Clearing Up the Lie that Israel Started the 6 Day War


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
May 14, 1967. Egypt moves it's military to the Sinai/Israel border.

May 16, 1967. Egypt orders all peace keeping UN troops that had been there since 1957 removed from the Sinai/Israel border.

May 23, 1967. Egypt blockades Israeli ships in international waters, by all definitions of international law this is an act of war. Egyptian President Nasser claimed in a public speech to have been aware of the Straits of Tiran closure implications: "Taking over Sharm El Sheikh meant confrontation with Israel. It also means that we ready to enter a general war with Israel. It was not a separate operation". The war technically started on this date by this action.

May 27, 1967. Egyptian Field Marshal Amer planned for initiating an attack on Israel on this date. He told one of his generals that "This time we will be the ones to start the war." Mixed communications and leadership issues delayed the attack.

May 30, 1967. Egypt, Jordan and Syria signed a military pact that gave Egypt authority over all military forces.

June 1, 1967. Combined armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon are amassed on all borders of Israel.

June 5, 1967. Israel decides they must conduct a surprise military attack in order to eliminate as many enemy aircraft as they can. The control of the air was the decisive factor in the decimation of the armies of five arab armies.
May 14, 1967. Egypt moves it's military to the Sinai/Israel border.

May 16, 1967. Egypt orders all peace keeping UN troops that had been there since 1957 removed from the Sinai/Israel border.

May 23, 1967. Egypt blockades Israeli ships in international waters, by all definitions of international law this is an act of war. Egyptian President Nasser claimed in a public speech to have been aware of the Straits of Tiran closure implications: "Taking over Sharm El Sheikh meant confrontation with Israel. It also means that we ready to enter a general war with Israel. It was not a separate operation". The war technically started on this date by this action.

May 27, 1967. Egyptian Field Marshal Amer planned for initiating an attack on Israel on this date. He told one of his generals that "This time we will be the ones to start the war." Mixed communications and leadership issues delayed the attack.

May 30, 1967. Egypt, Jordan and Syria signed a military pact that gave Egypt authority over all military forces.

June 1, 1967. Combined armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon are amassed on all borders of Israel.

June 5, 1967. Israel decides they must conduct a surprise military attack in order to eliminate as many enemy aircraft as they can. The control of the air was the decisive factor in the decimation of the armies of five arab armies.

Egypt & Jordan learned their lesson well. Don't mess with Israel & LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
When the war started going south for the Arabs (and they were still telling their people it was total victory over the Jews), Nassar and King Hussein of Jordan discussed on the phone how to blame the Arab failure on the interference of the US and England on the side of Israel.

Unfortunately for them, the radio-telephone conversation was taped and they later publicly denied the involvement of Western forces in the conflict.
When the war started going south for the Arabs (and they were still telling their people it was total victory over the Jews), Nassar and King Hussein of Jordan discussed on the phone how to blame the Arab failure on the interference of the US and England on the side of Israel.

Unfortunately for them, the radio-telephone conversation was taped and they later publicly denied the involvement of Western forces in the conflict.
And that lie ticked off Johnson enough to get off his fat ass.
And that lie ticked off Johnson enough to get off his fat ass.

The Jew-haters love to talk about how Israel couldn't survive without the US -- but they omit the fact that from 1948 until AFTER the Six-Day-War, the US had a total arms embargo on Israel.
And France was the military support for Israel - and switched sides to the Arabs in early 67 before the war because it looked like they would win. Israel had no supply of arms in the 6 day war.
This again? Really?

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And France was the military support for Israel - and switched sides to the Arabs in early 67 before the war because it looked like they would win. Israel had no supply of arms in the 6 day war.

One of my favourite Israel moments is when, in January of 1969, France decided to cancel a purchase of 30 Mirage V aircraft AFTER Israel had paid for them. Israel had already obtained the plans and began building their own version of the Mirage V called the 'Nesher' without license from Mirage.

