Class action suit against the FBI


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
After the Durham report. The FBI lied. And it was used politically to interfere in the election process and impeach a duly elected president. This was way worse that Watergate. And the media covered it up. This is reprehensible. Is there a basis for a class action suit against the FBI and anyone tied to this?
After the Durham report. The FBI lied. And it was used politically to interfere in the election process and impeach a duly elected president. This was way worse that Watergate. And the media covered it up. This is reprehensible.
Reprehensible is your endless lack of evidence, which makes all of your threads a laughing stock.
So Trump didn't actually collude. Nope. But Hunters laptop and evidence the big guy DID? Lets pretend that never happened.
You may pretend all you like that it did happen.

I am waiting for the evidence you are so incapable of providing.
After the Durham report. The FBI lied. And it was used politically to interfere in the election process and impeach a duly elected president. This was way worse that Watergate. And the media covered it up. This is reprehensible. Is there a basis for a class action suit against the FBI and anyone tied to this?
The FBI is responsible for Trump becoming presdient, even more than Russian influence in 2016 election. When Comey announced re-opening investigation into Hillary a week before the vote, he gave Trump a big boost.

Prior to the 2016 vote, nobody in the public knew about the steele dossier, or any investigation into Trump campaign dealings with Russia. But that changed when Trump fired Comey. In the end, we found that Manafort had given private polling data to russia. Durham gave to recommendations of changes to the FBI.
The FBI is responsible for Trump becoming presdient, even more than Russian influence in 2016 election. When Comey announced re-opening investigation into Hillary a week before the vote, he gave Trump a big boost.

Prior to the 2016 vote, nobody in the public knew about the steele dossier, or any investigation into Trump campaign dealings with Russia. But that changed when Trump fired Comey. In the end, we found that Manafort had given private polling data to russia. Durham gave to recommendations of changes to the FBI.

Reprehensible is your endless lack of evidence, which makes all of your threads a laughing stock.

More deflection for lack of evidence.

Case Dismissed. !!!!
I am gobsmacked at liberal total acceptance Trump did stuff, that is OK, no proof. Questioning it YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO DEMAND ABSOLUTE UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE?
I am gobsmacked at liberal total acceptance Trump did stuff, that is OK, no proof. Questioning it YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO DEMAND ABSOLUTE UNDENIABLE EVIDENCE?

What a total joke what you wrote.

Read what you posted.

A laugh a second.

Trump did STUFF. There is evidence, and it will soon come out. More indictments based on truth and not on the Story Fairy.

And YES, absolutely I do demand evidence on your lies about Joe and Hunter Biden.

Jim Jordan keeps showing zero proof. What do you have?
Lawyers would lose their law license if they told the lies that you demand.

Courts are the real world, and they have little patience with idiot conspiracy rambling.

This is where the really LOW END Mossad are assigned, to posting BS like this...

Are you also a Mossad janitor when you aren't posting laughable bullshit here?
Not only a class action suit...but filing charges of civil rights violations.

Especially parents who voiced outrage over teaching their kids faggotry and they got put on a terrorist list.

Only problem is the left owns the DOJ...they would never get a fair trial.
Reprehensible is your endless lack of evidence, which makes all of your threads a laughing stock.
Congratulations! you just won a award for BOTH the most ironic and the stupidest post I've ever read in my life catagory! Your prize? Go to NEWSMAX or SKYNEWS AU and watch until your eyelids curl up.
Congratulations! you just won a award for BOTH the most ironic and the stupidest post I've ever read in my life catagory! Your prize? Go to NEWSMAX or SKYNEWS AU and watch until your eyelids curl up.
So, that is where you get all of your lies, which you truly believe, because it is Newsmax and Skyenews AU saying it.

Some people learn absolutely nothing from what happened with Fox, Rupert Murdoch and Tucker Carlson.

Genius. !!!!!!!!!

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