CIA Drone Airstrike Kills Two Al-Shabaab Leaders In Somalia


Belligerent Drunk
Nov 19, 2010
Richmond VA
CIA Drone Airstrike Kills Two Al-Shabaab Leaders In Somalia


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President Obama haters will be on calling him a warmonger in 3...2...1...

I think this is exactly what we need to be doing though, not invading the whole country of Somalia and spend billions rebuilding the ungrateful fuckers country, just whenever we have a chance to take out some terrorists drop a bomb on those fuckers.
President Obama haters will be on calling him a warmonger in 3...2...1...

I think this is exactly what we need to be doing though, not invading the whole country of Somalia and spend billions rebuilding the ungrateful fuckers country, just whenever we have a chance to take out some terrorists drop a bomb on those fuckers.

I agree.

Biden feels the same way. Pull out of Afghanistan..leave spook units.

Obamas in a lose/lose situation with the people who hate him, if Obama ignores the Militants in countries like Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan etc and they pull of a spectacular attack on the US, Obama will get blasted for not having the balls to go after them. If Obama takes the intiative and bombs these fucks, he still gets condemned, I'd rather he kill these guys instead of leave them alone.

Obamas in a lose/lose situation with the people who hate him, if Obama ignores the Militants in countries like Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan etc and they pull of a spectacular attack on the US, Obama will get blasted for not having the balls to go after them. If Obama takes the intiative and bombs these fucks, he still gets condemned, I'd rather he kill these guys instead of leave them alone.

Had Bush killed Osama Bin Laden..whatever else I thought about him..he would have gotten my vote in 2004.

Obamas in a lose/lose situation with the people who hate him, if Obama ignores the Militants in countries like Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan etc and they pull of a spectacular attack on the US, Obama will get blasted for not having the balls to go after them. If Obama takes the intiative and bombs these fucks, he still gets condemned, I'd rather he kill these guys instead of leave them alone.

Had Bush killed Osama Bin Laden..whatever else I thought about him..he would have gotten my vote in 2004.

Bush really acted like he lost interest in Bin Laden, didn't he disband the unit that was going after him, and say he really didn't care where Bin Laden was?
Obamas in a lose/lose situation with the people who hate him, if Obama ignores the Militants in countries like Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan etc and they pull of a spectacular attack on the US, Obama will get blasted for not having the balls to go after them. If Obama takes the intiative and bombs these fucks, he still gets condemned, I'd rather he kill these guys instead of leave them alone.

Had Bush killed Osama Bin Laden..whatever else I thought about him..he would have gotten my vote in 2004.

Bush really acted like he lost interest in Bin Laden, didn't he disband the unit that was going after him, and say he really didn't care where Bin Laden was?
No, he didn't say that.

But, Clinton missed opportunities to smoke him.
Obamas in a lose/lose situation with the people who hate him, if Obama ignores the Militants in countries like Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan etc and they pull of a spectacular attack on the US, Obama will get blasted for not having the balls to go after them. If Obama takes the intiative and bombs these fucks, he still gets condemned, I'd rather he kill these guys instead of leave them alone.

Had Bush killed Osama Bin Laden..whatever else I thought about him..he would have gotten my vote in 2004.

Bush really acted like he lost interest in Bin Laden, didn't he disband the unit that was going after him, and say he really didn't care where Bin Laden was?

He said that at one point, yes, and it was the correct position at the time. The "Global War on Terror" was much more than just the "War Against Bin Laden." The logic there was that taking out Bin Laden would not end the war and he was correct. As to disbanding the unit that was going after him, that's mischaracterized. A specific CIA unit was tasked to hunt Bin Laden down and its operational capabilities were inadequate. The unit was absorbed into the CIA's counterterrorism division, tasked to hunt down all terrorists. Bin Laden was still a priority, he just wasn't the only one.
Obamas in a lose/lose situation with the people who hate him, if Obama ignores the Militants in countries like Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan etc and they pull of a spectacular attack on the US, Obama will get blasted for not having the balls to go after them. If Obama takes the intiative and bombs these fucks, he still gets condemned, I'd rather he kill these guys instead of leave them alone.

Had Bush killed Osama Bin Laden..whatever else I thought about him..he would have gotten my vote in 2004.

Bush really acted like he lost interest in Bin Laden, didn't he disband the unit that was going after him, and say he really didn't care where Bin Laden was?

It's sort of worse then that. Bush's father funded Bin Laden's fight against the Russians..and the Bin Laden's had investments in Arbusto..Bush's oil company.

Bush also helped Bin Laden's family members leave the country after 9/11.

It's a parade of stupidity and greed to be sure.
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Had Bush killed Osama Bin Laden..whatever else I thought about him..he would have gotten my vote in 2004.

Bush really acted like he lost interest in Bin Laden, didn't he disband the unit that was going after him, and say he really didn't care where Bin Laden was?
No, he didn't say that.

But, Clinton missed opportunities to smoke him.

Yeah he did..
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version)‬‏[/ame]

And Clinton on Bin Laden..
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Chris Wallace Interviews Bill Clinton Pt 2‬‏[/ame]
Bush really acted like he lost interest in Bin Laden, didn't he disband the unit that was going after him, and say he really didn't care where Bin Laden was?
No, he didn't say that.

But, Clinton missed opportunities to smoke him.

Yeah he did..
No where in that did he say he doesn't care where Bin Laden is. No where.

And, I agree totally with what he said. Bin Laden was low on the priority because he wasn't a threat at the time - in a cave somewhere, the government supporting him was gone, and he was silent - compared to making sure the troops were supplied when in harms way, for example. Making a single person the entire war strategy is simply stupid.

But, listening to context doesn't serve a purpose to most.
President Obama haters will be on calling him a warmonger in 3...2...1...




Defending drone strikes now! How cute!!

What happened to "Boooooooooosh is a war monger!! PNAC!!!

LOLOLOLOL!!! This is hilarious!!!
Nevertheless the conversation should be risen about using drones.
First - we all know that it is illegal for us to assassinate foreign leaders...yet...what the hell do you think drones are designed to do?
Kadafi has been specifically targeted by both Clinton and the Obama administration using missile technology - why is it not illegal now?

I am not saying I am for or against drones - only that we should be debating their use. We are now using them in 6 countries. Is this ok with you?
Nevertheless the conversation should be risen about using drones.
First - we all know that it is illegal for us to assassinate foreign leaders...yet...what the hell do you think drones are designed to do?
Kadafi has been specifically targeted by both Clinton and the Obama administration using missile technology - why is it not illegal now?

I am not saying I am for or against drones - only that we should be debating their use. We are now using them in 6 countries. Is this ok with you?

Better that than us invading these shit holes and spending billions rebuilding their ungrateful asses, when is the last time we assassinated a leader of a country using a drone though? I don't consider Bin Laden or these Shabab faggots the leaders of anything.

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