Chris Rock Attacks Reporter


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The New York Times bestselling author of the explosive new book, Hollywood Hypocrites: The Devastating Truth About Obama’s Biggest Backers, Jason Mattera, had his crew’s camera snatched and hurled by comedian Chris Rock when he asked the star why he has called the Tea Party racist (video below).

“I was stunned,” said Mr. Mattera in an exclusive interview with Big Hollywood. “Tea Party members get called the worst things imaginable and still remain peaceful. But ask a big Hollywood celebrity to explain himself and the guy goes ballistic, wrestles the camera away from my camerawoman, chucks it 50 feet, and then challenges me to a fight. It’s unreal. And it perfectly illustrates why I decided to investigate and writeHollywood Hypocrites.”
EXCLUSIVE: Chris Rock Attacks Conservative Author Over Tea Party Question

[ame=]Chris Rock Attacks Camera After Tea Party Question - YouTube[/ame]

Can this be???
The peaceful, tolerant Liberals???
The Conservative reporter approached Rock, pretending to be a big admirer, then became confrontational.
The Conservative reporter approached Rock, pretending to be a big admirer, then became confrontational.

You are a foolish fellow....and evince the typical Liberal mode,...
...while not stupid enough to actually believe that you have explained the incident, you pretend that you have explained it.

I've posited before that the Liberal lives by the double standard.
We should never expect any other from one.

Unless, you would suggest that the fellow being interviewed should attack this interviewer, who, arguably, is confrontational:

[ame=]Obama's Contentious Fox News Interview - YouTube[/ame]

or perhaps Governor Palin should have snatched the glasses from Charlie Gibson....

[ame=]Sarah Palin Holds Forth on Bush Doctrine, Pakistan - YouTube[/ame]
The Conservative reporter approached Rock, pretending to be a big admirer, then became confrontational.

You are a foolish fellow....and evince the typical Liberal mode,...
...while not stupid enough to actually believe that you have explained the incident, you pretend that you have explained it.

I've posited before that the Liberal lives by the double standard.
We should never expect any other from one.

Unless, you would suggest that the fellow being interviewed should attack this interviewer, who, arguably, is confrontational:

[ame=]Obama's Contentious Fox News Interview - YouTube[/ame]

or perhaps Governor Palin should have snatched the glasses from Charlie Gibson....

[ame=]Sarah Palin Holds Forth on Bush Doctrine, Pakistan - YouTube[/ame]

Those are DIFFERENT. Only the left can get violent when asked a question about their behavior. Just like Rush gets hammered for calling an activist a slut but Ed Shultz gets ignored for calling a cancer survivor a slut several times.
The Conservative reporter approached Rock, pretending to be a big admirer, then became confrontational.

You are a foolish fellow....and evince the typical Liberal mode,...
...while not stupid enough to actually believe that you have explained the incident, you pretend that you have explained it.

I've posited before that the Liberal lives by the double standard.
We should never expect any other from one.

Unless, you would suggest that the fellow being interviewed should attack this interviewer, who, arguably, is confrontational:

[ame=]Obama's Contentious Fox News Interview - YouTube[/ame]

or perhaps Governor Palin should have snatched the glasses from Charlie Gibson....

[ame=]Sarah Palin Holds Forth on Bush Doctrine, Pakistan - YouTube[/ame]

Those are DIFFERENT. Only the left can get violent when asked a question about their behavior. Just like Rush gets hammered for calling an activist a slut but Ed Shultz gets ignored for calling a cancer survivor a slut several times.

"Only the left..."

Sarge...I'm not posting tongue-in-cheek.

My analysis is that they do not behave nor think the way we on the right do.

That is why logic, data, facts, nor experience have any effect on the Left.

Like the spoiled three-year-old, they fold their little arms across their chests, and behave in any fashion that they wish.

We simply have to defeat them in November.
The Conservative reporter approached Rock, pretending to be a big admirer, then became confrontational.

