Christian Bigots Unhappy With Trump’s ‘Religious Liberty’ EO


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“This is the second time that President Trump has backed away from signing a comprehensive order protecting religious liberty after LGBT groups complained about the proposed actions. We cannot accept this capitulation on such a critical issue and must fight back. Will you help us insist that President Trump fulfill his repeated promises to protect the religious liberty of people of faith?”

Trump’s Religious Liberty Order Essentially Does Nothing

Ignorant rightwing nonsense.

First Amendment jurisprudence comprehensively safeguards the religious liberty of both people of faith and those free from faith – there’s no need for an EO.

For example, public accommodations laws with provisions prohibiting discrimination against gay and transgender Americans are necessary, proper and perfectly Constitutional, in no way ‘violating’ the ‘religious liberty’ of Christians.
Non bigoted Christians are fine.
Those free from faith, are trying to silence those with faith. Thank you Trump for allowing our voices to be heard without fear of reprisal from the non-tolerant lefties, gay people, snowflakers, and assholes....
You are right Jesus would be upset if the Government feeds the poor ...are you out of your Fucking Mind

So I was right about you. You want to force your neighbor to do what you refuse to do. Typical libtard. That makes your opinion on these matters, irrelevant.,

It's a PERSONAL command -- you know, from the same guy who told you "You Shall Not Steal." But you support a government that steals from its citizens and usurps the authority of the Church.

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