Civil Rights Records: GOP | Dem | Conservatives | Liberals

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Why can't conservatives @ USMB stop using racial games in order to attempt scoring cheap political points using propaganda?

Civil Rights Records: GOP | Dem | Conservatives | Liberals
The desperation and ignorance of most conservatives today trying to portray Democrats as the enemy of civil rights struggles is pathetic.

Follow the facts and what they imply. Southern White Conservatives who took over the GOP after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 now have mean-spirited and ignorant handmaidens using propaganda to portray the Democratic Party as the enemy of blacks and other minority groups.

Propaganda can be defined as a message that lies through omission - not telling the full truth, but partials truths in order to pass off falsehoods as truth.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course southerners are the worst bigots in Congress during any civil rights struggle.

The conservatives here @ USMB who attempt to portray the GOP as a friend of minorities and the Dem party as the enemy of minorities should be ashamed to call themselves Conservative Americans. True Conservative Americans would take the path laid out by former GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman.

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

Conservatives @ USMB who attempt to portray the Democratic party as the enemy of Civil Rights Struggles are the Rush Limbaugh types, although many would deny this fact, who resent GOP Chairman Mehlman's mea cupla.

Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles" - Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles" | Media Matters for America

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Last edited:
Why can't conservatives @ USMB stop using racial games in order to attempt scoring cheap political points using propaganda?

Civil Rights Records: GOP | Dem | Conservatives | Liberals
The desperation and ignorance of most conservatives today trying to portray Democrats as the enemy of civil rights struggles is pathetic.

Follow the facts and what they imply. Southern White Conservatives who took over the GOP after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 now have mean-spirited and ignorant handmaidens using propaganda to portray the Democratic Party as the enemy of blacks and other minority groups.

Propaganda can be defined as a message that lies through omission - not telling the full truth, but partials truths in order to pass off falsehoods as truth.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course southerners are the worst bigots in Congress during any civil rights struggle.

The conservatives here @ USMB who attempt to portray the GOP as a friend of minorities and the Dem party as the enemy of minorities should be ashamed to call themselves Conservative Americans. True Conservative Americans would take the path laid out by former GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman.

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

Conservatives @ USMB who attempt to portray the Democratic party as the enemy of Civil Rights Struggles are the Rush Limbaugh types, although many would deny this fact, who resent GOP Chairman Mehlman's mea cupla.

Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles" - Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles" | Media Matters for America

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
USAPATRIOT Act passed 98-1 in the Senate.

Remocrats don't give a fuck about civil liberties any more so than do depublicans.

You lose, dickweed.
Well the Democrats supported slavery and Jim Crow....we win!

The pre-Kennedy/Johnson Democratic Party? Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson, all pushed forward civil rights, in the face of GOP and Dem resistance - GOP and Dem White Southerners. :lol:

Just look at links... not propaganda - lies through omission:

Why can't conservatives @ USMB stop using racial games in order to attempt scoring cheap political points using propaganda?

Civil Rights Records: GOP | Dem | Conservatives | Liberals
The desperation and ignorance of most conservatives today trying to portray Democrats as the enemy of civil rights struggles is pathetic.

Propaganda can be defined as a message that lies through omission - not telling the full truth, but partials truths in order to pass off falsehoods as truth.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The conservatives here @ USMB who attempt to portray the GOP as a friend of minorities and the Dem party as the enemy of minorities should be ashamed to call themselves Conservative Americans. True Conservative Americans would take the path laid out by former GOP Chairman Ken Mehlman.

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

Conservatives @ USMB who attempt to portray the Democratic party as the enemy of Civil Rights Struggles are the Rush Limbaugh types, although many would deny this fact, who resent GOP Chairman Mehlman's mea cupla.

Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles" - Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles" | Media Matters for America

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Civil Rights Records: GOP | Dem | Conservatives | Liberals
The desperation and ignorance of most conservatives today trying to portray Democrats as the enemy of civil rights struggles is pathetic.

