Christian groups break with GOP over Syrian refugees

Wishful thinking on your part. That said, some Christians are as dense as Democrats. They stayed home for the 2012 election because Romney is a Mormon.

A major hit here or in the US will change the whole picture.

Terrorist Alert: U.S. State Dept Warns Americans Abroad to Steer Clear of Vatican - Breitbart
Ye of little faith.

Matthew 8:26
He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Well you're certainly the wind, and here comes the wave.
Wishful thinking on your part. That said, some Christians are as dense as Democrats. They stayed home for the 2012 election because Romney is a Mormon.

A major hit here or in the US will change the whole picture.

Terrorist Alert: U.S. State Dept Warns Americans Abroad to Steer Clear of Vatican - Breitbart
Ye of little faith.

Matthew 8:26
He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

There is nothing more humorous than an atheist attempting to mark religious territory.

He's reminding Christians of the difference between what they are and what they pretend to be.
70,000 shots and ya haven't hit the target yet. Well. The deer are certainly safe in NY aren't they.
'A push by Republican presidential candidates to ban Syrian refugees "does not reflect what we've been hearing from our constituencies, which are evangelical churches across the country," said Jenny Yang, vice president for advocacy at World Relief, an evangelical organization that helps resettle refugees. "Most of the people have been saying we want to continue to work with refugees, that what happened in Paris ... doesn’t reflect who refugees are."

For Republican presidential contenders such as former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who have been working hard at shoring up evangelical support in a crowded field, harsh words against refugees carries a risk of looking politically opportunistic instead of compassionate. Some advocates were particularly shocked when Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie, New Jersey's governor, said that the U.S. should bar Syrian orphaned toddlers if necessary.

"That was offensive. That was mean-spirited," said one advocate with a Christian group that resettles refugees. He added: "it’s disappointing because there have been Republican senators and presidents who have strongly supported this program over the years. There’s a proud tradition in the Republican Party of welcoming those who are fleeing persecution, and this takes the party in a negative direction. It’s easy to pick on vulnerable refugees who have no voice. But there are immigrant groups who have voting power that understand what is going on. They understand that it’s an anti-immigrant message."'

Everyone understands it's an anti-immigrant message, it's a message of fear, ignorance, and hate.
There are some conservatives in the Democratic Party. Of course they will side with the Republicans.
Are you kidding? Polls show that 70-80% of conservative/evangelical Christians think it's a bad idea to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees. A number of the groups mentioned in the linked articles are liberal Christian groups. Evangelical groups are certainly for helping the Syrian refugees where they are now located, but bringing them here is quite another matter.
Christian groups break with GOP over Syrian refugees

Evangelical Christians, as well as Christians more broadly, are a core group in the Republican electoral base and are among the most passionate advocates for aiding refugees.


Would Jesus take in Syrian refugees?


If the GOP loses evangelicals.............................................
They will gamble and risk losing the Muslim vote just like theyve done with Mexicans.
Are you kidding? Polls show that 70-80% of conservative/evangelical Christians think it's a bad idea to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees. A number of the groups mentioned in the linked articles are liberal Christian groups. Evangelical groups are certainly for helping the Syrian refugees where they are now located, but bringing them here is quite another matter.
Evangelical Groups Urge Compassion for Syrian Refugees

"Evangelicals should recognize that any president who would call for shutting down houses of worship … is the sort of political power that can ultimately shut down Evangelical churches."

Matthew Soerens, U.S. director of church mobilization for World Relief, which is an offshoot of the National Association of Evangelicals and one of nine groups approved by the U.S. State Department to resettle refugees, told NPR: "Jesus himself was a refugee. He fled as a small child to Egypt when there was a tyrannical government threatening his life. So as Christians we don't really have a choice but to welcome refugees."

Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Migration, also issued a statement on Syrian refugees during the Bishops' annual General Assembly in Baltimore, Maryland, on Tuesday.

