Class War in Florida


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
A bill that would establish some of the deepest and most far-reaching cuts in unemployment benefits in the nation is heading for the desk of Gov. Rick Scott… the money saved from cutting unemployment benefits will be used to reduce business taxes in a state where the corporate tax rate is already exceedingly low. Scott had been looking to cut corporate taxes even further, but was rebuffed by the legislature.
Florida Cuts Unemployment Benefits To Pay For Corporate Tax Cut
But just think of all those good, high paying jobs those tax cuts will create.
Florida has a really bad unemployment situation, I think they are 2nd only to Nevada in %UE. It's tough to cut benefits to people that can't find a job, but the taxpayers can't foot the bill forever. The governor is trying to create jobs and incentivize people to find one. Hope it works.
Florida has a really bad unemployment situation, I think they are 2nd only to Nevada in %UE. It's tough to cut benefits to people that can't find a job, but the taxpayers can't foot the bill forever. The governor is trying to create jobs and incentivize people to find one. Hope it works.

Florida voters have had it with shoring up the pensions of Gubmint workers...this is why this thread exists. The OP can go cry a river and STAY OUTTA Florida.
Move to a State that borrows, spends, and leaches off of the financially sound States instead? California perhaps?
That better be one hell of a tax cut to make up the difference between American worker's compensation and their foreign counterparts.
being clearly you can only be for the poor if who encourage them to be dependent on the government. Encouraging self sufficience and personal charity is clearly warfare against them.

There is absolutely no reason to cut programs people can't afford.
A bill that would establish some of the deepest and most far-reaching cuts in unemployment benefits in the nation is heading for the desk of Gov. Rick Scott… the money saved from cutting unemployment benefits will be used to reduce business taxes in a state where the corporate tax rate is already exceedingly low. Scott had been looking to cut corporate taxes even further, but was rebuffed by the legislature.
Florida Cuts Unemployment Benefits To Pay For Corporate Tax Cut


It's called creating a more business friendly climate so more jobs will be available to put people back to work instead of sitting on the public dole for another three years.
That better be one hell of a tax cut to make up the difference between American worker's compensation and their foreign counterparts.

Who gives a tinker's DAYUM about 'Foreign Counterparts'? THEY are in way deeper than we are...and are backtracking...does GREECE ring a bell with you perchance?

I wasn't aware that they hired lot of Greeks down there in Florida .

My mistake.
being clearly you can only be for the poor if who encourage them to be dependent on the government. Encouraging self sufficience and personal charity is clearly warfare against them.

There is absolutely no reason to cut programs people can't afford.

Pretty much sums it up. 'Think Progress' is angry that Florida and a handful of States are taking charge and trying to get people OFF the dole that they think they're entitled to...

Taxpayers here in Florida have had it. That's why Rick Scott was elected.
That better be one hell of a tax cut to make up the difference between American worker's compensation and their foreign counterparts.

Who gives a tinker's DAYUM about 'Foreign Counterparts'? THEY are in way deeper than we are...and are backtracking...does GREECE ring a bell with you perchance?

I wasn't aware that they hired lot of Greeks down there in Florida .

My mistake.

Obfuscation noted and summarily dismissed.
A bill that would establish some of the deepest and most far-reaching cuts in unemployment benefits in the nation is heading for the desk of Gov. Rick Scott… the money saved from cutting unemployment benefits will be used to reduce business taxes in a state where the corporate tax rate is already exceedingly low. Scott had been looking to cut corporate taxes even further, but was rebuffed by the legislature.
Florida Cuts Unemployment Benefits To Pay For Corporate Tax Cut

impossible , Florida has no class
I say we need to form a watchdog to make sure those companies that are getting the people's tax dollars are creating jobs (and high paying ones, not those chincy $35,000 jokes)...if not, stick it to em.
being clearly you can only be for the poor if who encourage them to be dependent on the government. Encouraging self sufficience and personal charity is clearly warfare against them.

There is absolutely no reason to cut programs people can't afford.

Pretty much sums it up. 'Think Progress' is angry that Florida and a handful of States are taking charge and trying to get people OFF the dole that they think they're entitled to...

Taxpayers here in Florida have had it. That's why Rick Scott was elected.

I dont like this idea that we are entitled to money from other people. All we are entitled to is life, liberty, and our ability to pursue happiness. That's it. I find it ridiculous how people presume that because we exist we are entitled to take from others by force for whatever we need.

This isn't class warfare. It's ending robbery.
I say we need to form a watchdog to make sure those companies that are getting the people's tax dollars are creating jobs (and high paying ones, not those chincy $35,000 jokes)...if not, stick it to em.

Or how about we just stop giving companies tax payer money, eliminate wasteful regulation and let the market decide?
A bill that would establish some of the deepest and most far-reaching cuts in unemployment benefits in the nation is heading for the desk of Gov. Rick Scott… the money saved from cutting unemployment benefits will be used to reduce business taxes in a state where the corporate tax rate is already exceedingly low. Scott had been looking to cut corporate taxes even further, but was rebuffed by the legislature.
Florida Cuts Unemployment Benefits To Pay For Corporate Tax Cut

impossible , Florida has no class

And that's how it should be. We should stop creating these false divisions among people and assigning them to class. I'm not a class. Im an individual. You're an individual. We are all individuals and deserve to be treated as such and not grouped as "classes" simply because we make more or less money than someone else. it doesn't matter how much money we are making. we are all human beings. We are all brethren who deserve each others respect.

Give me a classless society anyday. Id rather be united with my brethren than divided to serve politicians

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