Chuck Schumer asks Senate to block Trump recess appointments over August


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Article II, Section 2, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution provides:

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

The Senate or House may seek to block potential recess appointments by not allowing the Senate to adjourn under Article 1, Section 5, Clause 4 of the Constitution, which provides that both Houses must consent to an adjournment. This tactic is especially used when either House of Congress is controlled by a different party than that of the President, the Senate or House may seek to block potential recess appointments by not allowing the Senate to adjourn for more than three days, blocking a longer adjournment that would allow recess appointments to be made.

He says the Senate will hold pro forma sessions throughout the recess so the president cannot make appointments.

Senate won't let Trump make recess appointments @ Senate won't let Trump make recess appointments -

Senate Dems Plan to Keep Trump From Making Recess Appointments @ Senate Dems Plan to Keep Trump From Making Recess Appointments

And on and on it goes. The Dimbocraps continue to do everything possible to keep the president from fulfilling his campaign promises – the reason why the American people elected him.
the American people are getting sick to fucking death of the lefts antics and lies.
Article II, Section 2, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution provides:

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

The Senate or House may seek to block potential recess appointments by not allowing the Senate to adjourn under Article 1, Section 5, Clause 4 of the Constitution, which provides that both Houses must consent to an adjournment. This tactic is especially used when either House of Congress is controlled by a different party than that of the President, the Senate or House may seek to block potential recess appointments by not allowing the Senate to adjourn for more than three days, blocking a longer adjournment that would allow recess appointments to be made.

He says the Senate will hold pro forma sessions throughout the recess so the president cannot make appointments.

Senate won't let Trump make recess appointments @ Senate won't let Trump make recess appointments -

Senate Dems Plan to Keep Trump From Making Recess Appointments @ Senate Dems Plan to Keep Trump From Making Recess Appointments

And on and on it goes. The Dimbocraps continue to do everything possible to keep the president from fulfilling his campaign promises – the reason why the American people elected him.
Yeah. Good thing that the repugs would never do such a thing. Oh wait...
They did the same to Oblama, they certainly have their own agenda, and always have..
Take the money out. If the legislature has an agenda that is working against the betterment of the nation no matter who is in the white house there is only one explanation. The big dollar givers are in charge. Term limits and publicly funded elections with limits. Mandated televised debates for network licence. Take the big dollar doners out of the whole damn thing.
They did the same to Oblama, they certainly have their own agenda, and always have..
Take the money out. If the legislature has an agenda that is working against the betterment of the nation no matter who is in the white house there is only one explanation. The big dollar givers are in charge. Term limits and publicly funded elections with limits. Mandated televised debates for network licence. Take the big dollar doners out of the whole damn thing.

Never going to happen. If you aren't a millionaire before being elected to Congress, you will soon be one.

(check out the eyeball)
McConnell is the ONLY ONE that could do that, prevent recess appointments, no?

Maybe that's why he's on mcconnell's case? Cuz the Senate Majority Leader kept recess appointments from Trump and kept trump from firing Sessions and reappointment of his replacement in recess............

Schumer ain't your guy...Mcconnell is...
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The Democrats keep Trump from acting, then complain that he isn't acting.

So the Republican Majority Senate is using their Constitutional right to hold recess appointments? And they use the SAME EXACT METHOD they used in 2012 against Obama? What's the issue here?

They aren't "keeping Trump from acting". They are doing the same thing every president has had to deal with lately.
McConnell is the ONLY ONE that could do that, prevent recess appointments, no?

Maybe that's why he's on mcconnell's case? Cuz the Senate Majority Leader kept recess appointments from Trump and kept trump from firing Sessions and reappointment of his replacement in recess............

Schumer ain't your guy...Mcconnell is...

No, any senator could have said no. Only a unanimous vote by the senate can call for the pro-forma sessions to cancel a recess.

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