Chuck Todd: Number of GOP candidates shows Hillary isn't intimidating


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Jun 2, 2013
Meet the Press host Chuck Todd told Morning Joe Wednesday the number of GOP figures now seriously considering a 2016 run showed Hillary Clinton was not the formidable candidate the press had made her out to be.

A lot of Republicans obviously believe 2016 is going to be the best chance at the presidency in a long time, or they wouldn’t be clamoring to get in,” Todd said.

“This means a lot of Republicans look at Hillary Clinton and are not intimidated. I’m sorry, nobody a month ago thought Bush, Romney, and Christie would be in this race.”

Cohost Joe Scarborough asked if Clinton’s book tour, marred by low sales and several micro-scandals, had in fact lowered her status as the inevitable candidate.

Todd agreed. “If she’d had a different type of book tour,” he asked, “do we think Jeb Bush gets in, do we think Mitt Romney reconsiders?”

Rumors that Clinton’s inevitability was a media creation of shows just like this one went unconfirmed at press time.

Chuck Todd Number of GOP Candidates Shows Hillary 8217 s Not Intimidating Mediaite
I agree that Hillary Clinton is not an intimidating candidate. There is a substantial "anyone except Hillary" vote out there to be harvested.

But there are also a lot of "we elected a black man so now let's elect a woman to prove we've moved beyond discrimination" vote out there too.

The election won't be decided by these two factions, however.

Just MHO.
intimidating? nah.

next POTUS ? polly.

Chuckie an idiot? you betcha.
Chuck Todd is probably the worst MTP host ever. I thought David Gregory was bad, but Todd has sucked right out of the gate.

I think a big part of the problem is that we all still miss Tim Russert. Those are impossible shoes to fill. But I also think that a big part of the problem comes from the brass. The attempt to modernize the image of MTP to appeal to young millenials has been horrible. All the walking back and forth to try to impart a sense of action excitement has been a huge failure and just makes the whole thing look very unprofessional. Similar elements are seen on the Today show as well, which shows me that alot of the decline in the show is coming out of corner offices.
Chuck Todd is probably the worst MTP host ever. I thought David Gregory was bad, but Todd has sucked right out of the gate.

I think a big part of the problem is that we all still miss Tim Russert. Those are impossible shoes to fill. But I also think that a big part of the problem comes from the brass. The attempt to modernize the image of MTP to appeal to young millenials has been horrible. All the walking back and forth to try to impart a sense of action excitement has been a huge failure and just makes the whole thing look very unprofessional. Similar elements are seen on the Today show as well, which shows me that alot of the decline in the show is coming out of corner offices.
Yeah. That walking around shit makes me nuts. Which is why I listen to the audio podcost way more than I watch the video podcast.

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