Chris Christie: If I Run, I Will Beat Hillary Clinton


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) hasn't yet said he'll run for president in 2016, but during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, he didn't seem fazed by the prospect of potentially challenging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"If I run, I will beat her," Christie said.

More: Chris Christie: If I Run, I Will Beat Hillary Clinton

That's hilarious! He'll be lucky not to be in prison when Hillary and Bill move into the White House.
He may beat her to the toll booth on the bridge, or the hot dog vendor on the corner, buts that's about all.
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) hasn't yet said he'll run for president in 2016, but during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, he didn't seem fazed by the prospect of potentially challenging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"If I run, I will beat her," Christie said.

More: Chris Christie: If I Run, I Will Beat Hillary Clinton

That's hilarious! He'll be lucky not to be in prison when Hillary and Bill move into the White House.
How do you democrats plan to put your political opponents in prison? Will there be a culling of the general public to go along with this coronation of Queen Hillary?
still not slim and trim ehh !! He is happy to control others but can't control himself !!
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) hasn't yet said he'll run for president in 2016, but during an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, he didn't seem fazed by the prospect of potentially challenging former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

"If I run, I will beat her," Christie said.

More: Chris Christie: If I Run, I Will Beat Hillary Clinton

That's hilarious! He'll be lucky not to be in prison when Hillary and Bill move into the White House.

He's either planning on switching parties or committing an assault........
He's hugely unpopular in New Jersey since the state's credit rating has been downgraded 7 times under his watch. The state is going broke. Property values are in the toilet. The only house that has been up for sale on my street in the last few years sold for more than 35% less than the asking price. And he drag his fat ass on Hurricane Sandy where most homeowners either didn't get disaster relief or waited so long they went broke fixing their homes.

Claim: New Jersey has had 7 credit downgrades since Chris Christie took office
Claim New Jersey has had 7 credit downgrades since Chris Christie took office PunditFact
New Jersey is 9 billion in debt. One billion for every year Crispie has been in office. True story.

Conservative economic policy at work. Look at what they did under Bush.
New Jersey is 9 billion in debt. One billion for every year Crispie has been in office. True story.

Conservative economic policy at work. Look at what they did under Bush.

Sorry, but he took office in 2010. So the numbers are actually worse.
still not slim and trim ehh !! He is happy to control others but can't control himself !!

Losing weight is a process and that he's doing it slowly is a good thing. He's lost a lot of weight, which is never an easy thing to do. I applaud him for taking charge of his health.

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