seeing as you brought up the subject, when you call someone a petroleum "addict", I'm going to take it as a given that you don't use any petroleum products in any of their forms, including plastics. Because, it would look weapons-grade hypocritical if you were to call someone else an "addict" when you're stoned all day long.

Lol well the UN is saying it so....

In all seriousness, get ready to be taxed to death middle class.

Here it comes
When I was younger people would joke around," they'd tax the air if they could". We thought it funny.

Well fuck me in the asshole, the joke was on us.

Libturds figured a way to tax the fucking air. Unreal.

Why don't we just have a flat fart tax on everyone
They are thinking of the fart tax. That is why cows are on the list in unison with pushing us to eat fake meat. We will call have a certain amount of carbon credits allotted. Except for the elites and their lackeys.
It is about ultimately controlling the world food distribution. That is the main method of mass execution the marxists have used. Over 70percent of the 100 million deaths caused by Marxism in the 20th century was by deliberate mass starvation.

This is how they are planning to cull the herd in a widespread plan for mass execution. Cow farts......yeah yeah yeah, cow farts.

Get it?

The delta variant will get into our chicken facilities. Remember when they tried to shut down the chicken plants due to the fake China disease?

Yeah, this is the plan.

It's Kulaks Squared

Remember FDR and Progressives LOVED "Uncle Joe"
It is the same press release they have tried every year for the past 30 years.

The warming hoax started in 88.

Before that,Algore, Hansen, and Mann were all part of the global COOLING fraud of the 1970s....
I've been waiting for the ice age for 50 yrs. Could you wake me when it is over so I can begin to prepare for the heat wave

One more time...

Let's try to get this right......

Ice ages are CONTINENT SPECIFIC. They have planetary affect, but it is the documentable truth of continent specificity that wham-o debunks co2 as a cause.

Is Antarctica an ice age?

My god man,it is covered with 2 miles of ice,how could it possibly not be...?????

What happened?

Antarctica was still attached to South America when it broke off from South Africa 120 million years ago, the "beginning of the Atlantic Ocean." 70 million years ago,it had live dinosaurs on it. It was a robust life rich habitat, because it wasn't on the South Pole. As it moved towards the South Pole, it got colder and colder... To the point where its annual snowfall ceased to fully melt in summer, so then it started to STACK... The Antarctic ice age started when Antarctica was still connected to South America, and the ice got into South America before it broke off in the last 40 million years.

Ice ages happen when tectonic plates with land get to within 600 miles of an earth pole.

Search for

North American ice age

And notice it is CONTINENT SPECIFIC....

Yes, we had mile high glaciers in Indiana a million years ago, which were not entirely melted 10k years ago.

So North America has thawed in the past million years.....

What about the other continent specific ice age of today, Greenland....

Search for

Ancient Greenland green

Greenland was completely unfrozen 800k years ago.

Greenland froze at the same time North America thawed
OMFG dude. I was kidding. But that was the 70's hoax.

WTF??.............Do you even know what humor is? Greenland froze the same time NA thawed

You really think I'm waiting for an Ice
One more time...

Let's try to get this right......

Ice ages are CONTINENT SPECIFIC. They have planetary affect, but it is the documentable truth of continent specificity that wham-o debunks co2 as a cause.

Is Antarctica an ice age?

My god man,it is covered with 2 miles of ice,how could it possibly not be...?????

What happened?

Antarctica was still attached to South America when it broke off from South Africa 120 million years ago, the "beginning of the Atlantic Ocean." 70 million years ago,it had live dinosaurs on it. It was a robust life rich habitat, because it wasn't on the South Pole. As it moved towards the South Pole, it got colder and colder... To the point where its annual snowfall ceased to fully melt in summer, so then it started to STACK... The Antarctic ice age started when Antarctica was still connected to South America, and the ice got into South America before it broke off in the last 40 million years.

Ice ages happen when tectonic plates with land get to within 600 miles of an earth pole.

Search for

North American ice age

And notice it is CONTINENT SPECIFIC....

