Cleaner atmospher means more Arctic sea-ice melt, study says

Think thta's just basic physics. Clean ice melts faster than dirty ice. If the atmosphere's cleaner, there's less obstructions to the sunlight vs if it's dirtier and more sunlight is blocked.
Think thta's just basic physics. Clean ice melts faster than dirty ice. If the atmosphere's cleaner, there's less obstructions to the sunlight vs if it's dirtier and more sunlight is blocked.

Actually the studies I have read say that dirty ice melts faster.
Think thta's just basic physics. Clean ice melts faster than dirty ice. If the atmosphere's cleaner, there's less obstructions to the sunlight vs if it's dirtier and more sunlight is blocked.

Actually the studies I have read say that dirty ice melts faster.
This is correct. The albedo of the ice is the determining factor on how fast it warms.
The cleaner atmosphere means the sun will have a greater affect in both warming and cooling. It will allow greater heat in during daylight hours and allow faster night time escape of IR heat due to the thin atmosphere. Just like every cyclical event on earth during winter the ice will be colder and deeper freeze into the earths crust and summer will be a little faster to warm and deeper to thaw. That thaw will be significantly slowed by the albedo of the ice. Particulate matter affects both processes. The lack of particulate matter should result in ice growth when you consider the angle of incidence and thickness of atmosphere for incoming radiation..
Whales to have easier navigation of Arctic sea waters...

Loss of Arctic Sea Ice Presents Opportunities, Challenges
December 14, 2015 - The recent extreme loss of sea ice has opened new migration gateways into the Arctic for whales that once headed to the far north only in the summer, researchers announced this week.
Based on new hydrophone surveys, researchers say that humpback and fin whales — who prefer warmer waters — would be able to move into the habitat of bowhead and beluga whales for a longer period, increasing competition for food and resources.


A changing Arctic climate may bring more competition for bowhead whales.​

The findings were announced at the Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy this week in San Francisco. Climate change is one of the leading themes among the more than 2,000 researchers, who are presenting reports documenting its impact on species from polar bears to sea otters and walruses to whales.


Beluga whales could face increased competition as climate change affects the Arctic, researchers say.​

Marine mammals, especially those in the Arctic, are sentinel species that reflect and provide insight into environmental changes, says Sue Moore, a scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Loss of Arctic Sea Ice Presents Opportunities, Challenges
Think thta's just basic physics. Clean ice melts faster than dirty ice. If the atmosphere's cleaner, there's less obstructions to the sunlight vs if it's dirtier and more sunlight is blocked.

Actually the studies I have read say that dirty ice melts faster.

Stands to reason...a dark surface will absorb more energy than a light surface.
Think thta's just basic physics. Clean ice melts faster than dirty ice. If the atmosphere's cleaner, there's less obstructions to the sunlight vs if it's dirtier and more sunlight is blocked.

Actually the studies I have read say that dirty ice melts faster.

Stands to reason...a dark surface will absorb more energy than a light surface.

Do you think that if this is true then the "stated" goals of the GW side will be self defeating in regards to ice melt?
Silly little asses, you simply seem unable to use your brains. Cleaner air means less reflection of incoming solar. That means more warming of the oceans. Which means an increased melt of the Arctic and Antarctic ice.


Yes, less surface particulate pollution will mean less melt at the surface, but this will more than be made up by melt from a warmer ocean.
Think thta's just basic physics. Clean ice melts faster than dirty ice. If the atmosphere's cleaner, there's less obstructions to the sunlight vs if it's dirtier and more sunlight is blocked.

Actually the studies I have read say that dirty ice melts faster.

Stands to reason...a dark surface will absorb more energy than a light surface.

Do you think that if this is true then the "stated" goals of the GW side will be self defeating in regards to ice melt?

I think it is the same as always to them...AGW causes all things and all things human cause AGW...they have no actual goals with regard to the climate or sea ice or anything environmental...their goal is political power...
Silly little asses, you simply seem unable to use your brains. Cleaner air means less reflection of incoming solar. That means more warming of the oceans. Which means an increased melt of the Arctic and Antarctic ice.


Yes, less surface particulate pollution will mean less melt at the surface, but this will more than be made up by melt from a warmer ocean.
but the oceans aren't warming and the ice isn't melting, so is the air cleaner? must not be.
We're doomed. The greedy bastards have made environmental conservation into a war with the sun. Soon we'll cover the planet in a smokescreen in order to protect an atoll in the pacific.
OK, Weatherman, why don't you campaign for a limit on how much any one man or woman can own, and how much fossil fuel they can individually use? Sounds like a very sound conservative principle.
OK, Weatherman, why don't you campaign for a limit on how much any one man or woman can own, and how much fossil fuel they can individually use? Sounds like a very sound conservative principle.
OK, Weatherman, why don't you campaign for a limit on how much any one man or woman can own, and how much fossil fuel they can individually use? Sounds like a very sound conservative principle.
it figures you would miss that point. haahhahahahahahaha,
OK, Weatherman, why don't you campaign for a limit on how much any one man or woman can own, and how much fossil fuel they can individually use? Sounds like a very sound conservative principle.
I only campaign on people's property who tell ME how to live my life.
OK, bet the pastors, rabbis, and priests are getting real tired of you.
OK, Weatherman, why don't you campaign for a limit on how much any one man or woman can own, and how much fossil fuel they can individually use? Sounds like a very sound conservative principle.
I only campaign on people's property who tell ME how to live my life.
OK, bet the pastors, rabbis, and priests are getting real tired of you.
Not aware of facing prison for ignoring a Pastor.

Environazis on the other hand mandate laws for the 99% of us that we must comply with or face prison.

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