Climate Change Deniers among our Elected Representatives

plenty of science deniers on the left who think a boy can just instantly transform into a girl because magic
oh, poor wittle baby. The Maldives are almost always mentioned in the same breath as Kiribati, fool. Both are used by the propagandists to push a false narrative. A false narrative that you are either too stupid to understand is false, or are too invested in the eventual outcome to care.
So your way of admitting you made a mistake is to deny that you made a mistake. Perfect.
I'm gonna slightly bend one of the rules here and say, I bet you've been through several failed marriages haven't you ?

I made no mistake. I pointed out to you that the Maldives and Kiribati both inhabit the ocean. An ocean that doesn't seem to be rising as fast as your propagandists claim based on the investment in airports. I chose to highlight the Maldives because people actually want to go there for vacation, so a lot of stuff is written about them that is not polluted by propaganda, unlike Kiribati which suffers from unlikeability so no one reports on it other than the propagandists.
They're 8000 miles apart in different oceans. Sea level rise is discussed about in reference to many other places , and I would bet you can't find any quote online mentioning the two places in the same sentence ( which isn't a random coincidence). I'll be waiting anxiously for your next ignorant response since you seem to like being spanked in public.

Different oceans with the same MSL. Duh. Face it, dude, when it comes to scientific matters you are an infant. The oceans are all basically the same level, the differences we see from ocean to ocean are due to wind, currents, river discharges, and variations in gravity and temperature that keep the oceans from ever being "level". That's why we use LMSL.
As I said, sea level rise is discussed about in reference to many other places ( South Florida, New Orleans, Holland, SE Asia) - stop going around with that arrogant superior attitude, and being a total asswipe.
Is that why Obama bought a mansion on the ocean beach? The rising oceans?
So, once again, would you vote for a representative that didn't believe in gravity? What if he thought we were all actually held down by magnetism or by wee demons trying to drag us to Hell? Would you vote for a senate candidate that believed the Earth was flat, that humans had never traveled to space, much less the moon? Would you vote for a presidential candidate who believed that modern medicine was an evil to be eliminated from modern society?

Grease this 'ol boy enough, and i'll squeal like a stuck pig gravity science is inconclusive, uphold the flat earth society as Gods among men, and paint mod medicine as the biblical plauge of locusts.....

oh, poor wittle baby. The Maldives are almost always mentioned in the same breath as Kiribati, fool. Both are used by the propagandists to push a false narrative. A false narrative that you are either too stupid to understand is false, or are too invested in the eventual outcome to care.
So your way of admitting you made a mistake is to deny that you made a mistake. Perfect.
I'm gonna slightly bend one of the rules here and say, I bet you've been through several failed marriages haven't you ?

I made no mistake. I pointed out to you that the Maldives and Kiribati both inhabit the ocean. An ocean that doesn't seem to be rising as fast as your propagandists claim based on the investment in airports. I chose to highlight the Maldives because people actually want to go there for vacation, so a lot of stuff is written about them that is not polluted by propaganda, unlike Kiribati which suffers from unlikeability so no one reports on it other than the propagandists.
They're 8000 miles apart in different oceans. Sea level rise is discussed about in reference to many other places , and I would bet you can't find any quote online mentioning the two places in the same sentence ( which isn't a random coincidence). I'll be waiting anxiously for your next ignorant response since you seem to like being spanked in public.

Different oceans with the same MSL. Duh. Face it, dude, when it comes to scientific matters you are an infant. The oceans are all basically the same level, the differences we see from ocean to ocean are due to wind, currents, river discharges, and variations in gravity and temperature that keep the oceans from ever being "level". That's why we use LMSL.
As I said, sea level rise is discussed about in reference to many other places ( South Florida, New Orleans, Holland, SE Asia) - stop going around with that arrogant superior attitude, and being a total asswipe.

