Climate change in Cali bringing about eco vigilanteism

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
good on them

Drought Shaming: Californians Snitch on Neighbors Who Waste Water - NBC News
Californians have a new way to keep up with the Jones, and it's even got a hashtag: #DroughtShaming.

"Drought Shaming" is the phenomenon of people in parched California areas calling water utility hotlines to snitch on their neighbors who are using too much water — usually by watering lawns, washing cars or filling pools.

thing is that deniers don't seem to have any shame.
When water gets that important, the law could use extra eyes.

The Midwest went though a couple of very dry years back in the 80's and I refused to water anything.
The ex gave me some shit about the lawn dying and I said "y'know that grass has been there probably 10,000 years. It'll bounce back." And it did.
Drought is natural there and has been far worse back when CO2 levels were supposedly safe...You show why truly important issues don't get the attention they deserve...when you blame the normal course of events on climate change, you derail the issue to the climate change track and the true issue can't be discussed...

Drought and wildfire are natural parts of the ecology there...the plants and animals have evolved to deal with it...humans have not and keep moving into the area exacerbating the problem. The issue isn't the dourght, or wildfire...the issue is humans piling into areas with known limited resources and then crying about it.
Given that you claim everything is natural, what environmental issues do you believe are not getting the attention they deserve?
good on them

Drought Shaming: Californians Snitch on Neighbors Who Waste Water - NBC News
Californians have a new way to keep up with the Jones, and it's even got a hashtag: #DroughtShaming.

"Drought Shaming" is the phenomenon of people in parched California areas calling water utility hotlines to snitch on their neighbors who are using too much water — usually by watering lawns, washing cars or filling pools.

thing is that deniers don't seem to have any shame.

Anyone who uses the term "denier" is automatically a piece of shit, in my book. They have no shame when it comes to using offensive terms about their critics. Why should anyone sceptical of the AGW abracadabra be ashamed of anything? Their position is the scientifically respectable one. The drones who swallow pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo as if it were gospel are the ones who should be embarrassed.
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I hate people who waste water, the dolts that they are, or some who're just engaging in conspicuous consumption because they're MURICAN's dang it!!! Reminds me of the "coal roller" idiots.
Given that you claim everything is natural, what environmental issues do you believe are not getting the attention they deserve?

Pollution, illegal dumping, the plight of the Orangutan, reckless exploitation of hardwoods both here and abroad, the loss of whales to hunting,...and the list could go on and on. Unfortunately you warmer wackos divert attention from real issues to your hoax based hysteria and leave the real issues unconfronted. Just another unintended consequence resulting from actions of the left. You want to save the earth but let serious issues go on little noticed and with no funding in favor of the fake issue of AGW.
well won't it's be wonderful when some NUTjob take this "vigilantism" to heart, and burns down someone' s house down because they washed their car when he thought they shouldn't or blow their care up?

gawd, you global warming freaks are not only fascist but just downright horrible nasty people you don't find anything wrong pushing vigilantism all over..... WATER

you people are dangerous to us humans let alone your care for the planet is as phony as your gawd, Albert bore Gore is...
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scratch a liberal like the dots, find a fascist deep down inside

Not so deep as you might imagine...they don't hide their fascism...they are all for government control of everything...they just don't want to be identified as the fascists they are.
All this shaming and snitching is because Cali can't figure out MEANINGFUL reactions to the problem.

For starters, take the $BILLIONSSSS that they want to toss at their Hi-Speed Train to Nowhere, and start a series of DESALINATION plants along the Southern/Mid Coast. SOME are already there and closed. Convert them to RENEWABLE energy to make them economical to operate. Quit bitching and snitching and DO SOMETHING useful...

2nd -- quit growing cotton and rice in the Sacro Delta.. Plenty of other places to grow those crops..
Over 70% of water use is for agriculture and the "leaders" are relying on snitching.. Tsk Tsk Tsk.

And to think that just a couple years ago -- there was serious Eco-Whack traction on a proposal to tear down the Hetch Hetchy dam/reservoir .. :crazy:
I'll give Cali Repubs this: They're, on the whole, less extreme than their Rust Belt/Bible Belt brethren.
I'll give Cali Repubs this: They're, on the whole, less extreme than their Rust Belt/Bible Belt brethren.

No way.. They have produced some of the stranger wingers ever..
It's in the water bro... Does Dana Rohrabacher ring a bell?

I heard him testifying today. Not bad. He makes some very good points here: Malaki has helped to divid the country.
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