Follow the facts and what they imply. Southern White Conservatives who took over the GOP after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 now have mean-spirited and ignorant handmaidens using propaganda to portray the Democratic Party as the enemy of blacks and other minority groups.

Propaganda can be defined as a message that lies through omission - not telling the full truth, but partials truths in order to pass off falsehoods as truth.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course white southerners are the worst bigots in Congress during any civil rights struggle.

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

Conservatives @ USMB who attempt to portray the Democratic party as the enemy of Civil Rights Struggles are the Rush Limbaugh types, although many would deny this fact, who resent GOP Chairman Mehlman's mea cupla.

Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles" - Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles" | Media Matters for America

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
USAPATRIOT Act passed 98-1 in the Senate.

Remocrats don't give a fuck about civil liberties any more so than do depublicans.

You lose, dickweed.

Civil Rights - Civil Liberties? :clap2: deflection, deceit, disingenuousness? Oddball Dude is consistent
Civil Rights Records: GOP | Dem | Conservatives | Liberals
The desperation and ignorance of most conservatives today trying to portray Democrats as the enemy of civil rights struggles is pathetic.

Follow the facts and what they imply. Southern White Conservatives who took over the GOP after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 now have mean-spirited and ignorant handmaidens using propaganda to portray the Democratic Party as the enemy of blacks and other minority groups.

Propaganda can be defined as a message that lies through omission - not telling the full truth, but partials truths in order to pass off falsehoods as truth.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course white southerners are the worst bigots in Congress during any civil rights struggle.

RNC Chief to Say It Was 'Wrong' to Exploit Racial Conflict for Votes

Conservatives @ USMB who attempt to portray the Democratic party as the enemy of Civil Rights Struggles are the Rush Limbaugh types, although many would deny this fact, who resent GOP Chairman Mehlman's mea cupla.

Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles" - Limbaugh blasted Mehlman's renunciation of GOP racial tactics: "Republicans are going to go bend over and grab the ankles" | Media Matters for America

Southern strategy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
USAPATRIOT Act passed 98-1 in the Senate.

Remocrats don't give a fuck about civil liberties any more so than do depublicans.

You lose, dickweed.

Civil Rights - Civil Liberties? :clap2: deflection, deceit, disingenuousness? Oddball Dude is consistent
My rights and liberties are one....I don't go begging to mere politicians and bureaucrats for either, slave.

Face it...You don't give a fuck as long as the transgressors carry that (D) by their names.
Well the Democrats supported slavery and Jim Crow....we win!

The Dixiecrats opposed Brown v. Board of Education and when the Civil Rights Act was passed Southern Democarts left the Democrtic Party for the Republican Party. It seems everyone knows this except buckeye45_73.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Civil Rights Act of 1964

Vote totals

Totals are in "Yea-Nay" format:

The original House version: 290-130 (69%–31%).
Cloture in the Senate: 71-29 (71%–29%).
The Senate version: 73-27 (73%–27%).
The Senate version, as voted on by the House: 289-126 (70%–30%).

[edit] By party

The original House version:[15]

Democratic Party: 152-96 (61%-39%)
Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)

Cloture in the Senate:[16]

Democratic Party: 44-23 (66%–34%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (82%–18%)

The Senate version:[15]

Democratic Party: 46-21 (69%–31%)
Republican Party: 27-6 (82%–18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:[15]

Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%–37%)
Republican Party: 136-35 (80%–20%)

[edit] By party and region

Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7%–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0%–100%)

Northern Democrats: 145-9 (94%–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138-24 (85%–15%)

The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5%–95%)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0%–100%)
Northern Democrats: 45-1 (98%–2%)
Northern Republicans: 27-5 (84%–16%)
You lose, dickweed.

Civil Rights - Civil Liberties? :clap2: deflection, deceit, disingenuousness? Oddball Dude is consistent
My rights and liberties are one....I don't go begging to politicians and bureaucrats for either, slave.