Libs do that all the time to conservatives, it doesn't give them the right to attack and destroy property. I actually think Chris does more for race relations than any black comedian or celebrity, so I am giving him a pass for this one.

This bit speaks the truth!
[ame=]Chris Rock - I Hate *******.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
You are a foolish fellow....and evince the typical Liberal mode,...
...while not stupid enough to actually believe that you have explained the incident, you pretend that you have explained it.

I've posited before that the Liberal lives by the double standard.
We should never expect any other from one.

Unless, you would suggest that the fellow being interviewed should attack this interviewer, who, arguably, is confrontational:

Obama's Contentious Fox News Interview - YouTube

or perhaps Governor Palin should have snatched the glasses from Charlie Gibson....

Sarah Palin Holds Forth on Bush Doctrine, Pakistan - YouTube

Those are DIFFERENT. Only the left can get violent when asked a question about their behavior. Just like Rush gets hammered for calling an activist a slut but Ed Shultz gets ignored for calling a cancer survivor a slut several times.

"Only the left..."

Sarge...I'm not posting tongue-in-cheek.

My analysis is that they do not behave nor think the way we on the right do.

That is why logic, data, facts, nor experience have any effect on the Left.

Like the spoiled three-year-old, they fold their little arms across their chests, and behave in any fashion that they wish.

We simply have to defeat them in November.

You have hit upon the very reason I treat them as tough as I do.

Lets add to the mix the group mentality of attacking old men who disagree with their views, or marching 500 to harass a teenager.

This will not stop until you get back in their face and treat them the same as they dish out.

I do my best to provoke them when possible, yet must guard my words here. But I do not in person, god help them if they catch me in the need to unload.
The New York Times bestselling author of the explosive new book, Hollywood Hypocrites: The Devastating Truth About Obama’s Biggest Backers, Jason Mattera, had his crew’s camera snatched and hurled by comedian Chris Rock when he asked the star why he has called the Tea Party racist (video below).

“I was stunned,” said Mr. Mattera in an exclusive interview with Big Hollywood. “Tea Party members get called the worst things imaginable and still remain peaceful. But ask a big Hollywood celebrity to explain himself and the guy goes ballistic, wrestles the camera away from my camerawoman, chucks it 50 feet, and then challenges me to a fight. It’s unreal. And it perfectly illustrates why I decided to investigate and writeHollywood Hypocrites.”
EXCLUSIVE: Chris Rock Attacks Conservative Author Over Tea Party Question

Chris Rock Attacks Camera After Tea Party Question - YouTube

Can this be???
The peaceful, tolerant Liberals???

all the tea party sites are linking to this on breitbart :eusa_shhh:

ha, ha... JAson runs up back stairs to sandbag Chris Rock - like 60 minutes. Funny thing is he says he's a big fan in order to get a better picture. What a coward and a fake
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The Conservative reporter approached Rock, pretending to be a big admirer, then became confrontational.


scurrying up back stairs in a rush to get to Rock? :rofl: then saying he's a big fan , and also a hoodie from brooklyn? then asking to face camera for a better picture - then saying why he is really there?

fucking juvie

He was going after Chris like somebody from Howard Stern would. BabaBooey

Brietbart.. :cuckoo:

what's hilarious is that Poli-Chic thinks it's a left-right issue.

a celebrity goes after a camera set up to make them look bad. D'Oh!

PC rarely gets it right.

too funny

must come from backing candidates like Newt who are always 'appalled' at some thing and from watching FOX News which has lots of hosts outraged on a hourly basis
All he said was "Tea Party" and the dude went beeeeezerko,, think what would have happened if he'd said "Fox News."

The Conservative reporter approached Rock, pretending to be a big admirer, then became confrontational.

so it naturally follows that you attack the camera lady and throw her camera....great! the obama civility strikes again...:clap2:

oh and for the record, I agree, he did ambush rock, and that's BS, but there are better ways to handle it...

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