"I am disturbed … by calls from both federal and state officials for an end to the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States. These refugees are fleeing terror themselves — violence like we have witnessed in Paris. They are extremely vulnerable families, women, and children who are fleeing for their lives. We cannot and should not blame them for the actions of a terrorist organization," he said.


Remember those children fleeing danger from Central America and the way Republicans treated them? Who are the worse monsters? The people they were running from or Republicans?
Christian groups break with GOP over Syrian refugees

Evangelical Christians, as well as Christians more broadly, are a core group in the Republican electoral base and are among the most passionate advocates for aiding refugees.


Would Jesus take in Syrian refugees?


If the GOP loses evangelicals.............................................

True Christians aren't happy with the current crop of GOP presidential candidates.
Are you kidding? Polls show that 70-80% of conservative/evangelical Christians think it's a bad idea to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees. A number of the groups mentioned in the linked articles are liberal Christian groups. Evangelical groups are certainly for helping the Syrian refugees where they are now located, but bringing them here is quite another matter.
Evangelical Groups Urge Compassion for Syrian Refugees

"Evangelicals should recognize that any president who would call for shutting down houses of worship … is the sort of political power that can ultimately shut down Evangelical churches."

Matthew Soerens, U.S. director of church mobilization for World Relief, which is an offshoot of the National Association of Evangelicals and one of nine groups approved by the U.S. State Department to resettle refugees, told NPR: "Jesus himself was a refugee. He fled as a small child to Egypt when there was a tyrannical government threatening his life. So as Christians we don't really have a choice but to welcome refugees."

Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, chairman of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Committee on Migration, also issued a statement on Syrian refugees during the Bishops' annual General Assembly in Baltimore, Maryland, on Tuesday.

"I am disturbed … by calls from both federal and state officials for an end to the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States. These refugees are fleeing terror themselves — violence like we have witnessed in Paris. They are extremely vulnerable families, women, and children who are fleeing for their lives. We cannot and should not blame them for the actions of a terrorist organization," he said.


Remember those children fleeing danger from Central America and the way Republicans treated them? Who are the worse monsters? The people they were running from or Republicans?

Ya know, Christians can be just as stupid as anyone else. Consider the Christians who believe Obama is one of them.

Choose wisely.
Christian groups break with GOP over Syrian refugees

Evangelical Christians, as well as Christians more broadly, are a core group in the Republican electoral base and are among the most passionate advocates for aiding refugees.


Would Jesus take in Syrian refugees?


If the GOP loses evangelicals.............................................

True Christians aren't happy with the current crop of GOP presidential candidates.

Perhaps, but they definitely pray that the Democrats are stopped.
"Church world services" and "World relief" are hardly part of the GOP's faith based core. They are the progressive international faction of Christian faith and if you read the membership of "church world services" it includes descriptive terms like "progressive". There is no doubt that the vast majority of Americans both republican and democrat disagree with Barry Hussein's lack of leadership.

So... 'real' Christian republicans are the "Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition..." type, and "Feed the poor..." type Christians aren't 'real' republicans? :eusa_eh:

I suppose that would explain a few things.... Thanks.
Wishful thinking on your part. That said, some Christians are as dense as Democrats. They stayed home for the 2012 election because Romney is a Mormon.
A major hit here or in the US will change the whole picture.
Terrorist Alert: U.S. State Dept Warns Americans Abroad to Steer Clear of Vatican - Breitbart
Ye of little faith.

Matthew 8:26
He replied, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.
There is nothing more humorous than an atheist attempting to mark religious territory.

How about a capitalist throwing Marx in to the face of a libtard commie?

Gotta be a close second if not funnier. Gotta be.​
"Church world services" and "World relief" are hardly part of the GOP's faith based core. They are the progressive international faction of Christian faith and if you read the membership of "church world services" it includes descriptive terms like "progressive". There is no doubt that the vast majority of Americans both republican and democrat disagree with Barry Hussein's lack of leadership.
Why yes, the right has turned progressive into a bad word and one that Jeebus would never ascribe humanity..

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