Yes, we had mile high glaciers in Indiana a million years ago, which were not entirely melted 10k years ago.

So North America has thawed in the past million years.....

What about the other continent specific ice age of today, Greenland....

Search for

Ancient Greenland green

Greenland was completely unfrozen 800k years ago.

Greenland froze at the same time North America thawed

These people are really smart aren't they? They can tell us what the earth was like millions of years ago and what it will be like in hundreds of years. They just don't know what's going on currently.


That fallacy aside, we wouldn't be where we are had we TAKEN Climate Change seriously 20 years ago

Where are we exactly? I'm still wearing the same jacket in the Winter and Fall that I was wearing 20 years ago. The ocean is no closer to my front door than when the house was built 20 years ago, and there are just as many polar bears in my neighborhood today as there were 20 years ago.

From my perspective, things haven't changed at all, so I don't know why you say, "we".
I thought the tipping point was, like twenty years ago? It is almost like they are just talking shit.
That fallacy aside, we wouldn't be where we are had we TAKEN Climate Change seriously 20 years ago

Are you too young to remember twenty years ago? Or are you just lying?
I cannot tell if he is suggesting that he purchased carbon credits from Gore or not. What we do know is apparently that plan didn't work or as we said was nothing but a big money scam that increased Gore's wealth 1000 fold.

Think about that. Gore received an OSCAR (LOL!!!!!!!!) from Hollywood for his pathetic lie of a "documentary" and then immediately sold those carbon credits.

I still have not heard of a left winger admit they bought them, but someone must have. Take a look at the wealth increase for Gore.

Well, this plan was supposed to cure THE global warming. Hey, does anyone here know that the cause of THE global warming was that HOLE IN THE OZONE? Did anyone know the left are claiming the MONTREAL PROTOCOL fixed the HOLE IN THE OZONE?


Not kidding. Look it up. Oh, thats right. I keep forgetting they changed the word or sell job from something as specific as THE global warming to something far more ambiguous and more inclusive to THE CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!


How the left respond to their globalist leaders. JUNETEENTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That fallacy aside, we wouldn't be where we are had we TAKEN Climate Change seriously 20 years ago

Where are we exactly? I'm still wearing the same jacket in the Winter and Fall that I was wearing 20 years ago. The ocean is no closer to my front door than when the house was built 20 years ago, and there are just as many polar bears in my neighborhood today as there were 20 years ago.

From my perspective, things haven't changed at all, so I don't know why you say, "we".

That dipshit Obama can't be too concerned about climate change melting the ice and causing increasing ocean levels. He bought a mega mansion literally a hundred yards from the ocean.

Maybe that is why he changed his mind that White Supremacists are the biggest threat now instead of climate change.

Kinda reminds me of the Global Change Deniers saying that Gore was a hypocrite if he didn't SWIM to Iceland for a conference
I thought the tipping point was, like twenty years ago? It is almost like they are just talking shit.
That fallacy aside, we wouldn't be where we are had we TAKEN Climate Change seriously 20 years ago

Are you too young to remember twenty years ago? Or are you just lying?
I cannot tell if he is suggesting that he purchased carbon credits from Gore or not. What we do know is apparently that plan didn't work or as we said was nothing but a big money scam that increased Gore's wealth 1000 fold.

Think about that. Gore received an OSCAR (LOL!!!!!!!!) from Hollywood for his pathetic lie of a "documentary" and then immediately sold those carbon credits.

I still have not heard of a left winger admit they bought them, but someone must have. Take a look at the wealth increase for Gore.

Well, this plan was supposed to cure THE global warming. Hey, does anyone here know that the cause of THE global warming was that HOLE IN THE OZONE? Did anyone know the left are claiming the MONTREAL PROTOCOL fixed the HOLE IN THE OZONE?


Not kidding. Look it up. Oh, thats right. I keep forgetting they changed the word or sell job from something as specific as THE global warming to something far more ambiguous and more inclusive to THE CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!


How the left respond to their globalist leaders. JUNETEENTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!


An Inconvenient Truth is a catchy novel title.

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