Chuck Grassley Reveals Financial Links Between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter and James Biden on Senate Floor — And Brings the Receipts


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Chuck Grassley Reveals Financial Links Between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter and James Biden on Senate Floor

And Brings the Receipts

28 Mar 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
In remarks on the Senate floor Monday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) spoke about investigations into the Biden crime family.
During his floor time, Senator Grassley revealed the financial link between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter Biden and James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother.
This is devastating news and Chuck Grassley brought the receipts.
Where is the investigation into this alleged criminal activity?


Regretfully, our media is totally corrupt, bias and complicit with the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie Socialists nothing will be forced into correction. No consequences. Their criminal enterprises continue.
What is concerning and becoming more problematic is that the DOJ, FBI and our intelligence agencies have become corrupted as well as exemplified by their announcements of "disinformation" and "Lost Evidence".
When they should be investigating these apparent violations of law.
Senators Grassley and Johnson are correct and have uncovered important evidence that ties the Biden family to this corruption.

Chuck Grassley Reveals Financial Links Between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter and James Biden on Senate Floor

And Brings the Receipts

28 Mar 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
In remarks on the Senate floor Monday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) spoke about investigations into the Biden crime family.
During his floor time, Senator Grassley revealed the financial link between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter Biden and James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother.
This is devastating news and Chuck Grassley brought the receipts.
Where is the investigation into this alleged criminal activity?


Regretfully, our media is totally corrupt, bias and complicit with the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie Socialists nothing will be forced into correction. No consequences. Their criminal enterprises continue.
What is concerning and becoming more problematic is that the DOJ, FBI and our intelligence agencies have become corrupted as well as exemplified by their announcements of "disinformation" and "Lost Evidence".
When they should be investigating these apparent violations of law.
Senators Grassley and Johnson are correct and have uncovered important evidence that ties the Biden family to this corruption.

Gateway Pundit??? Are you kidding?

Chuck Grassley Reveals Financial Links Between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter and James Biden on Senate Floor

And Brings the Receipts

28 Mar 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
In remarks on the Senate floor Monday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) spoke about investigations into the Biden crime family.
During his floor time, Senator Grassley revealed the financial link between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter Biden and James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother.
This is devastating news and Chuck Grassley brought the receipts.
Where is the investigation into this alleged criminal activity?


Regretfully, our media is totally corrupt, bias and complicit with the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie Socialists nothing will be forced into correction. No consequences. Their criminal enterprises continue.
What is concerning and becoming more problematic is that the DOJ, FBI and our intelligence agencies have become corrupted as well as exemplified by their announcements of "disinformation" and "Lost Evidence".
When they should be investigating these apparent violations of law.
Senators Grassley and Johnson are correct and have uncovered important evidence that ties the Biden family to this corruption.

The WHOLE FUCKING SYSTEM is corrupt, and you're just looking at a few people?

Chuck Grassley Reveals Financial Links Between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter and James Biden on Senate Floor

All fine and good but now the GOP needs to find someone who was actually born after WWII who can speak faster than 7 words a minute, or, pour a pot of coffee in ol' Chuck and try to crank his motor up. Chuck reports his findings in Congress, the democrats laugh, the media yawns, and Chuck bitches that the media ain't doing THEIR job?


If Chuck thinks communists are infiltrating the WH, then the GOP better get their ass in gear and ask Mitch Turtleman why he helped to oppose Trump's administration? Maybe we need to look at the GOP as well?

Chuck Grassley Reveals Financial Links Between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter and James Biden on Senate Floor

And Brings the Receipts

28 Mar 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
In remarks on the Senate floor Monday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) spoke about investigations into the Biden crime family.
During his floor time, Senator Grassley revealed the financial link between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter Biden and James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother.
This is devastating news and Chuck Grassley brought the receipts.
Where is the investigation into this alleged criminal activity?


Regretfully, our media is totally corrupt, bias and complicit with the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie Socialists nothing will be forced into correction. No consequences. Their criminal enterprises continue.
What is concerning and becoming more problematic is that the DOJ, FBI and our intelligence agencies have become corrupted as well as exemplified by their announcements of "disinformation" and "Lost Evidence".
When they should be investigating these apparent violations of law.
Senators Grassley and Johnson are correct and have uncovered important evidence that ties the Biden family to this corruption.


