Chuck Crazy!


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
This from an owned MIC spokesman...when did so called liberals become warmongers?

Chuck Todd


If you work in American politics or in the Gov’t on any level and your first reaction to today’s Mueller indictment is NOT ”how are we going to prevent this from happening again and how are we going to punish Russia,” then you need to rethink your priorities as a citizen.

4:54 PM - Feb 16, 2018
NBC and much of the DNCMSM is pushing for WWIII. WTF! They are CRAZY!!!

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY): Russian internet trolling "equivalent" to Pearl Harbor

"Imagine if FDR had denied that the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor and didn’t react. That’s the equivalent."

These are unusual times we live in when the party of love, tolerance, diversity, and inclusion would rather have a nuclear inferno because their candidate lost.
Thanks for follow up post gipper. Reading 1st post I followed link to Todd's Twitter and came to this:


Thought Todd had a pretty good one there on Trump.

Now as far as the Russian business goes, I feel the Democrats along with the media are sort of digging their own grave. I thought the same with how the GOP was handling Benghazi, but I believe that is how news of Hillary's private server broke. And any working stiff knew not to treat company data in such manner, let alone what sensitivity there had to be in her official capacity. Talk about being the Queen of Dumb!

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