The Nesher was actually exported to countries like Argentina where they stayed operational until 2015.
Sigh. As usual the frigging Zionist revisionist history. Is there any fact that the Zionists won't deny?

Direct from the CIA:

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move.

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency
Sigh. As usual the frigging Zionist revisionist history. Is there any fact that the Zionists won't deny?

Direct from the CIA:

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move.

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency
A. Same CIA that said Iraq had WMD's

B. Egypts actions in international waters on May 23 was an act of war in every book.

Want to keep spinning? Tell us why the Iraq army was poised on the border of Israel. Why did Egypt lockout the UN peacekeepers? Why did Egypt openly state they were acting for an attack on Israel?

Spin boy, spin.
Sigh. As usual the frigging Zionist revisionist history. Is there any fact that the Zionists won't deny?

Direct from the CIA:

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move.

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency
A. Same CIA that said Iraq had WMD's

B. Egypts actions in international waters on May 23 was an act of war in every book.

Want to keep spinning? Tell us why the Iraq army was poised on the border of Israel. Why did Egypt lockout the UN peacekeepers? Why did Egypt openly state they were acting for an attack on Israel?

Spin boy, spin.

You are just a bunch of fantasists. The fact is, Israel started the war. Every frigging objective historian, the CIA, British Intelligence and the Intelligence services of the western world know that Israel started the war. Only you Zionist morons keep up this ridiculous charade, convincing yourselves that starting the war is not starting a war. You people just can't accept the facts, it's hilarious. It's like the Japanese claiming the U.S. started the war because the U.S. embargoed Japan and Pearl Harbor was a pre-emptive strike. Grow up punk.
Sigh. As usual the frigging Zionist revisionist history. Is there any fact that the Zionists won't deny?

Direct from the CIA:

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move.

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency
A. Same CIA that said Iraq had WMD's

B. Egypts actions in international waters on May 23 was an act of war in every book.

Want to keep spinning? Tell us why the Iraq army was poised on the border of Israel. Why did Egypt lockout the UN peacekeepers? Why did Egypt openly state they were acting for an attack on Israel?

Spin boy, spin.

You are just a bunch of fantasists. The fact is, Israel started the war. Every frigging objective historian, the CIA, British Intelligence and the Intelligence services of the western world know that Israel started the war. Only you Zionist morons keep up this ridiculous charade, convincing yourselves that starting the war is not starting a war. You people just can't accept the facts, it's hilarious. It's like the Japanese claiming the U.S. started the war because the U.S. embargoed Japan and Pearl Harbor was a pre-emptive strike. Grow up punk.
Yeah, those innocent Arabs with 5 armies massed on the borders of Israel while they violate international law in international waters while proclaiming they are ready to annihilate the Jews.

You're pathetic.
Sigh. As usual the frigging Zionist revisionist history. Is there any fact that the Zionists won't deny?

Direct from the CIA:

"Helms was awakened at 3:00 in the morning on 5 June by a call from the CIA Operations Center. The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move.

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency
A. Same CIA that said Iraq had WMD's

B. Egypts actions in international waters on May 23 was an act of war in every book.

Want to keep spinning? Tell us why the Iraq army was poised on the border of Israel. Why did Egypt lockout the UN peacekeepers? Why did Egypt openly state they were acting for an attack on Israel?

Spin boy, spin.

You are just a bunch of fantasists. The fact is, Israel started the war. Every frigging objective historian, the CIA, British Intelligence and the Intelligence services of the western world know that Israel started the war. Only you Zionist morons keep up this ridiculous charade, convincing yourselves that starting the war is not starting a war. You people just can't accept the facts, it's hilarious. It's like the Japanese claiming the U.S. started the war because the U.S. embargoed Japan and Pearl Harbor was a pre-emptive strike. Grow up punk.
Dufus thinks the American Navy was stopping Japanese ships in 1941. :stupid:
The fact is, Israel started the war. Every frigging objective historian, the CIA, British Intelligence and the Intelligence services of the western world know that Israel started the war. Only you Zionist morons keep up this ridiculous charade, convincing yourselves that starting the war is not starting a war.