Chuck Grassley Reveals Financial Links Between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter and James Biden on Senate Floor

And Brings the Receipts

28 Mar 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
In remarks on the Senate floor Monday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) spoke about investigations into the Biden crime family.
During his floor time, Senator Grassley revealed the financial link between the Chinese Communist Party and Hunter Biden and James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother.
This is devastating news and Chuck Grassley brought the receipts.
Where is the investigation into this alleged criminal activity?


Regretfully, our media is totally corrupt, bias and complicit with the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie Socialists nothing will be forced into correction. No consequences. Their criminal enterprises continue.
What is concerning and becoming more problematic is that the DOJ, FBI and our intelligence agencies have become corrupted as well as exemplified by their announcements of "disinformation" and "Lost Evidence".
When they should be investigating these apparent violations of law.
Senators Grassley and Johnson are correct and have uncovered important evidence that ties the Biden family to this corruption.

The WHOLE FUCKING SYSTEM is corrupt, and you're just looking at a few people?

A few people you say. Explain why it's the president's son and brother?

Joe Biden’s brother James is dragged into Chinese payments scandal as net widens

7 Apr 2022 ~~ By Kari Donovan

Democrat President Joe Biden’s BROTHER- James- is now fully being dragged into the Chinese payments scandal which has engulfed other members of the Biden family.
Joe Biden’s brother James has been linked to first son Hunter’s shady dealings after it emerged both men were paid huge retainers by a Chinese firm.
Along with the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop being revealed to the public, we are finding out from Bank Records, obtained by a US Senate Committee- that more than 150 transactions made by James and Hunter were flagged as ‘concerning’ by US banks.
The new bank documents, obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley show that James’ company received payments from a Chinese-financed consulting group in 2018, adding him to a list of Biden family transactions that need to be evaluated for criminal activity.
James Biden, 72, received $65,000 a month from the Chinese-linked consulting group throughout 2018, totaling $780,000. The cash was given to his Lion Hall Group.
Hunter earned a cool $1.7 million from the firm in 2018.
Last week, the Washington Post reported the following:
“Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate [CEFC] and its executives paid four point eight million dollars to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden.”​
And that he and Hunter Biden were in it together, working to help a Chinese government-linked energy company pursue deals and expand its reach in the energy sector.
With these new records, there can be no doubt that James Biden was financially connected to corporations and individuals with extensive links to communist China.

The Biden family been doing it a long time. Add Pelosi, Kerry and Romney to the list as well. They all have kids on the take with Ukraine, Russia and China. Traitors all.
James is the clown who told Tony Bobulinski that the reason the Bidens could get away with the deal they were proposing was “plausible deniability.”
Now he will be able to add a presidential pardon to it.
Seems the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies are only interested in this now solely to get Joey Xi to resign, help them in the midterms and get someone new (Hillary) to run in 2024.
Typically, PM/DSA Dem Commies will devour their own to achieve their ideological goals.
The average common sense American people already know that the Biden family is as corrupt as the Clinton family. The DOJ and FBI have been willing accomplices too....
Meanwhile, the FEC and the Durham Special council have revealed the Hillary and Russian Collusion Hoax. she'll also be trying to stay out of jail. Trump would rip her apart in the debates but of course mediators like Chris Wallace will not allow it.
The question is, will the truth prevail, and will these traitors be held accountable for their traitorous deeds and sent to jail?
Other Homo sapiens are interested in both POSPOTUS and his POS son for links to Burisma energy and the Yuzivka gas field, under the battlefield of the very current Donbass cauldron. A gas war and China knows about Ukraine chernozhem as well as the gas deposit. POSPOTUS wants to roust Russia from the gas market.
A few people you say. Explain why it's the president's son and brother?

