
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
There are a few key people that the Democrats must purge from their party if they want to be successful in the future. Hillary Clinton. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Joe Biden. And Nancy Pelosi.
Democratic congressional candidates are revolting against Nancy Pelosi in even bigger numbers, amid fears that her grip on power could hurt the party's chances in the midterms and hold back its next generation of leaders.
These people lie. Then they lie some more. Then they lie about their lies. They are not only bad for their party, they are bad for their country and they are bad for humanity. They have been a complete disaster for their party (give Obama credit for understanding that an ousting Wasserman Schultz as the DNC chair). They lack political understanding, leadership capabilities, and public speaking skills.

Dem revolt against Pelosi grows, amid fears her shadow could cast pall over midterm hopes
The mainstream media tries to keep a lid on it but the democrat party is leaderless and in complete disarray with no agenda or vision for the Country. The only thing that holds the party together is hatred and anger. Who knows what might happen if democrats get rid of the old guard?
Hillary supporters actually think she is honest. It's outrageous and discouraging at the same time.
And rethuglians have no honest people anywhere as all of them are un American nationalists. Hillary would be way better than tRumputin
And rethuglians have no honest people anywhere as all of them are un American nationalists. Hillary would be way better than tRumputin

"It's okay that my party is filled with corrupt garbage because yours is too!"
And rethuglians have no honest people anywhere as all of them are un American nationalists. Hillary would be way better than tRumputin
How can you be an un american, american nationalist?
Please explain.
What's left if they kick out Hillary, Debbie, Nancy and Joe? Is hyphen Cortez and Bernie Sanders the future of the new socialist democrats?
Buttsoiler wants to give advice to what he still calls the "Democrat Party". :4_13_65:

That's like the Wankees advising the Red Sox on how to pitch to Aaron Judge.
Hillary supporters actually think she is honest. It's outrageous and discouraging at the same time.

Yes 30 years of Republican lies about the “criminal” Clintons and some of us still don’t believe you.

Could it be because after 30 years, 17 investigations, 1 Special Prosecutor, and $100 million dollars which produced no evidence, no witnesses, no charges and no crimes, there is nothing to convince us that the Clintons are the criminals here.
Hillary supporters actually think she is honest. It's outrageous and discouraging at the same time.

Yes 30 years of Republican lies about the “criminal” Clintons and some of us still don’t believe you.

Could it be because after 30 years, 17 investigations, 1 Special Prosecutor, and $100 million dollars which produced no evidence, no witnesses, no charges and no crimes, there is nothing to convince us that the Clintons are the criminals here.

I'm a Bernie supporter that has never once voted for a Republican. If you give me 15 minutes of your time and an open mind I can prove to you that Hillary is a habitual liar.
Hillary supporters actually think she is honest. It's outrageous and discouraging at the same time.

Yes 30 years of Republican lies about the “criminal” Clintons and some of us still don’t believe you.

Could it be because after 30 years, 17 investigations, 1 Special Prosecutor, and $100 million dollars which produced no evidence, no witnesses, no charges and no crimes, there is nothing to convince us that the Clintons are the criminals here.

I'm a Bernie supporter that has never once voted for a Republican. If you give me 15 minutes of your time and an open mind I can prove to you that Hillary is a habitual liar.

So I take it that's a no? Not interested in possibly learning something?
all of them are un American nationalists.
I've seen some funny shit on this board - but that one there is a special gem. Genius here might as well have said "that obese anorexic" or "that blinding light from the pitch black room".

God Tax Man...you are truly a very special kind of stupid, kid. I can see why you vote Dumbocrat. All low IQ voters do.
What's left if they kick out Hillary, Debbie, Nancy and Joe? Is hyphen Cortez and Bernie Sanders the future of the new socialist democrats?
Well them, and you still have Booker, Pocohantos, etc. Plus, some new blood would be priceless for them.

Think about how dreadful the Republican Party was before Obama. It was like the party of Bush and Cheney. Thanks to MaObama, it ushered in the era of upstanding, true conservatives like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul. The left needs that same kind of "purge". And the U.S. desperately needs them to as well.
Could it be because after 30 years, 17 investigations, 1 Special Prosecutor, and $100 million dollars which produced no evidence, no witnesses, no charges and no crimes, there is nothing to convince us that the Clintons are the criminals here.
No evidence?!? Sweetheart, I could provide you with several semi's full of evidence. Good grief, all one needs to do is look at the WikiLeaks State Department cables.

And Hitlery herself admitted to wiping her server. She never denied that. Just having that server was a crime. It circumvented federal laws for oversight (which is why she did it).

Look. We get it. You love Hitlery. She could slit the throat of a new born in front of you, lick the blood of off the blade, and you'd still get down on your knees and kiss her feet. But don't pretend like no evidence exists. It's all there. It's all overwhelming (complete with whistleblower's, emails, cables, and eyewitnesses). Just say "I'm a bat-shit crazy progressive and I'll die supporting Hitlery Clinton under any and all circumstances".

I mean, we know anyway. How about just being honest for once? Or are you trying to imitate your idol Hitlery?
How is anyone supposed to take seriously an OP that does not even spell the Democratic Party properly? It's not the "Democrat Party." Come on< P@triot. Can't you even learn grammar?
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago

Democrats, please do not distance yourselves from Nancy Pelosi. She is a wonderful person whose ideas & policies may be bad, but who should definitely be given a 4th chance. She is trying very hard & has every right to take down the Democrat Party if she has veered too far left!
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 3h3 hours ago

Democrats, please do not distance yourselves from Nancy Pelosi. She is a wonderful person whose ideas & policies may be bad, but who should definitely be given a 4th chance. She is trying very hard & has every right to take down the Democrat Party if she has veered too far left!

Again: "Democrat Party"? Are you some republican from arkansas who can't spell?
Again: "Democrat Party"? Are you some republican from arkansas who can't spell?
There is nothing wrong with saying "Democrat" party as a shorthand. There is something wrong with presenting the name of a state in lower case and with insulting all the people of Arkansas. You lose this one Lysistrata as you must be from a fictional place (Lysistrata Jones is a musical comedy). It seems that saying "Democrat" party is quite popular these days, even with people from many places.
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