Face it...You don't give a fuck as long as the transgressors carry that (D) by their name, loser.

Nope, I've voted for Liberal Republicans, the type who got chased out of the GOP by the likes of you -- the type of Republican that voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1064

again, you not only lose, you prove yet again what a douchebagh you are.

Well the Democrats supported slavery and Jim Crow....we win!

The Dixiecrats opposed Brown v. Board of Education and when the Civil Rights Act was passed Southern Democarts left the Democrtic Party for the Republican Party. It seems everyone knows this except buckeye45_73.

ah, I knew it was coming, some Dixiecrats did and some didnt move into the republican party. The ones that did like Thurmond actually improved on racial matters. What about Robert Byrd and Al Gore SR, they werent republicans. I love it when people do this. There was a pretty racist commerical against JC WAtts in Ok, and it wasnt a republican that ran it.

[ame=]Joe Biden's racist slip - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Sen. Biden Brags: "My State Was A Slave State" - YouTube[/ame]
ah, I knew it was coming, some Dixiecrats did and some didnt move into the republican party. The ones that did like Thurmond actually improved on racial matters. What about Robert Byrd and Al Gore SR, they werent republicans. I love it when people do this. There was a pretty racist commerical against JC WAtts in Ok, and it wasnt a republican that ran it.

Byrd did things to help blacks: actions speak louder than words. Al Gore Sr.? wtf cares? :lol: He was a cracker Senator.

Being a con douchebagh are you attempting sins of the father? Thurmond improved? :lol::lol::lol: that's like saying a new and improved Hitler only killed 5 1/2 millions Jews and not 6 million
ah, I knew it was coming, some Dixiecrats did and some didnt move into the republican party. The ones that did like Thurmond actually improved on racial matters. What about Robert Byrd and Al Gore SR, they werent republicans. I love it when people do this. There was a pretty racist commerical against JC WAtts in Ok, and it wasnt a republican that ran it.

Byrd did things to help blacks: actions speak louder than words. Al Gore Sr.? wtf cares? :lol: He was a cracker Senator.

Being a con douchebagh are you attempting sins of the father? Thurmond improved? :lol::lol::lol: that's like saying a new and improved Hitler only killed 5 1/2 millions Jews and not 6 million

Senators Strom Thurmond and Robert Bryd: A Tale of Two Bigots
Thurmond won praise from the NAACP and the ACLU in the 1940′s as Governor of South Carolina when he actively pursued justice for the lynching of a black man. Late in his career he supported the Voting Rights Act and making Martin Luther King’s birthday a national holiday.
Id say those are good actions, dont you?

So again learn the facts, those kinds are gone. Stop with the boogeymen. And yeah Al Gore SR never gets mentioned but he was a Dixiecrat too and not a republican.
Rights don't come from the laws and machinations of mere men, slave.

try exercising your rights without legal protections - laws moron:lol:
My rights preceded the laws, and are in fact the reason for them.

Try exercising your chained brain, serf.

natural law, natural rights? :lol: yeah, pseudo science? man in the wild? you people hang onto antiquated ideas from centuries ago. without a supreme being favoring the human species over others, you and I are mere animals with high levels of consciousness and awareness. that is all.

fuck you and your god and your pretensions
try exercising your rights without legal protections - laws moron:lol:
My rights preceded the laws, and are in fact the reason for them.

Try exercising your chained brain, serf.

natural law, natural rights? :lol: yeah, pseudo science? man in the wild? you people hang onto antiquated ideas from centuries ago. without a supreme being favoring the human species over others, you and I are mere animals with high levels of consciousness and awareness. that is all.

fuck you and your god and your pretensions

WOW you are a crazy leftist. So explain the HUGE gap in intelligence from ape (much closer to animals) and humans? And let me guess we just started out as bacteria and evolved to people. YEAH statistics would say that's pretty hard to believe. It just kinda happened. Hey no problem you believe what you want, I guess for you there is nothing to live for and when you die, that's all she wrote!

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