Joe Biden’s brother James is dragged into Chinese payments scandal as net widens

7 Apr 2022 ~~ By Kari Donovan

Democrat President Joe Biden’s BROTHER- James- is now fully being dragged into the Chinese payments scandal which has engulfed other members of the Biden family.
Joe Biden’s brother James has been linked to first son Hunter’s shady dealings after it emerged both men were paid huge retainers by a Chinese firm.
Along with the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop being revealed to the public, we are finding out from Bank Records, obtained by a US Senate Committee- that more than 150 transactions made by James and Hunter were flagged as ‘concerning’ by US banks.
The new bank documents, obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley show that James’ company received payments from a Chinese-financed consulting group in 2018, adding him to a list of Biden family transactions that need to be evaluated for criminal activity.
James Biden, 72, received $65,000 a month from the Chinese-linked consulting group throughout 2018, totaling $780,000. The cash was given to his Lion Hall Group.
Hunter earned a cool $1.7 million from the firm in 2018.
Last week, the Washington Post reported the following:
“Over the course of 14 months, the Chinese energy conglomerate [CEFC] and its executives paid four point eight million dollars to entities controlled by Hunter Biden and his uncle, according to government records, court documents and newly disclosed bank statements, as well as emails contained on a copy of a laptop hard drive that purportedly once belonged to Hunter Biden.”​
And that he and Hunter Biden were in it together, working to help a Chinese government-linked energy company pursue deals and expand its reach in the energy sector.
With these new records, there can be no doubt that James Biden was financially connected to corporations and individuals with extensive links to communist China.

The Biden family been doing it a long time. Add Pelosi, Kerry and Romney to the list as well. They all have kids on the take with Ukraine, Russia and China. Traitors all.
James is the clown who told Tony Bobulinski that the reason the Bidens could get away with the deal they were proposing was “plausible deniability.”
Now he will be able to add a presidential pardon to it.
Seems the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies are only interested in this now solely to get Joey Xi to resign, help them in the midterms and get someone new (Hillary) to run in 2024.
Typically, PM/DSA Dem Commies will devour their own to achieve their ideological goals.
The average common sense American people already know that the Biden family is as corrupt as the Clinton family. The DOJ and FBI have been willing accomplices too....
Meanwhile, the FEC and the Durham Special council have revealed the Hillary and Russian Collusion Hoax. she'll also be trying to stay out of jail. Trump would rip her apart in the debates but of course mediators like Chris Wallace will not allow it.
The question is, will the truth prevail, and will these traitors be held accountable for their traitorous deeds and sent to jail?

Well, yes, I'd say the president's son and brother are "a few people".
Did Barack Hussein Obama aka, Barry Soetoro give the green light to get rid of Joey Xi Bai Dung?
Certainly, Barry went out of his way to avoid Joey in his latest visit to the White House.

Joey Xi looks a little lost in this video. He looks like an old man lost.
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Over 150 Suspicious Hunter Or James Biden Financial Transactions Flagged By Banks

Newly obtained banking records reveal that more than 150 financial transactions involving either Hunter or James Biden's global business affairs were flagged by banks as 'concerning' and given further review, some of which included large wire transfers, according to CBS News.


Has Operation Cancel Joey begun?
I do not give a shit.

Just as I do not much care about all this Jan. 6 hype from the left.

Leave it to the courts.
I do not give a shit.

Just as I do not much care about all this Jan. 6 hype from the left.

Leave it to the courts.
So, you prefer the two-tier system of Justice.
One for elitist Democrats that roll rough shod over the laws and skate free and on that flout Habeas Corpus and incarcerates those who protested on Jan 6th.

Running Interference:​

House Oversight Democrats Block Subpoena for Hunter Biden​

to Testify Before Congress​

7 Mar 2022 ~~ By Julian Conradson

Democrats in the House Oversight Committee blocked a Republican-backed subpoena that would have forced Hunter Biden to testify before Congress earlier this week.
Unfortunately, we will have to wait a little longer to see crackhead Hunter under oath in a hot seat on Capitol Hill.
According to the House Oversight Republicans, the Democrats denied the motion with little to no justification and are effectively running interference for the Biden Crime Family, refusing to hold them accountable.
The committee made the announcement in a Tweet on Tuesday afternoon:

It's no surprise that Maoist Democrats would block a subpoena calling Hunter Biden to testify. Meanwhile, Ivanka Trump is scheduled to testify before the committee following Jared Kushner's appearance as Dems continue with their kangaroo court Jan 6th carnival.
The Biden Family makes the Trumps look like the Tabernacle Choir.
Maoist Democrats have given up all pretense of Justice, and fairness.
Under the cover press censorship, they muscle their way towards the destruction of America,

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