CLEAN debt ceiling bill passes House...end of mindless TP GOP...


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
Thank god- good till march 2015...

'Clean' debt ceiling hike clears House, heads to Senate
CNN (blog) - 40 minutes ago
'Clean' debt ceiling hike clears House, heads to Senate. ... the chamber's 200 Democrats to pass the proposal increasing the debt ceiling that ...
House approves 'clean' debt ceiling extention
USA TODAY - 39 minutes ago
House approves 'clean' debt limit after Republicans drop demands ...*Cached42 minutes ago ... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives narrowly ... Although
Boehner called his decision to advance a "clean" debt limit a ...
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If only both parties had the courage to talk about Medicare reform, tax reform, and you know, public safety and general welfare with long term goals based on American ideals.

Reform regulations so that it's pragmatic and smart -- make clawback laws draconian -- so that when you're caught dead to rights, they can loot you like a drug lord -- with judicial oversight similar to RICO.
And liberals quietly weep, being unable to blame Bush (the proxy for all Republicans in their tiny little brains) for shutting gubbmint down.

Yes, because Obama has a magic ON/OFF switch for all the departments of the executive branch and when congress doesn't pass a continuing resolution to the budget…

Nevermind. It's pointless.
And liberals quietly weep, being unable to blame Bush (the proxy for all Republicans in their tiny little brains) for shutting gubbmint down.

Yes, because Obama has a magic ON/OFF switch for all the departments of the executive branch and when congress doesn't pass a continuing resolution to the budget…

What part of that Messianic/shamanistic magic has overcome your ability to believe?
Hostage crisis averted, for now, reason won out over idealism, congrats to the GOP for not costing the economy ANOTHER trillion.
And liberals quietly weep, being unable to blame Bush (the proxy for all Republicans in their tiny little brains) for shutting gubbmint down.

The same stupid talking point, dingbat. THE problem for 4 years has been the miindless TP- It'll take a while for the brainwashed hater dupes to catch on. WTF was so great about costing the country AT LEAST 0.6 per cent in growth blocking routine bills, just paying the country's bills. SO DUMB.

Meanwhile, the deficit is now down to 500 billion, and 80 per cent of that is UE and welfare for the victims of the Boooosh meltdown and the idiot TP blocking a recovery with STUPID debt cultism. Pass a gd jobs/infrastucture bill, a-holes- borrowing has never been cheaper.

And liberals quietly weep, being unable to blame Bush (the proxy for all Republicans in their tiny little brains) for shutting gubbmint down.

The same stupid talking point, dingbat. THE problem for 4 years has been the miindless TP- It'll take a while for the brainwashed hater dupes to catch on. WTF was so great about costing the country AT LEAST 0.6 per cent in growth blocking routine bills, just paying the country's bills. SO DUMB.

Meanwhile, the deficit is now down to 500 billion, and 80 per cent of that is UE and welfare for the victims of the Boooosh meltdown and the idiot TP blocking a recovery with STUPID debt cultism. Pass a gd jobs/infrastucture bill, a-holes- borrowing has never been cheaper.


Amazing, but you Obamabots are so locked and loaded that you cannot get your collective heads out of your asses.

The Republicans wanted to delay the employer mandate for a year. You screamed and howled about the law of the land and how it cannot be changed, and the Democrats shut the government down to prevent this outrage. Then, the idiot you all consider your messiah, did it on his own, and you idiots applauded. Now, the idiot in chief wants to delay part of that for another year or so, and not a squeak out of any of you about the law of the land and how it cannot be violated.

This time, the Republicans considered adding a provision that would prevent huge bailouts to insurance companies, but they knew that the idiot brigade would be howling about those poor insurance companies not getting their share of the taxpayers dough. The vast majority of you will regurgitate whatever your leaders tell you to believe.

Yet, you all like to believe that you think for yourself? Who are you kidding?
And bringing the word economy to crisis, an attempt to rule by blackmail, has something to do with that, chump of the greedy rich...a brainwashed, ignorant, ideological disgrace...good riddance to the whacko TP...
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And bringing the word economy to crisis, an attempt to rule by blackmail, has something to do with that, chump of the greedy rich...a brainwashed, ignorant, ideological disgrace...good riddance to the whacko TP...

As I said, you are incapable of thinking for yourself. That "blackmail" would have saved the asses of a lot of Democrats, if they hadn't put politics ahead of the nation.

For some idiotic reason, that only mental experts can explain, you believe that congress legislating a change to a law is bad, but that the president taking it upon himself to do the exact same thing is good. You are a sheeple of the highest order.
If only both parties had the courage to talk about Medicare reform, tax reform, and you know, public safety and general welfare with long term goals based on American ideals.

Reform regulations so that it's pragmatic and smart -- make clawback laws draconian -- so that when you're caught dead to rights, they can loot you like a drug lord -- with judicial oversight similar to RICO.

Then the left wouldn't have any issues to use to beat over the heads of the GOP.

I think it's pretty clear that Democrats aren't interested in solutions. Right now the GOP is trying to get out of their way. It's easier than fighting them and being blamed for everything. They will always be blamed for everything.
9- Blackmailing the country with destruction of the world ECONOMY is not legislating, brainwashed shyttehead. PASS A LAW.
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Thank god- good till march 2015...

'Clean' debt ceiling hike clears House, heads to Senate
CNN (blog) - 40 minutes ago
'Clean' debt ceiling hike clears House, heads to Senate. ... the chamber's 200 Democrats to pass the proposal increasing the debt ceiling that ...
House approves 'clean' debt ceiling extention
USA TODAY - 39 minutes ago
House approves 'clean' debt limit after Republicans drop demands ...*Cached42 minutes ago ... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The House of Representatives narrowly ... Although
Boehner called his decision to advance a "clean" debt limit a ...

Yes, thank god nobody had the balls to actually stop over spending. After all the basic math of borrowing wasn't on the front burner it was the magical math of just keep on borrowing with no regard to future generations.

28 GOP congressmen went full democrat. I'm so proud of them! That must be why they were sent there to advance more democrat stupidity without a fight!

You know, why the fuck don't we just raise the debt limit to 100 trillion and not deal with it anymore? We're going to get there anyway why have a yearly battle over it, or in this case no battle at all. Spend it all bitches! Go, go go! Spend away! It's not like we are getting actual loans anyway. We just print the money and borrow it from ourselves. At one point in history some German speaking country tried this way back when and it worked out swimmingly.

The left never fails to board a train heading out for disaster. But they sure do go there full speed.
so the debt is now what percentage of GDP, loudmouth brainwashed SHYTTEHEADS...LOL...

YOU CUT SPENDING BY GETTING ELECTED AND PASSING LAWS, not by wrecking the recovery, which is the point, brainwashed twits.

What size is the debt, percentage of GDP, morons...

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