It is not clear what you are arguing here.

Are you arguing that Israel (unlike other Member States) had no right to defend itself from clear acts of belligerent aggression?

Or are you arguing that there were no acts of aggression committed against Israel?
"the CIA assessed that Nasser’s military presence in the Sinai was defensive, stating that “Armored striking forces could breach the UAR’s double defense line in the Sinai in three to four days and drive the Egyptians west of the Suez Canal in seven to nine days. Israel could contain any attacks by Syria or Jordan during this period”

Neither U.S. nor Israeli intelligence assessed that there was any kind of serious threat of an Egyptian attack. On the contrary, both considered the possibility that Nasser might strike first as being extremely slim.

The current Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Michael B. Oren, acknowledged in his book “Six Days of War“, widely regarded as the definitive account of the war, that “By all reports Israel received from the Americans, and according to its own intelligence, Nasser had no interest in bloodshed”.

Four days before Israel’s attack on Egypt, Helms met with a senior Israeli official who expressed Israel’s intent to go to war, and that the only reason it hadn’t already struck was because of efforts by the Johnson administration to restrain both sides to prevent a violent conflict.

“Helms interpreted the remarks as suggesting that Israel would attack very soon”, writes Robarge. He reported to Johnson “that Israel probably would start a war within a few days.”

Israel's attack on Egypt in June '67 was not 'preemptive' | Foreign Policy Journal
The fact is, Israel started the war. Every frigging objective historian, the CIA, British Intelligence and the Intelligence services of the western world know that Israel started the war. Only you Zionist morons keep up this ridiculous charade, convincing yourselves that starting the war is not starting a war.

It is not clear what you are arguing here.

Are you arguing that Israel (unlike other Member States) had no right to defend itself from clear acts of belligerent aggression?

Or are you arguing that there were no acts of aggression committed against Israel?

There was no belligerant aggression on the part of the Arab states. Unless you believe a blockade is belligerant aggression.
The fact is, Israel started the war. Every frigging objective historian, the CIA, British Intelligence and the Intelligence services of the western world know that Israel started the war. Only you Zionist morons keep up this ridiculous charade, convincing yourselves that starting the war is not starting a war.

It is not clear what you are arguing here.

Are you arguing that Israel (unlike other Member States) had no right to defend itself from clear acts of belligerent aggression?

Or are you arguing that there were no acts of aggression committed against Israel?

There was no belligerant aggression on the part of the Arab states. Unless you believe a blockade is belligerant aggression.
Yeah, kicking out the UN peacekeeping force that was there for 11 years while massing your army on the border was because they wanted peace! We all know Islam is about peace! :cuckoo:
There was no belligerant aggression on the part of the Arab states.

Okay. So to be clear, your claim is that Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon had reason to believe that there was an immanent belligerent attack by Israel on THEIR territorial integrity or sovereignty. Defend this claim.
The fact is, Israel started the war. Every frigging objective historian, the CIA, British Intelligence and the Intelligence services of the western world know that Israel started the war. Only you Zionist morons keep up this ridiculous charade, convincing yourselves that starting the war is not starting a war.

It is not clear what you are arguing here.

Are you arguing that Israel (unlike other Member States) had no right to defend itself from clear acts of belligerent aggression?

Or are you arguing that there were no acts of aggression committed against Israel?

There was no belligerant aggression on the part of the Arab states. Unless you believe a blockade is belligerant aggression.
"Since 1945, the UN Security Councildetermines the legal status of blockades and by article 42 of the UN Charter, the Council can also apply blockades.[10] The UN Charter allows for the right of self-defense but requires that this must be immediately reported to the Security Council to ensure the maintenance of international peace."

Egypt only declared they wanted war.
Game over.

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