You're the one who hurled the first insult, dude. You are treated the way you treat me. If you can't handle it, leave. Now, to your point, or more importantly, lack thereof, LOCAL MEAN SEA LEVEL is local. Feel free to look at photographs of any area you wish and you will see that the sea level 100 years ago, is the same as it is now. Photographic evidence supports me, and not you.

The beaches are disappearing in Florida because mankind has dammed up all of the streams and rivers that used to supply those beaches with sand. This is so well known a process that a movie was created DECADES ago to explain it. It is below this post, feel free to watch it and learn something.

Not from sand loss.







Harvey was Houston's wake up call.




Your incredible ignorance of geology and climatical history is in full display here, did you even thought of researching the city of Houston's past?

The City has been catastrophically flooded many times in the past.

The city was founded on swampy ground that has been over time partially covered over with asphalt and concrete, which increases flooding in the area.

You made a deflection from sea level when it became apparent you are being clobbered on it to this dead on arrival statement.
Climate Change Deniers among our Elected Representatives

Ummm... good?

Isn't diversity, including diversity of opinion, a good thing in our country?

This isn't North Korea.
Harvey was Houston's wake up call.



Really? Hurricanes have never happened there before? Might I suggest you do some historical research. Your claim is ridiculous at best.
How does the Medieval Warm Period compare to current global temperatures?
The Medieval Warm Period spanned between the 10th and 15th centuries, and corresponded with warmer temperatures in certain regions around the world. During this time, ice-free seas allowed the Vikings to colonize Greenland. North America experienced prolonged droughts. Just how hot was the Medieval Warm Period? Was the globe warmer than now? To answer this question, one needs to look beyond warming in a few regions and view temperatures on a global scale.

Medieval Warm Period

Warming through 2008

So your graph ends in 2008, since then the Earth has been cooling but you wont see that trend on a GW graph. Funny how a liberal is good at misinformation.
"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't." ~ IPCC lead author Kevin Trenberth.
Not from sand loss.








Correct, that is due to maintaining higher levels of groundwater to prevent the sea water from encroaching thanks to there being no SAND to keep the ocean at bay. Look up Michael Sukop.
So your way of admitting you made a mistake is to deny that you made a mistake. Perfect.
I'm gonna slightly bend one of the rules here and say, I bet you've been through several failed marriages haven't you ?

I made no mistake. I pointed out to you that the Maldives and Kiribati both inhabit the ocean. An ocean that doesn't seem to be rising as fast as your propagandists claim based on the investment in airports. I chose to highlight the Maldives because people actually want to go there for vacation, so a lot of stuff is written about them that is not polluted by propaganda, unlike Kiribati which suffers from unlikeability so no one reports on it other than the propagandists.
They're 8000 miles apart in different oceans. Sea level rise is discussed about in reference to many other places , and I would bet you can't find any quote online mentioning the two places in the same sentence ( which isn't a random coincidence). I'll be waiting anxiously for your next ignorant response since you seem to like being spanked in public.

Different oceans with the same MSL. Duh. Face it, dude, when it comes to scientific matters you are an infant. The oceans are all basically the same level, the differences we see from ocean to ocean are due to wind, currents, river discharges, and variations in gravity and temperature that keep the oceans from ever being "level". That's why we use LMSL.
As I said, sea level rise is discussed about in reference to many other places ( South Florida, New Orleans, Holland, SE Asia) - stop going around with that arrogant superior attitude, and being a total asswipe.

You're the one who hurled the first insult, dude. You are treated the way you treat me. If you can't handle it, leave. Now, to your point, or more importantly, lack thereof, LOCAL MEAN SEA LEVEL is local. Feel free to look at photographs of any area you wish and you will see that the sea level 100 years ago, is the same as it is now. Photographic evidence supports me, and not you.

The beaches are disappearing in Florida because mankind has dammed up all of the streams and rivers that used to supply those beaches with sand. This is so well known a process that a movie was created DECADES ago to explain it. It is below this post, feel free to watch it and learn something.

Erosion vs building are concepts far beyond the science deniers.

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